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Example sentences for "regarded"

Lexicographically close words:
regally; regard; regarda; regardant; regarde; regarder; regardest; regardeth; regardful; regarding
  1. The character of Fabius has been regarded with the highest admiration by all mankind.

  2. Mankind have always regarded the action of the Romans, in this case, as one of the most striking examples of military courage and resolution which the history of war has ever recorded.

  3. The whole population of Rome, remembering the awful scenes of consternation and terror which the city had so often endured, regarded Scipio as a great deliverer.

  4. Hannibal's determination to carry an army into Italy by way of the Alps, instead of transporting them by galleys over the sea, has always been regarded as one of the greatest undertakings of ancient times.

  5. Mrs. Porter's rules concerning visitors, though stringent as regarded Mamie, were capable of being relaxed when she herself was the person to relax them.

  6. He regarded Basil with the aversion which a dignified pigeon might feel for a circling hawk; and he was now looking on this yacht party as a deadly peril from which Ruth must be saved at any cost.

  7. He was not proud of his beard, but he had not regarded it as quite the pestilential thing which it seemed to be in the eyes of Mrs. Porter.

  8. She had never run over anything before except a few chickens, and she regarded the incident as a blot on her escutcheon.

  9. Poor thing, it was so rarely now that he came home to dinner, that a visit from him was regarded by her in the light of a treat.

  10. Not that he was thinking about Kitty, for he regarded the scene he had with her as merely an outburst of hysterical passion, and did not dream she would take any serious step.

  11. The fact is, the death is regarded as a misfortune, and somebody must be blamed for it.

  12. I have always regarded Monte Carlo as an Influence for Good.

  13. Yet she was quite aware that her succession would be regarded by the tenants and neighbors with extreme dislike.

  14. The mother was quiet and very undemonstrative, but she attached herself to the dying man, and he regarded her with a pitying tenderness, for which there appeared to be no cause whatever.

  15. He was even prejudiced against Presbyterians; and a very careless reader of his works must see that he was deeply impressed with the importance of Episcopacy, and that he regarded it as an apostolic institution.

  16. After all, no stranger and foreigner was to have rule over them; for Richard they certainly regarded in that light.

  17. Antony was regarded as a wronged man; and Richard as a plotting interloper, who added to all his other faults the unpardonable one of being a foreigner, "with a name that no Yorkshireman iver did hev?

  18. He had never regarded Antony as a man of moral courage, or even of inflexible moral principles, and he failed to see how Antony's affairs should have the power to overthrow his plans.

  19. Antony seized at once upon the point in the letter which regarded it.

  20. He admitted no faults in the first two; his own shortcomings toward Heaven he willingly acknowledged; but he regarded his attitude toward his fellow-man as without fault.

  21. He regarded ignorance on a great many matters as the natural and admirable condition of womanhood.

  22. In those days silver was regarded as equally valuable with gold.

  23. Huascar, nevertheless, had declined to acquiesce in any such virtual division of dominions that he regarded as his by right of succession, and at the first opportunity had quarreled with Atahualpa and invaded the territory apportioned to him.

  24. As he, too, had continued to live in Quito, he had come to be regarded rather as a scion of the ancient Shiri dynasty than as a prince of an alien conquering house.

  25. The King regarded the provinces as his personal property and their occupants as instruments for their development for his benefit alone.

  26. Columbus shared these views and regarded himself as a special instrument for executing the divine decrees.

  27. At first, though, if the plan of sailing west was even thought of, it would seem to have been regarded as less feasible than that of rounding Africa.

  28. It was under the Inca Yupanqui that this conquest took place, and he is regarded as the great hero of Peruvian history.

  29. The Sun they regarded as God the Father and the Moon (believed to be the Sun-God’s sister and wife) as the Goddess-Mother.

  30. The Paseio Publico is regarded by many as the most charming of the parks, but there are lots of these beautiful spots.

  31. In the midst of the gardens, which are separated by luxuriantly shaded streets, is the Theatro da Paz, regarded as one of the best in Latin America, and the Apollo Circus and Paz Carrousel.

  32. Strange to say, the actress regarded him not.

  33. Thus, one day he happened to call on a humble shopkeeper, who regarded him with natural distrust.

  34. Beliefs about hair Numerous customs appear to indicate that the hair was regarded as the special seat of bodily strength.

  35. In Nagpur it is stated that the Vidurs like to be regarded as Brahmans.

  36. The crime of giving false evidence was visited with mutilation of the extremities; and in certain unspecified cases, serious offences were punished by the shaving of the offender's hair, a penalty regarded as specially infamous.

  37. The social status of the Pasis is low, but they are not regarded as impure.

  38. It is not at first sight clear why the painter should be of the same caste, but the reason is perhaps that his brushes are made of the hair of animals, and this is also regarded as impure, as being a part of the hide.

  39. Social status The social status of the Turis is very low, and their touch is regarded as impure.

  40. But there is no Hindu deity representing the pig, this animal on the contrary being regarded as impure.

  41. A third group of Manas are now amalgamated with the Kunbis as a regular subdivision of that caste, though they are regarded as somewhat lower than the others.

  42. Cow-killing is not regarded as an offence.

  43. Risley says: "Their original profession was probably oil-pressing, and the caste may be regarded as a functional group recruited from the respectable middle class of Hindu society.

  44. Well-to-do people also place a rupee in the ball, so that it is now regarded as an offering.

  45. To get maggots in a wound is, however, regarded as a grave offence, and the sufferer is put out of the village and has to live alone until he recovers.

  46. They are the Pariahs of the Telugu country, and are regarded as impure and degraded.

  47. The Scripture was regarded as the highest utterance of the Spirit, the unique and constant test of the Church's life and teaching.

  48. It should be remembered that the Church has always regarded the Atonement as having a retrospective effect, extending back to the first representatives of the human race.

  49. The representative character of Christ is manifested in a different aspect, according as He is regarded as the victim or as the priest offering the sacrifice.

  50. There remains the further aspect of His redemptive work, in which it is regarded as effecting our reunion with God by delivering us from the power of sin, and by filling us with the Divine gift of life.

  51. This duty may be regarded as one application of the general maxim of justice, 'Render to all their dues.

  52. The sanctions with which Christ enforces His doctrine may thus be regarded as pointing to a reign of Law in the spiritual realm which He reveals to mankind.

  53. On the one side, it may be refused a hearing as miraculous; it may be understood as violating the natural order which it transcends; it may be regarded and resented as an anomaly in history.

  54. The immense field of our possible duties towards society, and towards each individual, so far as he comes in contact with us, may be regarded as embraced in the second table of the Decalogue.

  55. In face of the historical spirit of the age, the study of past theology can never again be regarded as merely a piece of religious antiquarianism.

  56. The death of Christ is, in the first place, to be regarded as propitiatory.

  57. Fastidious old Naylor regarded his wife with the affection of habit and with a little disdain for the ordinariness of her virtues--not to say of the mind which they adorned.

  58. Beaumaroy regarded his squat paunchy figure, red face, small eyes (a squint in one of them), and bulbous nose with a patient and benign toleration.

  59. The abolition societies were only in a very restricted degree the causes of the growing feeling in the North against slavery; they are rather to be regarded as themselves manifestations or accompaniments of that feeling.

  60. There had been an abortive negro rising in Virginia almost at the same time that the abolitionist movement first came into prominence; and this fact added to the rage and terror with which the South regarded the latter.

  61. Benton always regarded much of the slavery agitation in the South as being political in character, and the result of the schemes of ambitious and unscrupulous leaders.

  62. He was now thoroughly on the alert, and actively opposed at all points the schemes of those whom he regarded as concerned in or instigating the intrigue.

  63. The second class of objects regarded with religious veneration was Idols.

  64. A river known as the Ugly Burn, in the county of Ross, springing from Loch Glaish, was regarded with awe by all the countryside, as the retreat of the water-horse and other spiritual beings.

  65. But apart from these, or comprehending these, the Zabians seem to have regarded two principles, GOD and the Soul, as specially active and ever-living.

  66. Among the Samoans, the objects regarded as etus were, indeed, almost innumerable, and frequently they were of extraordinary triviality.

  67. It was thought well to marry at the time of the growing moon, and among fisher-folk a flowing tide was regarded as "lucky.

  68. For they regarded him as really dead, when he could neither look at them nor speak to them.

  69. They appear to have regarded Matter as primeval and everlasting, and to have ascribed to it the origin and duration of Evil.

  70. The king, he said, might fetter his body, but had no power over his mind and will; and he refused all food, with a view to put an end to a life which he no longer regarded as of value.

  71. Near the wooden image some red feathers were strewn, and a string of small pieces of polished pearl shells was regarded as the manava, or soul of the god.

  72. Sneezing among the Hindus, if it occur behind your back, is regarded as so unfavourable an omen, that they at once abandon the work on which at the time they may have been engaged.

  73. The memory of Nimrod was certainly regarded with mystic veneration by many; and by asserting himself to be the heir of that mighty hunter before the Lord, he vindicated to himself at least the whole Babylonian kingdom.

  74. Such, however, was not the light in which Charles was regarded by his contemporaries at the commencement of his Russian expedition.

  75. Let us turn from the French statesman writing in 1835, to an English statesman, who is justly regarded as the highest authority on all statistical subjects, and who described the United States only seven years ago.

  76. Wild as many of these legends are, they bear concurrent and certain testimony to the awe with which the memory of Attila was regarded by the bold warriors who composed and delighted in them.

  77. It is an honourable characteristic of the Spirit of this Age, that projects of violence and warfare are regarded among civilized states with gradually increasing aversion.

  78. Posterity has generally regarded that disquisition as proving Livy's patriotism more strongly than his impartiality or acuteness.

  79. They thought that heaven had now declared itself in favour of Charles as the true heir of the crown of St. Louis; and the tales about his being spurious were thenceforth regarded as mere English calumnies.

  80. The ceremony of a royal coronation and anointment was not in those days regarded as a mere costly formality.

  81. It was by all Biblical students regarded as an invaluable contribution to Scriptural literature, and as a find which "has doubled our sources of knowledge of the darkest corner of New Testament criticism.

  82. Nor was this thorough study of letters by the women of Italy "unfavorably regarded by social opinion"; neither did it introduce "a new standard of womanly activity.

  83. This production was long regarded as a standard work on the topics discussed, and for years exerted an immense influence in the medical world.

  84. The most noted of these was Francois Viete, the learned French mathematician, who is justly regarded as the father of modern algebra.

  85. She was at once granted a patent for her invention, which was by her countrymen regarded as an event of national importance.

  86. But brief as they are, all of these memoirs are regarded by mathematicians as being of special value.

  87. The first woman whose name has come down to us, who deserved to be regarded as an astronomer, was most probably Aglaonice, the daughter of Hegetoris of Thessaly.

  88. Their achievements have, in most cases, been so overshadowed by those of men that their work has been usually regarded as a negligible quantity.

  89. It was, indeed, the first work that deserved to be regarded as a textbook of modern chemistry.

  90. Land that has a water-right is regarded as detached from the merced and never remains undivided.

  91. Their nomadism has too often been regarded as an aimless wandering.

  92. Of the regions apart from the Andes which still depend on the Chilean market it will be enough to mention two, which may be regarded as typical.

  93. Many attempts have been made to classify the Pampean lands, but the results cannot be regarded as final.

  94. It is also at Buenos Aires that immigrants who are not going to settle in Argentina embark; re-emigration, which is regarded as a national plague by Argentine economists, is another source of profit to the capital.

  95. For a work of this character there is no account of travel, no study of the soil, the climate, or the vegetation, no statistical document or journal or purely historical text, that has not a perfect right to be regarded as a source.

  96. Some have obstinately, but wrongly, sought in these the traces of rivers that have disappeared; and the bajos of Gualicho and Valcheta have wrongly been regarded as the former bed of the Rio Negro and the Limay.

  97. The farms have been multiplied on the low lands (canadas), unsuitable for wheat, which the older colonists had disdained; but they are now regarded as the best bits of land.

  98. Hence railway construction must be regarded in modern Argentina as one of the aspects of the problem of developing the soil.

  99. The State de-Christianised and the Church regarded as a mere union of souls.

  100. According to the Preface, they were “not to be regarded as equal to the Bible, though good and profitable to read.

  101. The remarkable “Sendbrieff,” other portions of which are of the highest psychological interest, must be regarded as in reality a product of the author’s mental overstrain at that time.

  102. Nicholas Hausmann, pastor of Zwickau, and an intimate friend, approached him at the end of 1526 on the subject of the ban, which he regarded as indispensable for the cause of order.

  103. Nevertheless during the ensuing controversies he was regarded as a traitor by the stricter Lutherans and treated with a scorn that did much to embitter his last years.

  104. In short princes and lords, even such as wished to be pious, regarded their station and office as of no account.

  105. Willibald Pirkheimer, who was then on Luther’s side, is usually regarded as the author of this screed published under the pseudonym of J.

  106. Indeed the question arises whether, psychologically, the secondary aims are not to be regarded as quite as powerful as his supposed leading motive.

  107. The latter of these "sine qua nons" is now owned as a matter of course by most families and is no longer regarded as a mark of distinction.

  108. It can easily be conceived, however, that certain conditions of the atmosphere may produce these phenomena, which are regarded by the Hindoo seer as sure tokens of death or disaster.

  109. The presence of animals not exactly regarded as domestic is a feature of certain poor districts of London.

  110. Pausing in front of one she regarded it with an attentive eye.

  111. The doctor, taking the cigar out of his mouth, regarded the ash on the tip.

  112. Being in, the visitor regarded the voluble butler with characteristic impassivity.

  113. Putting his hands behind his back he regarded her with smiling face.

  114. Well, if you will permit me to be quite plain, Miss Wallace, I don't know that I regarded it as a drawback even if I did guess.

  115. It is to be feared that they regarded their hostess at best with but amusement, wondering, if she really had as much money as people said, how it was that she was willing to get so little for it.

  116. Moving a few steps, he leaned over the foot of the bed, and from that point attentively regarded her.

  117. As he stood there, with his hands folded in front of him in an attitude of prayer, Mrs. Lamb regarded him with what could hardly be regarded as glances of admiration.

  118. As if conscious that his temper was being vented in the wrong quarter, picking them up again he regarded them with looks of whimsical self-reproach.

  119. One wondered how much, or how little, they could see; they regarded Isabel blankly, as if she had been a wooden doll.

  120. She, of course, regarded it, there and then, as her own personal property.

  121. His host regarded him with twinkling eyes.

  122. She regarded it in silence, then, still without a word, she left the room.

  123. Grace improved an early opportunity to say to Caleb that perhaps she had done wrong in recovering so quickly from her attack of chills, for she had been told that he regarded malaria as a means of grace.

  124. So one day, after a fortnight of self-abstraction, he announced to Philip that a bath-room ought to be regarded as a means of grace.

  125. Themistocles, on the other hand, shrank from the idea of abandoning the refugees in the island of Salamis, and he regarded the adjacent straits as the best position in which the Greeks could give battle.

  126. The successful entry into the Eastern seas was therefore regarded as something of an exploit.

  127. But still the steamship was regarded as an auxiliary.

  128. The methods of the American navy were very dilatory, professional opinion was opposed to Steevens, whose project was regarded as that of a "crank," and the ship was left unfinished for years.

  129. The English Government knew nothing of the inefficient state and the endless difficulties of the great fleet concentrated at Cadiz, and regarded its presence there as a standing danger.

  130. The protected cruiser is no longer regarded as having a place in the main fighting-line.

  131. The Japanese could have easily headed them off, but Togo now regarded them as a huntsman regards a herd of deer that he is driving before him.

  132. The Spaniards regarded Drake and Hawkins as smugglers and pirates, and in vain asked Elizabeth to disavow and make amends for their acts.

  133. Somewhat later in life this desire to attract attention, at all costs, is well seen in the type of girl popularly regarded as hysterical.

  134. Whatever their intensity, habitual and involuntary movements of this nature should not be overlooked, and should be regarded as evidence of mental unrest.

  135. Two, three, and four thousand dollars may be regarded as incomes which may be obtained with reasonable certainty by women who are successful in their professions.

  136. A time is likely to come in the world's history when the laws of right living are so well understood that poor health will be regarded as blameworthy.

  137. Dancing has recently come more into favour as an occupation, regarded both as giving physical training for health and as an art.

  138. The missionary and the deaconess may be regarded as forerunners in some sense to the modern social worker.

  139. Eighteen dollars a week is regarded as a good salary for a capable stenographer of some years' experience.

  140. The hours are eight in the daytime and seven for night operators; this length of working day is regarded as the utmost which can be required from girls in telephone work.

  141. He might, in fact, be regarded as the keeper not so much of the King's conscience, as of his savoir faire, and of that tact for which Royalty in all countries is conspicuous.

  142. This book which I am now writing would probably excite no comment if published anonymously, but will be regarded as revolutionary when it is known to have been written by the heir to a crown.

  143. I hope your Majesty has never regarded as a complaint the advice which I have felt bound to offer.

  144. And with a conscience ill at ease over the damage he had wrought to a season which he still regarded with a certain conventional reverence, his thoughts lighted upon Maundy Thursday, then less than a fortnight off.

  145. Nor had she any illusions about that particular branch of the Church militant for which she labored; she regarded it rather as a half-baked body of territorials than a regular army equipped for the field.

  146. They had parted with unreconciled views, and by no stretch of terms could their relationship any longer be regarded as friendly.

  147. Required to give proofs of my honesty by a shopman who rightly regarded all strangers with suspicion, I deposited the value, which I forgot afterwards to reclaim, and set off with my load.

  148. More and more the critical and suspensory powers of the Crown were coming to be regarded as out of place, a straining of the Royal Prerogative.

  149. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "regarded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    regarded himself; regarded merely; regarded the