In heaven devotementis perfect, and joy of course unalloyed.
Do you feel that the principles of stewardship contained in the Bible are too strict--that too entire a devotement is required of you?
His devotement to public interests is no self-destroying generosity, but the dictate of duty and of reason.
Not from the risen body flows the power that has altered human history, but from the teachings and life of Christ and from His devotement of Himself even unto death to the interests of men.
The veil, which signifies her devotement to home duties, is merely the artificial continuation of her natural gift of hair.
Nothing is so conducive to the true glory of a monarch, and the real interests of his people, as an entire self-devotement to the proper business of government.
On every occasion she was present at appointed services, and so entire was her self-devotement to religion, that she was incessantly engaged in fasting and prayers.
For still, as the High Priest of the heavenly sanctuary, He continually offers Himself as our Burnt-offering in constantly renewed and constantly continued devotement of Himself to the Father to do His will.
In this case it does not appear that it was intended that the personal vow should be fulfilled by the actual devotement of the service of the person to the sanctuary.
Moses on the hands of Aaron and his sons, and waved by them for a wave-offering; and afterwards burnt wholly on the altar upon the burnt-offering, in token of their full devotement to the Lord.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "devotement" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.