She was a reincarnation of the Princess Amba of Kasi, who, with her two sisters, was captured by Bhishma at the swayamvara.
In the famous story of Shakuntălā, the husband is similarly referred to as the son of his wife, the son being a reincarnation of the father.
Then Vyasa told that Draupadi was the reincarnation of a pious woman who once prayed unto the god Shiva for a husband: five times she prayed, and the god rewarded her with the promise of five husbands in her next existence.
Reincarnation onearth and punishment in hells between reincarnation seems to be the usual belief.
One of the two intimacies of the blacks of North Queensland with stellar phenomena which has come to my knowledge is associated with reincarnation after a deed of blood.
Reincarnation is prompt and practical, and unaccompanied by wasteful and delusive hope.
The Buddhist monks at the Toba court now submitted to the emperor, regarding him as a reincarnation of Buddha.
I tell no man that he is a reincarnation of Moses, of Elias, or of Christ.
It has been maintained with much show of reason that Swedenborg denied only the reincarnation of the astral soul, not of the true soul; in which case he would be right.
Now the process of the Christ is by regeneration, and of this, as has been said, reincarnation is the condition.
If we say that this reincarnation is for acquiring perfections so that matter may become refined and delicate, and that the light of the spirit may be manifest in it with the greatest perfection, this also is mere imagination.
Those who believe in reincarnation think that the spiritual worlds are restricted to the worlds of human imagination.
This is the presentation of the subject by those who believe in reincarnation and transmigration.
Consider what a puerile imagination this is which is implied by the belief in reincarnation and transmigration.
In the Divine Scriptures and Holy Books “return” is spoken of, but the ignorant have not understood the meaning, and those who believed in reincarnation have made conjectures on the subject.
The secret is, of course, that Mongan was a reincarnation of Finn.
How reincarnation first began on Mars is unknown, though the natural people, the Dendas, have traditions about it, vague and contradictory.
Souls leaving us in a brawn epoch have fled to Mercury, souls leaving us in a sense epoch have fled to Venus, and all souls in Mercury or Venus, ready for reincarnation in a scientific epoch, have come to us.
Formerly the spirits came helter skelter to Mars all over its surface and went wandering about, helped to reincarnationby the various villagers or citizens.
They showed it in their reincarnationof the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburgh.
Whether the newborn infant is regarded as a reincarnation of an ancestral spirit as with the Australians, or as a new creation from the spirit world as with the Kafirs, it is a time of danger.
Illustration: It pleased her to crouch on this, remembering how Kneedrock had declared her to be the reincarnation of just such another creature of the jungle.
Bean could not appraise these authorities, but the names somehow sounded convincing and the men had seemed to think that reincarnation was the only doctrine of immortality a philosopher could consider.
Bean, in the polished mirror, regarded a pallid and shrinking youth whom he knew to be himself--not a reincarnation of the Egyptian king, but just Bunker Bean.
I wondered what Hunky Magee thought about his own story; so I asked him if he had any theories about reincarnation and transmogrification and such mysteries as he had touched upon.
I believe,' says he, 'that I am the reincarnationof Tlotopaxl.
That, however, is immaterial, and in no wise affects the fact that in this sleeping youth we behold the reincarnation of him who first wore the sacred jewel, the lord and father of our people, Manco Capac!
But my Lord is an alien only by an accident of birth, which must not be allowed to interfere with the fact that my Lord is in very truth the reincarnation of Manco Capac, our first Inca and the founder of the Peruvian nation.
In former days we of the younger set had known Holly Barclay as a sort of reincarnation of the Beau Brummell type; an idler of the clubs who lived upon his wife's money, and who was much too indolent to be even manfully vicious.
Just suppose your friend is a reincarnationof Antony without an 'H'?
Sayda Sabri's crystal had shown that Clara East, née Gilder, was the reincarnation of Cleopatra the Great of Egypt.
The Bhagavad Gita, you know, is all aboutReincarnation and Karma, and all those lovely old things.
There is plenty of evidence going to show that the early Fathers in the Christian church believed in the doctrines of reincarnation and the renewal of worlds.
The abstruse doctrine of Reincarnation and the Renewal of Worlds seems to have formed the basis of their philosophy.
In this district you have a school where reincarnationis strongly believed in, a different school of Fetish to that of Tshi and Ewe, a class of human ghosts called the well-disposed ones.
The predominance of the belief there in reincarnation seems to me sufficient to separate it from the Gold Coast and Dahomey Fetish.
They do not show up clearly in those districts where reincarnation is believed to be the common lot of all human souls.
Such diseases are quite incurable, and I only personally know of them in the Calabar and Niger Delta, where reincarnation is strongly believed in.
If I believed in reincarnation I should say without hesitation that Mr. Armstrong was living over again, here in Florence, an existence which he had previously experienced centuries ago.