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Example sentences for "perseverance"

Lexicographically close words:
persecutions; persecutor; persecutors; perseuer; persever; persevere; persevered; perseverence; perseveres; persevering
  1. Grate perseverance iz necessary, az yu are aware that young ladiz are highly opposed to the married state.

  2. My perseverance was rewarded, and I managed to secure three grilse.

  3. Not yet had the genius and perseverance of Peter the Great introduced the arts and sciences into that vast region of snow and mental darkness.

  4. Determined not to give it up, she felt in every part, and at last, after spending several hours in the search, her perseverance was rewarded; it suddenly flew open!

  5. Perseverance had not much longer to wait for its reward.

  6. But their perseverance was rewarded with a second view of the Darling, which was struck about 90 miles above the point where the original discovery had been made.

  7. Refusing to be baffled, his noble perseverance was at length rewarded with a double journey across the western half of the continent.

  8. This appeared to be scarcely possible, but all their strength was put forth, and they displayed such pluck and perseverance as shed enduring lustre on the heroism of Australian exploration.

  9. Nothing could be more admirable than the pluck and perseverance displayed in this conflict with the impossible.

  10. If the good sister who used to serve you is worthy of the favour you desire for her, most willingly can it be granted, but not till she has proved her perseverance in well-doing for some years.

  11. Live where you now are as you used to live at Nessy, growing in perfection by perseverance in the practice of virtue.

  12. Certainly such perseverance as his, required wonderful strength of mind, for who has ever seen him out of humour, or losing one iota of self-control?

  13. The only difference is that their constancy and perseverance were greater far than ours.

  14. Amos could see this more or less, and he deeply deplored it; but he trusted still that prayer, patience, and perseverance would yet bring his beloved brother and restored sister to look at duty and wisdom in the light of God's Word.

  15. But she so stood, not by any means deservedly, as regarded either the talent and perseverance of her new Captain, or the opportunities which his enterprise had afforded to his officers and crew for a position of, at least, leading prosperity.

  16. The wariness and perseverance of Indian warfare created every day new obstacles and unforeseen dangers; the skill of the experienced leader was baffled, and undisciplined force prevailed over military science.

  17. The step-father opposed the union; at first strenuously, but the perseverance of the lover gradually broke down his opposition, and he eventually yielded consent.

  18. Running like a deer, he soon had the relief of outstripping all his pursuers but one, a young chief, perhaps Messhawa, who displayed a swiftness and perseverance equal to his own.

  19. For this purpose they founded the University, and with incredible zeal and perseverance they cherished and supported it, through all trials and discouragements.

  20. Can we rely on the constancy and perseverance of the people?

  21. The difficulties they had to encounter in the attack of an enemy possessed of every advantage of art and nature were great; and their perseverance in surmounting these obstacles furnishes a noble example of British spirit.

  22. Sidenote: 1630] Preparations were made for this great undertaking with perseverance and judgment.

  23. To have outdone eighteen of his companions in that unequal race was worthy the energy and perseverance of the man.

  24. President Lincoln promptly congratulated the general, and all under his command, on the decisive victory, and expressed his profoundest gratitude for the skill, courage, and perseverance with which the work had been accomplished.

  25. By dint of perseverance and two brawny arms She made a passage through the Crowd, and managed to bustle herself into the very body of the Church, at no great distance from the Pulpit.

  26. And nothing that Napoleon's trainer could say as to his harmlessness and even amicability of disposition, could convince the trembling Joan, who, in perseverance and fear, still continued to make herself dismount.

  27. The lesson is that of perseverance and presence of mind in desperate circumstances.

  28. These, too, breathe the spirit of adventure and illustrate the virtues of courage, perseverance amid difficulties, chivalry, etc.

  29. Of the qualities which determine natural ability of this kind, he selected inherent capacity, zeal, and perseverance as the three prerequisites.

  30. A dust which matches that history, since it is formed of isolated atoms of rock, glittering, perfect in themselves, like the isolated deeds which went to make up the finest record of pluck and perseverance the world is ever likely to see.

  31. Perseverance and pluck which sent more Englishmen to die cheerfully in that red dust than in the defenses and reliefs of Lucknow, Cawnpore, and the subsequent campaigns all combined.

  32. From the perseverance of the workers in their devastation, we suspected that they proposed some useful alteration of their edifices; and our attention was directed to the cells least injured.

  33. If, by any accident, the labour of these insects is interrupted or the edifice deranged, they exhibit astonishing perseverance in setting it again to rights.

  34. At length, however, his perseverance was rewarded.

  35. Huber, "for the purpose of discovering whether honey was sufficient for the production of wax, they supported their captivity patiently, and showed uncommon perseverance in rebuilding their combs as we removed them.

  36. The miseries the Puritans endured, and their firmness and perseverance in the midst of sufferings, contributed to give them that merit and importance in the eyes of the nation, which otherwise perhaps they had never attained.

  37. But to struggle amidst a complication of difficulties and dangers was the lot of such adventurers; to surmount which, at this early period, no small degree of fortitude, patience and perseverance must have been requisite.

  38. Enthusiasm has often stimulated men to bold and arduous undertakings, and animated them to perseverance amidst great difficulties.

  39. You cannot imagine how much ill blood this perseverance has cured me of; I used to say to myself, "Lord!

  40. Affection, truth, persuasion and perseverance should be manifest in the acts and manners of parents, for these qualities only can awaken sympathy and confidence in the breasts of children.

  41. In women, hatred and vengeance, aroused by jealousy, are especially blind and tenacious when the chronic passions of psychopathia intervene; this being due to the perseverance natural to the sex.

  42. Her great perseverance and courage are also inestimable qualities for social work which aims at true progress.

  43. The inhabitant of towns, it is true, learns his work more quickly, but he lacks patience, perseverance and character, and soon shows himself wanting in the accomplishment of his physical and moral duties.

  44. Here we observe the effects of the routine and suggestible character of feminine psychology, of the tendency of woman to become the slave of habit and custom, as well as of her perseverance when her determined will pursues a definite end.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perseverance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acceptance; application; assiduity; bigotry; commitment; concentration; constancy; continuation; continuity; decision; dedication; determination; devotion; diligence; dogmatism; earnestness; endurance; extension; fanaticism; fidelity; forbearance; fortitude; indulgence; industry; insistence; intolerance; lengthening; leniency; loyalty; maintenance; obstinacy; patience; permanence; perpetuation; perseverance; persistence; pertinacity; plodding; plugging; preoccupation; progress; progression; prolongation; protraction; purpose; pursuance; relentlessness; repetition; resolution; resolve; run; seriousness; sincerity; stability; stamina; stoicism; strength; stubbornness; sufferance; sustenance; tenacity; tolerance; way; will