It is paralleled by theapotheosis of the King in ancient Egypt.
So far as we know at present the apotheosis of the King was of Semitic origin.
The apotheosis was pronounced by my most intimate friend, Timmins, and I must say he did me ample justice.
Shall vulgarity be left just vulgar, and have no apotheosis and glorification?
It occurred to me the other day that America has invented a new kind of city, the apotheosis of the village--Washington.
I have not seen on any walls any figure walking out of history so captivating as this lady, who would seem to have been worthy of apotheosis in a Christian edifice.
In the loftiness of its style and the purity of its lines, 'The Apotheosis of Homer' is one of the noblest examples of the classic school of painting.
In 1853 his most important work was 'The Apotheosisof Napoleon I.
For his subject the artist took 'The Apotheosis of Homer,' and in his treatment of the theme achieved what is regarded as his finest work in composition of the grand style.
The result was 'The Apotheosis of Homer,' the greatest of all his subject-pictures.
It finds its apotheosis in the monument to Kaiser Wilhelm I.
But the odd thing is to find the apotheosis of the rococo away up here in Germany.
In other countries it may tempt the creature into a fatal familiarity with the Creator, and end in an apotheosis of man, or a headlong plunging of the human into the divine.
Some lyrical passages, strongly tinged with Oriental colouring, follow, and an apotheosis closes the scene.
Both the Pauline and the Petrine gospel start from the common confession of "Jesus as Lord"; but the Christology of the Synoptic literature is an Apotheosis doctrine, falling back on the historical Jesus.
Especially fine are the scenes with the Gothic king Totila, and the death and apotheosis of the Saint, which latter may be compared with Giotto's St. Francis in Santa Croce.
It describes the organization of the banquiste people, the foundation of its agencies, newspapers, and syndicates, it follows the mountebank from his birth in the wandering caravan to his apotheosis in the friezes of the circus.
In no other way can suffering be transformed to pathos, or horror reach its apotheosis in tragedy.
The process of apotheosis was something far deeper than servility in the subject conspiring with vanity in the ruler.
Again apotheosis violated the divine unity of humanity upon which alone the Empire could securely build.
The thinkers who adhere to the principle of apotheosis do so admittedly because they see no other way in which to secure authority for law, whether political or moral.
The apotheosis of the Emperor was neither an unintelligible nor an unreasonable practice.
The parallel between Japanese and Roman apotheosis is interesting.
Imperial apotheosis is a combination of the political and religious imagination.
Which principle is to succeed, apotheosis and absolute Imperial sovereignty, or individualism with democratic sovereignty?
Apotheosis of the emperors, 257 India, ancient, admiration for the schools of, i.
The reference in the last clause is to the decrees of the Senate whereby apotheosiswas conferred on various persons, placing them among the gods.
There is extant among the works of Seneca a little treatise called Apocolocuntosis, that is, pumpkinification, or the metamorphosis into a gourd, a sharp satire levelled against the apotheosis of the Emperor Claudius.
It was the apotheosis of blather; but as my eye wandered over the assemblage, I noticed that many faces wore smiles, and it was clear to me that the members had merely wished to exhibit their most amusing specimen.
In Christ, the incarnation of the supreme God, they beheld the apotheosis of man, so acceptable to the Aryan race, since he thus became the absolute ruler of the world and its fates.
The necessary result has been that, in opposing such excessive apotheosis of woman, they have infringed upon the rights of art.
It is not now the deification of any Individual, but the "apotheosis of Natural Science," as the foundation and method in the achievement of actual knowledge.
The apotheosis of Natural Science is like the "canon of proportion" in architecture, introduced by Vitruvius (an Initiate) centuries ago.
This theory marks, on one side, the complete and final apotheosis of the Pope and the hierarchy, who are thereby made independent even of the past history of the Church.
But the final victory of infallibilism was the achievement of the nineteenth-century Jesuits, who completed the dogmatic apotheosis of the Pope at the moment when the last vestiges of his temporal power were being snatched from him.
It has been shown that he was probably the deified Nimrod, whose apotheosis would take place shortly after his decease.