These flash words are well understood by many a young Greek, who perhaps knows nothing of the Greek Testament, although the use of them has proved in some cases beyond the comprehension of a Judge.
Reason extends its conquests by a continual progress in the super-intelligible realm, reducing it to the intelligible, and eternally approaching to the comprehension of the infinite and absolute truth.
This affirmation is above the comprehension of reason, but not contrary to reason.
This statement of the relations of the feldspars is, of course, beyond the comprehension of many children, and yet it should be understood by the teacher who would lead the children to any but the most superficial views.
It is very important, too, if the pupil has not already studied chemistry, that he should be led to some comprehension of the nature of chemical union and of the difference between a chemical compound and a mechanical mixture.
In the chapter on the history of life on the globe the main outlines of historical geology are skillfully brought within the comprehension of beginners.
Curiously enough, a clear comprehension of the illogical absurdity of it all made her temper even more bitter.
He discovered an individual comprehension of what was required for the right development of the play, and an invincible determination to get it.
They listened, as if entranced, to the instructions on the Most Blessed Eucharist, and seemed to possess a comprehension of the Mystery of Love quite beyond their years.
And although these beings all co-exist in the contingent world, in each case the difference in their stations precludeth their grasp of the whole; for no lower degree can understand a higher, such comprehension being impossible.
To illustrate: the Sun of Truth dwelleth in a sky to which no soul hath any access, and which no mind can reach, and He is far beyond the comprehension of all creatures.
For we see that children of the same age, the same country, the same race, indeed of the same family, and trained by the same individual, still are different as to the degree of their comprehension and intelligence.
Existence is of two kinds: one is the existence of God which is beyond the comprehension of man.
The comprehension of all science in the Evolution Theory, as by Spencer, advancing on Comte.
In all this he was using his own highest powers, his comprehension of human character and his genius for speech.
All effort after a living comprehensionof the doctrine has been made by heretics.
One can see by the Gospels, the Acts, and the Epistles how from the earliest times the non-comprehension of the doctrine called forth the need for proofs through the miraculous and incomprehensible.
And these bodies, having in course of time, aided by the support of the temporal authorities, developed into powerful institutions, have been the principal obstacles to the diffusion of a true comprehension of the teaching of Christ.
Succeeding generations corrected the errors of their predecessors, and grew ever nearer and nearer to a comprehension of the true meaning.
But the Church doctrine asserted its own complete and final comprehension and realization of it.
With this rule of change, primary as its application is, and within the direct comprehension and control of the people, there does not appear to be any general discontent.
He stood for a space gazing at the sombre covers, but making no attempt to dip into their pages; then a sudden look of comprehension sprang into his eyes.
But the great moment of joy and comprehension could not last; other and more insistent factors were at work within her mind--claiming, even demanding attention.
She saw this, and with a flash of comprehension knew and acknowledged that her heart and her brain cried out for the wholesome necessary food.
He met it, teetered his head in quiet comprehension and murmured: "She didn't see you?
When I say proficiency, I mean that perfection in the game which includes a comprehension of all the sources whence legitimate advantage may be derived.
Some with no morecomprehension than men of the bush freshly caught.
The only time when Lingard had detected something of a deepercomprehension in d'Alcacer was the day after the long negotiations inside Belarab's stockade for the temporary surrender of the prisoners.
Astrid, still amazed, but with a note of comprehension in her voice.
And if she did not quite understand every word, already the dawning familiarity with his vocabulary and a general comprehension of his modes of self-expansion permitted her to follow him.
It is evident that the artist picked out at haphazard certain designs on the Tarots for imitation, and that he had no comprehension of the meaning or value of the numbers, such as three, seven, or thirteen, accorded to them by mystics.
She bent her head in silence; yet a more graceful comprehension of his motive she could not have given than her glance alone gave.
Something vague yet sure was forming in his brain, something that grew to comprehension before he spoke.
Comprehension was slow in coming to her in the shock of disappointment.
What they believed and endured and wrought and achieved seemed now not only hopelessly beyond any comprehension or attainment of his, but even beyond hope of humble discipleship.
He looked at me a moment in utter bewilderment, then, slowly, comprehensiondawned in his eyes.
At the word "Egyptians" quick comprehension dawned in Mrs. Sullivan's disapproving eyes.
You speak in mysterious numbers," I returned, having no comprehension of his meaning.
So far as I remembered, I had never before heard a woman put so much comprehension of a large subject into so few words, but in my capacity as George's friend, hopeful for his happiness, it made me a little uneasy.
I have found very few people in any class of life who like to sit and think; very few, even among educated people, who showed any sympathy or comprehension in the matter of my own lifelong desire for leisure in which to think.
Have I then advanced so far towards self-comprehension as to have attained content of mind?
But as soon as he caught sight of the roll in my hand, a gleam of comprehension shot into his eyes.