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Example sentences for "performing"

Lexicographically close words:
performe; performed; performer; performers; performeth; performs; perfourme; perfourmed; perfume; perfumed
  1. Taking the tali, she proceeds to the bride's house, where the bride, after performing the alangu ceremony, is awaiting her arrival.

  2. The boy had to remain out of caste, but was initiated into the mysteries of Sakti worship as the surest means of salvation, and to him was given the exclusive privilege of performing Sakti worship with liquor.

  3. The Variyars dance round the tree, singing songs, and performing puja.

  4. The sickle is used in harvesting to this day in these parts, performing the duties of the scythe, the cradle, etc.

  5. The wild Indians, accustomed to measure a man's greatness by the deeds which he is capable of performing with powder and lead, were completely carried away in their admiration of the man.

  6. Although performing constantly more than double duty, the entire command was put upon half allowance of food, and that little could not be properly cooked.

  7. It matters not to me, while I am performing this service for my country, whether I hold the rank of a lieutenant in the United States army, or am known merely as an experienced mountaineer.

  8. What the body lacked in strength was more than compensated for by his indomitable will; consequently, at this early age, he was considered capable of performing a frontier man's work, both in tilling the soil and handling the rifle.

  9. He is not a man to be swayed by friendship from performing any act which the interests of his country seem to require at his hands.

  10. He felt that the office was perfectly suited to his tastes, and he was honestly impressed with the belief that he was capable of performing the duties of this office, and of accomplishing much good.

  11. Lieutenant Fremont's answer indicated his satisfaction in making the acquaintance which Kit Carson had offered him and that he would make inquiries concerning his capabilities of performing the duty for which he offered himself.

  12. But, rather to my surprise, instead of wagging his tail, and wrinkling his nose, and performing any of his usual antics, the creature only lifted up his face and began to whine.

  13. It was about this time that I discovered Peter's power as a performing cat.

  14. Sleep walkers, like ordinary dreamers, performed in their somnambulistic states actions which they have refrained from performing in their waking states.

  15. Or, if he had no business to attend to, he would go for a walk on the Mall, whence he commanded the lovely panorama of the Loire valley, and take a draught of fresh air while his wife was performing a sonata in words, or a dialectical duet.

  16. Etienne, performing before Dinah, had all the success of a first night.

  17. What a grand and great idea strikes the thinking scientific mind, on entering a complete and clean distillery, with an intelligent cleanly distiller, performing his duty in it.

  18. Then my husband took his leave, performing all those ceremonies with the same persons and coaches as he made at his entry.

  19. The intelligence was communicated to him as he was performing his devotions in the church of St. Francis.

  20. The little solo on the wind instrument which the major was performing was interrupted by the entrance of Miss Bell.

  21. They shall be called 'Byron's Blacks,' and you will hear of their performing prodigies of valour.

  22. See that poor soldier, who, tired and hungry from his long march, is just performing his sacred exercises, ere he takes his meal and seeks repose.

  23. The Bambino continues to maintain his credit; and I have read not long ago in the newspapers, that an English lady of rank, who had joined the communion of Rome, was performing the duties of his dry nurse on a festival of her adopted church.

  24. A people who are habitually crawling upon their knees and elbows, and performing "the knock-head ceremony," cannot be otherwise than ungraceful and inelegant in their manners.

  25. Chinese of equal rank performing it to the king of England's picture.

  26. It thus resulted that family names were derived from official titles, as, for example, the official title for persons performing religious rites was Nakatomi or Imbe, which titles became family names of holders of that office.

  27. One thing that he and his contemporaries prized in Luther was just that bourgeois virtue that made him a model husband and father, faithfully performing a daily task for an adequate reward.

  28. The ethical idea expressed by Luther and more strongly by Calvin was that of faithfully performing the daily task; in fact, such labor was inculcated as a duty to the point of pain; in other words it was "a worldly asceticism.

  29. For the period of Favre's stay, Stieber waited on him hand and foot, attending to his meals, to his bedroom and clothing, and performing all the duties of a valet.

  30. Beethoven's views on musical education are to be found in the chapters "On Composition" and "On Performing Music.

  31. Do you know, Bourrienne," said he, "that I have been performing the duties of professor?

  32. Everything appeared as if society were performing its normal functions in commerce, trade, industry, and religion.

  33. Observe what a unit a flock of birds becomes when performing their evolutions in the air.

  34. Let any one who knows the porcupine try to fancy it performing a feat like this!

  35. It must be borne in mind that the emperor was also "Pontifex Maximus," and that in protecting the ancient Roman worship he was performing an official duty.

  36. The Empire resolved on performing the impossible.

  37. It is impossible to doubt that the apostles believed that they possessed the power of performing miracles, which were acknowledged as the tokens of every Divine mission.

  38. Slowly I crossed over to the opposite side, and, performing the same operation at the foot of the berth, saw a bearded face on the pillow.

  39. When the saint was out performing miracles, he might remember the old man, too.

  40. The important feature of this boat was a diver’s compartment, enabling divers to leave the vessel when submerged, for the purpose of operating on wrecks or performing other undersea duties.

  41. The close observer will discover a well-defined division of labor, different groups of bees performing certain operations.

  42. Only the most powerful electric furnaces are capable of performing this work.

  43. He stood for some moments thunderstruck without performing any of the usual courtesies of society.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "performing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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