In the same way, personification does not take the place of science.
The whole question of myths and sagas together with the function of personification must be taken up with the older children.
He looked the very personificationof impotent viciousness; the incarnation of devilish rage.
In all this myth, it will be seen, Jupiter may very properly be considered as a personification of the elemental strife that drowned a guilty world.
I knew them to be familiars of the Inquisition; and it immediately occurred to me that my personification of the lady abbess had been discovered, and that my doom was sealed.
At the fireplace, in which were a few embers, crouched an old woman, a personification of age, poverty, and starvation.
We have here the personification of unalloyed physical enjoyment.
The sculptor has conceived of Zeus as the occult power of nature, alike the origin and law of all things, or as the personification of the heavens veiled by impenetrable mists.
A sad-faced female figure with veiled head sits in the foreground--a personification of the spirit of one who has died, a shade introduced to indicate that the place of punishment is the Underworld.
Hercules, Mars, and Vulcan as a personification of the hearth fire; Vesta, the patron goddess of bakers, usually appears in the hearth paintings of bake shops.
Among them the later Buddhists seem to have placed their numerous Bodhisats; and to have paid especial reverence to Manju-sri as the personification of wisdom, and to Avalokiteswara as the personification of overruling love.
The said door opening shortly, admitted a perfect personificationof Sir John Falstaff.
Beardless is used as the personification of craftiness and sharpness.
A name used as the personification of craftiness and sharpness, applied to man in Serbian folk-tale "Lying for a Wager," 283 Beata Maria.
The old pagan personification of natural forces, without its poetry, was revived.
On the occasion of his last visit to Wermland, he said: "I am the personification of Antisana; I stand with my feet in the snow, but my head bums and I spit fire.
In other words, he was the personification of style.
In the midst of an impure court she is the personification of purity.
In American Indian folk-lore the personification of winter in form of a great giant who shook the snow from his hair and turned water into stone by his breath.
The swift-footed messenger of the gods, the personification of the rainbow.
The Sphinx was a local personification of the sun-god.
Is a Personification accompanied by an address, or an address to an absent person.
In personificationit is usual to capitalize the personified words.
She is the personification of sensuous indulgence and intoxication.
Known in France as the personification of care-free leisure.
The personification of glory in Spenser’s Faërie Queene.
The name has grown to mean the personification of guile or flattery.
Ahriman--The personification of evil in the Zoroastrian religion.
He lacks the stimulus, for example, of games in which personification is a direct tutor to selfhood, as I shall remark further on.
But as that story is reported to strangers who have no knowledge of the children's social antecedents, how much beyond the mere facts of imitation and personification do they get from it?
His idea seems to have been the personification of youthful inebriety, but it is the inebriety of a superior being, not yet forsaken by grace, not yet relinquished by mind.
One of the most unexplored regions of art are dreams, and what may be called the personification of sentiment: the Prophets, Sibyls and Patriarchs of Michael Angelo are so many branches of one great sentiment.
His personal resemblance to the hunchbacked tyrant conformed so well to the traditions of the stage, and his personification of the character was in other respects so striking, that he eclipsed Edmund Keane, then acting at Drury Lane.
The character of Stenio in Georges Sand's novel "Lelia" was recognized as a personification of De Musset.
I think that the Logos, or Word, is a very usual personification of the Power and Wisdom of God.
Indeed the distinction between a mere personification and a positive mythological personage is very faint.
The objection which is most commonly entertained to the foregoing interpretation of the Proem of St. John’s Gospel, arises from the strength and vividness of the personification of the Logos.
The extent to which this personification may be carried, by an author who certainly had no notion but of One personal God, may be estimated from a few sentences, referring to this very conception of the Logos, from the Jewish Philo.
If the 'saviour' was plainly a personificationof the tribe, it was obviously impossible to suppose him the son of a mortal mother.
Indeed a man who will personify himself even as Jesus was the personification of God, the express image of His person.
When that life whose future might be questioned has gone the most we can say is that we leave it with a God infinitely just and the personification of love.
Jesus is the personification of purity and righteousness.
The tail of Hanumant, which sets fire to the city of the monsters, is probably a personification of the rays of the morning or spring sun, which sets fire to the eastern heavens, and destroys the abode of the nocturnal or winter monsters.
I think I can recognise in Bribus a bird and a personification of Indras.
In Persia, therefore, the serpent is generally considered as a demoniacal and monstrous animal, the personification of evil.
They swear to his perfect personificationof your moods, your Saxon moods, which their inconsiderate spleen would have us take for unmixedly Saxon.
Once more the personification of the country's prosperity had returned to the humming state of roundness.
Or there's the alternative of taking him to stand for your sole great festival holiday, and worshipping him as the personification of your Derbyshire race.
Imagine, my lord, the very personification of all earthly goodness.
An old servant of my mother's, the very personification of prudence and discretion.
The early religion of Egypt was founded on a personification of the laws of Nature, centred in a mysterious unity.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "personification" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.