Rearrangement is never easy, and amalgamation will be slow.
The aptitude for art among all nations of antiquity," remarked Count de Gobineau a few years later, "was derived from an amalgamationwith black races.
This amalgamation is clearly apparent in the Greeks to-day and because of it Count de Gobineau has called their ancestors half-breeds and mulattoes.
It is just such a volume as might be composed by the amalgamation of a series of epistles from a lively and fluent letter-writer to friends at home, during a few weeks' ramble and abode in Turkey.
So far as possible the religious, political, and social customs of the Incas were introduced, but it does not appear that the work of amalgamation had proceeded very far in the fifty years which intervened until the advent of the Spaniards.
The amalgamation of this class in the past century with the Spanish stock produced a superior class of free mulattoes of the Antonio Maceo type, unlike any people in this country with which they can be compared.
Let the word go forth to teach English in every schoolhouse in Cuba, and the work ofamalgamation would be half done.
But when the amalgamation with the Grand Junction, which had always been its own carrier, took place, a great reduction in rates was made, as well as arrangements for encouraging the conveyance of every kind of saleable article.
He saw that such amalgamation would, did deteriorate and destroy the more holy race of Seth; and therefore determined, with grief in his heart, to destroy man from the earth.
The laws of the Slave States of our Union forbid amalgamation with the negro race; consequently such a marriage would be a nullity, and the offspring take the condition of the mother.
The Arabs are admitted to be an amalgamation of the descendants of Shem, of Canaan, and Misrain.
There was no physical or moral degradation consequent to an amalgamation with them; and such connection did happen to a very great extent, and at this day has very nearly extinguished all caste between them.
The Persians and the Greeks have also, for a very long time, aided in the amalgamation of the Egypt of the middle ages of the world.
In conclusion, from the history of the family of man, we may all know that the descendants of Japheth and Shem, when free from amalgamation with the black tribes, are white people.
Would not the result have been their total annihilation by the action of the surrounding tribes; or their equally certain national extinction by their amalgamation with them?
This involved the eviction of the tenants who had been engaged in cultivating these fields and the amalgamation of many holdings of arable to form a few large enclosures for sheep.
When companies propose to amalgamate the Government either makes such demands in regard to uneconomic lines that the thing falls through or a veto is put upon the amalgamation altogether.
Indeed, it is more than likely that within the next few years there will be more amalgamation and working agreements between the big companies.
The same process of social amalgamation has been witnessed in the provinces not less signally than in the capital.
As the writer has a personal reason for knowing, this is the year in which the amalgamation first took a definite shape, though it was not perhaps fully carried out till a little later.
The grouping order necessary for the amalgamation of parishes for council purposes is never given without the closest scrutiny by the County Council first, or confirmed by the Imperial authority in London afterwards.
Each of these vats is provided with 200 paddles for thoroughly mixing the wine, and with five pipes for drawing it off when the amalgamation is complete.
All these plays taken together illustrate the extraordinary amalgamation of the medieval and classical inheritances that English tragedy had received as a birthright.
Hill's career may remind us both of the din of the critics over Voltaire and Shakespeare, and also of the virtual compromise and amalgamation that had taken place on the stage between French and English traditions.
In every nation it came into conflict with the traditions of the medieval drama, and underwent great modifications; in England an amalgamation of the two traditions resulting in a tragedy widely different from either.
The result of their observation of the amalgamation of races and colors in Egypt, in Syria, and Mexico, must be very different from mine.
This belief in the sometime survival of the Roanoke colonists, and their amalgamation with the Indians, lingered long in colonial gossip.
It is called Klatzenbrod, and is not a bread at all, but and amalgamation of fruits and spices.
The Locke Constitutions had failed in every way; a change must be made; and it appeared that an amalgamation of North and South under one governor might have the effect desired.
But it must be remembered thatamalgamation requires centuries.
Amalgamation is a process of centuries, but assimilation is a process of individual training.
Amalgamation is beyond the organized efforts of government, but assimilation can be promoted by social institutions and laws.
The term amalgamation may be used for that mixture of blood which unites races in a common stock, while assimilation is that union of their minds and wills which enables them to think and act together.
Whether these gifts are contributed by race or by civilization, we shall inquire when we come to the problems of amalgamation and assimilation.
Taking the empire as a whole, neither amalgamation nor self-government is within the possibilities of its constitutional growth.
Amalgamation is a blending of races, assimilation a blending of civilizations.
How this amalgamation came about we may learn from the geography of Scotland.
Our principal interest in amalgamation is its effect on the negro race.
This is essential, for it is not physical amalgamation that unites mankind; it is mental community.
Almost every scheme of amalgamation in Ireland has been connected with the opening or development of a new cross-Channel route, as the history of the Fishguard and Rosslare and the new Heysham routes fully shows.
The suggestion involves the applicability of such advances for the purchase or amalgamation of the Irish railways under an Irish public authority.
The Act for the amalgamation of the Exchequers of Great Britain and Ireland contained provisions for the continued representation of Ireland in fiscal matters at the Exchequer and in Parliament.
The reforms do not contemplate the amalgamation of Unions and the complete closing of only a certain number of workhouses.
Committee which considered the Irish Railways Amalgamation Scheme of last Session, that the Bill at hearing was costing £5 per minute.
The constitution, as settled by the Act of Union and the Supplementary Act for the amalgamation of the Exchequer, contemplated that each of the three Kingdoms should contribute by "equal taxes" to the Imperial Exchequer.
The movement which produced the Metropolitan Opera House marked the decay of the old Knickerbocker régime, and its amalgamation with the newer order of society of a quarter of a century ago.
Whatever the divergences of feeling in the South on the negro question, it is safe to say that the Whites are a unit on the two premises that amalgamation must be resisted, and that the Negro must not have political power.
Amalgamation as a remedy welcomed by the Southern Whites is unthinkable; as a remedy against their convictions, brought about by time, it is highly unlikely.