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Example sentences for "entirety"

Lexicographically close words:
entierement; entierly; entire; entirely; entireness; entitative; entities; entitle; entitled; entitles
  1. Thus thought in its entirety is, only and always, transformed sensation.

  2. In their entirety they were meant to form a cycle of unified knowledge, satisfying the needs of theory as well as practice.

  3. The recurrence of the physical stimulation had been sufficient to bring back in its entirety the former emotional complex.

  4. But as the English and American Press have already printed long passages from it, it is practically possible to give it in its entirety without adding anything to what has already been printed.

  5. They will readily call to mind the long series of arcades that form the two long sides of the parallellogram which has the gorgeous front of St. Mark's church occupying the entirety of one of the shorter sides.

  6. Not man, the individual of any given generation, but man in the entirety of his existence from the dawn of life onwards to the present moment.

  7. For a long while the body in its entirety and in its details, presents the strangest of spectacles.

  8. It has, on the other hand, been too severely condemned by others who have involved it in its entirety in broad and sweeping condemnation.

  9. Another and still more celebrated passage shall be given in its entirety and with its original setting.

  10. If no one object can be pointed to as typical of race or period, no public work shown as the result of persistent policy or genius of peculiar citizenship, Moscow in its entirety demonstrates the development of a people.

  11. This speech is given in its entirety by Villehardouin.

  12. The discourse of the pope is preserved in its entirety in the collection of the councils.

  13. All international agreements and treaties of every kind must be made known in their entirety to the rest of the world.

  14. The Shop or Factory Committee may be included in its entirety in the Control Commission, to which may be elected also technical experts and other employees of the enterprise.

  15. They themselves rushed to the bar of public opinion with a flimsy case, composed in its entirety of ex parte and misleading statements by interested witnesses, many of them perjured, and demanded an instant verdict of approval.

  16. It began with these words: “The land problem in its entirety can be solved only by the national Constituent Assembly.

  17. Labor Army Council through the latter’s corresponding members either in its entirety or in that sphere of the work which is demanded by the application of the mass labor power.

  18. But, not the less, judging of it by the entirety of the work that it has done, I think that we are bound to own that it has been successful.

  19. This robs the mass of all oneness, of all entirety as a whole, and gives a scattered, straggling appearance, where there should be a look of massiveness and integrity.

  20. I carried the inner peace with me for the entirety of the day.

  21. It struck me as incredibly humorous, even though I was not fully able to exercise or convey the entirety of my comic faculty at the time.

  22. Another dilemma was the well-meaning oldster who still enjoyed pulling a child's locks; unaware and full of only good intentions, what would he have thought if his teasing gesture unveiled the entirety of my hairless skull?

  23. Indeed, a God who could be known in his entirety by even the deepest and wisest finite mind would be no God at all.

  24. The same principle holds when, later in the course, the youth is first studying in its entirety the life of Jesus.

  25. The story of Mary Lamb has long been familiar to the readers of Elia, but never in its entirety as in the monograph which Mrs. Anne Gilchrist has just contributed to the Famous Women Series.

  26. This memorable engagement was carried out in its entirety about midday.

  27. We should not be in a hurry when we announce the message to the public and we should be careful to present the teachings in their entirety and not to alter them for the sake of others.

  28. These aims will not be considered in their entirety but only in so far as they bear directly on the problems that follow.

  29. When we realize in their entirety the mass of preparations which are required for the maintenance of our place among the Great Powers by the navy, we see that extraordinarily exacting demands will be made on the resources of our people.

  30. The only satisfactory solution of such doubts is to deduce from a view of warfare in its entirety and its varied phases and demands the importance of the separate co-operating factors.

  31. Lanéry d'Arc has done well to publish in their entirety the memoranda of the doctors as well as the treatise of the Archbishop of Embrun, the propositions of Master Heinrich von Gorcum and the Sibylla Francica.

  32. However, they are printed in their entirety in the next edition of the Star Telegram, which I believe would be November 1st edition.

  33. He was born in an obscure American town, which disappeared as he commenced to figure upon the scene; thus America in its entirety became his country.

  34. It was only on the eve of departure that San Martin explained his plan in its entirety to his generals.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "entirety" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.