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Example sentences for "patriotic"

Lexicographically close words:
patrimony; patrin; patrino; patrio; patriot; patriotically; patriotick; patriotism; patriots; patris
  1. Occasionally during the lapse of years a true and patriotic man has filled this important post, when the remarkable elements of prosperity contained within the limits of this peerless land were rapidly developed and advanced.

  2. The patriotic services of Arrango were appreciated by the court of Madrid, although he was at times the inflexible opponent of its selfish schemes.

  3. Such an one was Don Luis de las Casas, whose name is cherished by all patriotic Cubans, as also is that of Don Francisco de Arrango, an accomplished statesman and a native of Havana.

  4. This patriotic son of Cuba was at heart a republican, and declared that the king could make noblemen, but God only could make gentlemen.

  5. On a day which was the anniversary of some patriotic occasion relating to the island, hundreds of Cuban flags (the single star of free Cuba) were seen displayed upon the dwellings and public places.

  6. In his intensely patriotic sentiments he is a typical American.

  7. With the hearts of its voters inspired by such patriotic teachings, the Republic must endure; must fulfill its prophetic destiny!

  8. To discover the cause and cure, and to speedily apply the remedy for this growing discontent, becomes an imperative duty for all patriotic people.

  9. There are cynics, however, who sneer at patriotic affirmations, and whisper that loaves and fishes have more to do with them than love of country.

  10. Ames used to portray the exciting events of the time in verse, more patriotic and vivid, perhaps, than poetic.

  11. She was supposed to have written a patriotic paper, published in 1780, called "The Sentiments of American Women," but the authorship has not been ascertained.

  12. Enoch Lincoln (afterwards Governor of Maine) was dilating on the services and sufferings of these veterans, and closed with the patriotic adjuration, "Soldiers of the Revolution!

  13. Yes," he replied, his ideas as to the patriotic associations of American citizens considerably modified.

  14. But we must refer the historical student, who would know something more than the historian has yet deigned to tell us, to this remarkable production of patriotic industry.

  15. He saw the wisdom of the proverb, 'Show me your company,' and thus he had a double object to gain by cultivating touch with patriotic men.

  16. This work stands high above the extravagant and indiscriminating eulogies of O'Connell, accompanied by ignorant and malignant denunciations of all opposed to him, hitherto given to the world by patriotic biographers.

  17. He knew that party spirit and animosity existed more or less at this time, and that he must consequently often meet with those of opposite opinions; yet his honest and patriotic zeal for the good of his country still remained the same.

  18. The patriotic feelings of Alida's father partook in the general joy and satisfaction of the community, and he soon turned his attention to celebrate the event of the late peace with tokens of rejoicing.

  19. Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention are hereby tendered to President Shannon, for his able and patriotic address delivered before us.

  20. It would indeed afford me great pleasure to meet you on that patriotic occasion.

  21. All kinds of cleaning and washing are to be dearer, and a patriotic movement is already on foot among the younger set to do away with these luxuries altogether in the interests of patriotic economy.

  22. The officers of the organizations appealed to the men not to strike, arguing that it was their patriotic duty to bear with patience their grievances until the fair was over.

  23. Patriotic speeches were prominent by their absence, and people began to wonder what day was being celebrated.

  24. Some of the managers promised, by implication at least, that there would be an increase of wages to reward the patriotic action of their men.

  25. The village around the Falls displayed positive signs of dullness, and the inhabitants had personal as well as patriotic interest in wishing there was no war.

  26. Much of the money for outfitting the troops for the field was voluntarily contributed in the Eastern cities, or by patriotic men in St. Louis.

  27. His patriotic services were appreciated by the court at Madrid, although at times he was the inflexible opponent of its schemes.

  28. In the cotton exhibit were to be found 15 commercial bales of cotton specially prepared for the exhibit by patriotic citizens of Louisiana.

  29. Few of them have any merit as works of art, being intended only to please the patriotic sentiment of the country.

  30. The larger one is more patriotic and less artistic.

  31. On the front is the eagle, and the patriotic Latin, E pluribus unum.

  32. It was necessary to enlarge the "London Gazette" from four columns to twelve; and even twelve were too few to hold the multitude of loyal and patriotic addresses.

  33. Peter, having learned his lecture by heart, having found out just what brought laughter and what brought tears and what brought patriotic applause, was now an assured success.

  34. But McGivney explained that this was a time when men couldn't consider their own feelings; the country was in danger, public safety must be protected, and it was up to everybody to make some patriotic sacrifice.

  35. Billions of dollars worth of munitions and supplies were going, and all the yearnings and patriotic fervors of the country were likewise going "over there.

  36. As there was always a conviction, Peter began to swell up again with patriotic fervor, and the memory of Nell Doolin and Ted Crothers slipped far into the background.

  37. Peter wormed his way thru the crowd for two or three blocks, but saw nothing more promising than venders of American flags on little sticks, and of patriotic buttons with "Wake up America!

  38. Also, America entered the war, and a wave of patriotic excitement swept like a prairie fire over the country.

  39. Peter got his morning "Times," and found a whole page about the whipping of the Reds, portraying the job as a patriotic duty heroically performed; and that naturally cheered Peter up considerably.

  40. Willoughby Stotterbridge, a famous pulpit orator, deliver one of those patriotic sermons which were quoted in the "Times" almost every Monday morning.

  41. And Peter, instructed in advance by Gladys, said that he would be very glad to donate this lecture as a patriotic contribution.

  42. This movement had reached American City, and the streets had broken out in a blaze of patriotic display.

  43. He had to stop and look at the American flags, still waving from the buildings, and read the evening edition of the American City "Times," in order to work up his patriotic fervor again.

  44. The patriotic satraps of Armenia, who asserted the freedom and dignity of the crown, implored the protection of Rome in favor of Tiridates, the lawful heir.

  45. On the whole, the work has suffered, because the nature of its subject brought it into competition with Glinka's great patriotic opera.

  46. In Russia, music and literature have always been closely allied, and the works of the great poet Poushkin, of the fabulist Krylov, and the patriotic historian Karamzin, gave a strong impulse and a new tone to the art.

  47. Outside Russia, he has been censured for his subserviency to national influences, his exclusive devotion to a patriotic ideal.

  48. Less grew out of that splendid outburst of patriotic feeling in the 'sixties than those who hailed its first manifestations had reason to anticipate.

  49. His cause was helped by the generous spirit of Cavos, who refused to see in Glinka a rival in the sphere of patriotic opera, and was ready to accept his work.

  50. Some account of the story of A Life for the Tsar will be of interest to those who have not yet seen the opera, for the passionate idealism of the subject still appeals to every patriotic Russian.

  51. The subject of this opera is taken from the tale of Tsarevich Fevei, a panegyric upon the good son of a Siberian king who was patriotic and brave--in fact possessed of all the virtues.

  52. Eleazar's speech is one of the few patriotic outbursts in the seven books of the Wars, and it reads like a cry of bitter regret wrung from the unhappy author at the end of his work.

  53. This at least is the picture he draws of himself, but a more kindly interpretation might see in the moment of his return the indication of a genuine patriotic feeling.

  54. Though moderate in the announcement of opinions, and too patriotic to degenerate into a partizan, he gave no timid, lukewarm support to the nation in its hour of trial.

  55. The King, at the instigation of Lafayette, discharged his patriotic ministers; he paralyzed by his veto the decree relative to the camp of twenty thousand men, and that on the banishment of priests.

  56. He was accused of having intended to disperse "the {282} innocent and patriotic column of the people," and sentenced to be taken to the Abbey prison.

  57. It was there that men whom the Jacobin Club enraged, and who had no consolation for their patriotic grief but the virile emotions of combat, went to fight and die.

  58. Mathews expressed in strong terms the patriotic benefits of such an undertaking, and complimented Cooper on the specimen already furnished in Harvey Birch.

  59. To no place more fitting than his wistaria-covered library could Cooper have gone for patriotic inspiration.

  60. Many a patriotic Irishman would fain believe to this very day that Swift, too, was Irish, and an Irish patriot.

  61. It would, however, be paying too high a compliment to the patriotic energy of the King to suppose that he had gone to Hanover for the sake of promoting arrangements calculated to be of advantage to England.

  62. They supported motions for the reduction of the numbers of the army, and they declaimed against the whole principle of a standing army with patriotic passion, which sometimes appeared for the time quite genuine.

  63. None the less shrill were their cries of surprise; none the less vociferous their shouts of patriotic anger.

  64. The struggle was severe, but patriotic affection triumphed over paternal hatred.

  65. All the patriotic effusiveness about the undoubted right of England to Gibraltar was merely well-painted passion.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "patriotic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    chauvinistic; civic; loyal; national