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Example sentences for "reverence"

Lexicographically close words:
reverberation; reverberations; reverberatory; revere; revered; reverenced; reverences; reverencing; reverend; reverendo
  1. I admire his eloquence, I approve his politics, I adore his chivalry, and I can almost excuse his reverence for church establishments.

  2. My next publication was an accidental sally of love and resentment; of my reverence for modest genius, and my aversion for insolent pedantry.

  3. Excel these wretches in industry, in honesty, in reverence for parents, in cleanliness, in frugality, and above all by advocating the absolute liberty of human thought.

  4. It is that relation which makes us reverence ourselves, it is that which should make us honour others.

  5. This is treated by the author with great copiousness of detail, and in a spirit of profound reverence and sincere Christian faith.

  6. Everything toward which you cherish any respect or reverence deserves the name of sacred; you yourselves, too, say that you would feel a "sacred dread" of laying hands on it.

  7. And do the thinkers not set before the attacked ones the religious demand to reverence the power of thought, of ideas?

  8. Or am I perhaps free from a despot when I am not afraid of the personal potentate, to be sure, but of every infraction of the loving reverence which I fancy I owe him?

  9. I am to reverence sultanic law in the sultanate, popular law in republics, canon law in Catholic communities, etc.

  10. The awe of its laws, the reverence for its highness, the humility of its "subjects," will this remain?

  11. The republicanism of the United States is founded on the intelligence, the Christianity, and the reverence for law so generally prevalent throughout the whole community.

  12. There was no reverence for law either human or divine.

  13. Jap was very proud to be an exhibitor; but he had all a Cockney's reverence for the upper class, and when on the opening day he went to the door, he was overpowered to see the array of carriages and silk hats.

  14. The men sat or kneeled and watched him in positive reverence as he gulped a quantity of water, then turned to the food-trough.

  15. Even in the face of these facts, reverence for the past may amount to such religious veneration that change may come literally to be regarded as sacrilegious.

  16. There is in some individuals a highly developed sentiment and reverence for tradition as such, and an æsthetic sensibility to the mellowness, ripeness, and charm that so often accompany old things.

  17. The one regards with awe and reverence past achievement, and rests his faith on the experiments which have been tested and proved by time.

  18. Reverence for the past may also be due to a romantic idealization of it.

  19. With filial reverence they took with them all the customs of their loved Father of Assisi, and especially such as appealed to the masses and brought home to them in a vivid way the great truths of religion.

  20. They became the accredited agents for the ransoming of prisoners, and also for their exchange and even the Mahometans learned to trust and eventually to reverence them.

  21. This is what has happened unfortunately with regard to Gothic art, but a better spirit is coming in this matter, with the more careful study of periods of art and the return of reverence for the grand old Middle Ages.

  22. Great reverence for Dante might have been expected in Italy but the colder Northern nations shared it.

  23. Homer wrote nearly three thousand years ago as supreme an expression of human life in absolute literary values as the world has ever known, or, with all reverence for the future be it said, is ever likely to know.

  24. Now as I live, you look all over what you wish, and such as will beget a Reverence and Envy in the Men, and Passion in the Women.

  25. To shake all Duty from my Soul; And all that Reverence Children owe a Parent, Shall henceforth be converted into Hate.

  26. Cackamarda Orangate; and 'twere not for the Name of Cackamarda, and so forth, a Man had as good have a Sir-reverence at his Nose.

  27. There is no Christian duty more insisted upon in Scripture than reverence and obedience to parents.

  28. God in his wisdom instituted this severe law in early times; and it must convince us that there were reasons in the Divine mind for insisting on the ordinance exacting the most perfect submission and reverence to an earthly parent.

  29. He was a strong Roman Catholic, at a time when the connection between reverence for the Pope and reverence for the Church was, perhaps, closer than it had been at most previous periods of the history of the Papacy.

  30. We will first," he continued, "reverence the law which we ourselves have made, to which we voluntarily submit.

  31. At the University of Turin, the Professor to whom he looked up with the greatest reverence was driven from his post by the Jesuits, and this event awakened in Gioberti his bitter hostility to that Order.

  32. This address expressed great regret at the flight of the Pope, whose name the petitioners declared they had been wont to reverence as "the symbol of a magnanimous idea.

  33. Reverence is as instinctive as anger;--both of them instant on true vision: it is sight and understanding that we have to teach, and these are reverence.

  34. Let us bow with respect and reverence before the army of patient investigators who bring highly disciplined faculties to bear upon the most useful researches.

  35. In nothing does the godlike character of Christ show forth more beautifully than in His reverence for children.

  36. Is not reverence a part of all the sweetest and purest feelings which bind us to father and mother, to friends and home and country?

  37. There is no soul which does not bow with delight and reverence before Beauty and Power; and when we come to true insight, we perceive that holiness is Beauty and goodness Power.

  38. At that festival, my reverence for Europeans received its death blow.

  39. To neither love nor reverence wilt thou be kind; and e'en for hate thou canst but kill; and all are killed.

  40. But," said the old janitor, making that reverence to his superiors which he was bounden to do, "may I ask what it is that the corbel holds?

  41. I believe thy traitorous affection for my false cousin Stephen hath more to do with thine obstinacy than any reverence thou bearest to the rules of thine order.

  42. Dost call it Christian duty and reverence to mother church to kidnap the servants of the altar and put them to the rack as thy people have done?

  43. And how long does your Christian reverence suppose you have remained in this place since the late laird's death?

  44. I live in the city here, amongst you, I will do more reverence to him, when I meet him, than I will to the mayor out of his year.

  45. Her whole manner surprised Violet, there was a reverence as if they were actually within a church, and more melancholy than pleasure in the possession of what, nevertheless, the young heiress evidently loved with all her heart.

  46. There was a brief pause, which Anaxagoras interrupted, by saying, "The wise can never reverence images merely as images.

  47. True, Eudora; but there is reverence mingled with his homage.

  48. Paralus often said that the Persian Magii, the Egyptian priests, and the Pythagoreans imbibed their reverence for light from one common source," rejoined Philothea.

  49. The pestilence has not been sent in vain, if the faith in images is shaken, and the Athenians have been led to reverence One great Principle of Order, even though they call it unknown.

  50. While Paralus revealed his vision, his father's soul was filled with reverence and fear, and he breathed with a continual consciousness of supernatural presence.

  51. You will not look upon the picture," rejoined Aspasia; "yet it relates a story of one of the gods you reverence so highly.

  52. Two matrons of advanced years, and four young women of gentle birth, educated by the bounty of Ermengarde, attended with reverence the arrival of her kinswoman.

  53. It is not well," he said, "that your reverence should thus trifle with the dangers which threaten my house.

  54. Randal de Lacy took his leave with the same air of deep reverence which had marked his entrance; only that, as he then saluted the skirt of Eveline's robe, he now rendered the same homage by touching her hand with his lip.

  55. He stared--he almost laughed, notwithstanding the reverence due to the Castellane, and his own insensibility to risible emotions.

  56. Fleming, "is it possible I could ever think of involving your reverence in a little matter of deceit?

  57. But would your reverence have me dally until the question amongst the garrison be, whether a plump priest or a fat Fleming will be the better flesh to furnish their shambles?

  58. Nay, but the holy text which your reverence cited to me even now," continued the Fleming.

  59. I believe, if he could venture to value himself upon anything, it is on the virtue of consistency that he would value himself the most.

  60. Now, of all the replies made to this masterpiece of reasoning and reflection, Mackintosh's "Vindiciae Gallicae" was incontestably the ablest and profoundest.

  61. And you," she replied, still with that note of suppressed yet passionate reverence in her tone, "are Maraton.

  62. Believe me, young lady, there is nothing in the world more to be avoided than this sentimental and exaggerated reverence for life.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reverence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acclaim; admiration; admire; adoration; adore; apotheosis; appreciate; appreciation; approbation; approval; attention; awe; bend; bow; cherish; commemorate; conformity; consideration; courtesy; crouch; cult; curtsy; deference; deification; deify; devotion; duck; duty; esteem; estimation; exalt; faith; favor; fear; gallantry; glory; hallow; holy; homage; honor; idolatry; idolize; inclination; kowtow; nod; obeisance; observance; observe; piety; praise; prestige; prize; prostration; regard; religion; respect; revere; reverence; salaam; salutation; salute; scrape; servility; squat; stoop; submission; theism; treasure; value; venerate; veneration; wonder; worship; worshiping