I think it more probable that they are driven from the coasts near the river by the numerous enemies they encounter there, such as porpoises and seals, which devour them in great quantities.
During this crisis trout collect below to devour such portions of the spawn as float down the river, and parr are frequently seen hovering in and around the trough.
After a deep fall of snow the wolf is unusually ferocious; if he besmears himself with the blood of a victim, or is so wounded that blood flows, it is positively asserted that his companions will instantly kill and devour him.
I bet theydevour one another with kisses when we have gone.
Their lips were pinched, thoughts of violence passed in their clear eyes, and a craving beset them to devour one another.
Gloucester had feigned himself a kind relation till he had got them into prison; now he yearned to put forth his claws and devour them.
The shrike's bloodthirstiness was seen in the fact that he did not stop to devour his prey, but went in quest of more, as if opening a market of goldfinches.
As the quarry rushes into the net, the concealed hunters fall upon it and spear it to death, at the same time fighting back the hungry dogs which would quickly devour it.
It is necessary for the hunters to follow the dogs closely and beat them off a slain animal, otherwise they will quickly devour it.
It is carnivorous, {106}feeding on various small insects, chiefly those belonging to the present family, but in lack of these it will even devour individuals of its own species.
These insects naturally inhabit dead trees, but as they will devour unsound timber in any {48}form they are very injurious to old wooden buildings.
He has devoured much, and now a stronger than he devours him, and a still greater worm will devour this stronger one also.
It is considered lucky for the departed and his family when birds alone devour the greater portion of the body; dogs and wild animals come, say the Lamas, when the deceased has sinned during his life.
There the son of Pandu is about todevour the son of Radha!
Slaying today all the sons of Kunti, Vasudeva and others that walk before them, I will devour them with all their followers.
And all creatures thought that array would devour the whole earth with her mountains and seas and forests, and abounding with diverse things.
The valiant Rakshasa, assuming many fierce and grim heads, began to devour the celestial weapons of the Suta's son.
The North-American naturalists have taught us lately that honey is not always the diet of the Blister-beetles: some Meloidæ in the United States devour the packets of eggs laid by the Grasshoppers.
The present wars devour him: he is grown Too proud to be so valiant.
Ay, to devour him, as the hungry plebeians would the noble Marcius.
He acknowledged the greatest desire todevour children he would meet playing; but he did not possess the courage to kill them.
In his infancy he killed with his hands the serpents which were sent to devour him.
He constantly vomited, but his craving for food was so insatiable that if not satisfied he would devour the flesh off his own bones.
Owen Dorsey reports that while among the Ponkas he saw a woman and child devour the entrails of a beef with their contents.
The General-in-chief had seen him devour thirty pounds of raw liver and lungs.
He particularly relished the flesh of serpents and would quicklydevour the largest.
Zola speaks of them as ‘a swarm of sharks who, not being able to swallow us, devour each other.
I, "for the mercy of some savage beast to devour me!
Tigers have actually been known to rudely run their paws through the invulnerable paper windows of a mud house, drag out a struggling body roughly awoke from slumber, anddevour the same peacefully in the middle of the street.
The gift is too sublime and noble for God to cast it before dogs and swine, who, when by chance they hear the preached message, devour it without knowing to what they do violence.
Upon such as these ye can shower goods and gifts, and can permit them to devour you as they please.
But such are the excesses now to be seen in the courts of princes--the banqueting and the drinking--that one would think they meant to devour the resources of the country in a single hour.
Have no fear, my dear neighbours, we will notdevour you.
England is a Moloch that will devour everything, a vampire that will suck tribute from all the veins of the earth, a monster snake encircling the whole Equator.
Let us snatch the treasure of our motherland before the flames devour the palace of Priam.
But if the heat of the furnace ceases to fill the soul, then the soul is left defenseless against the passions without which it cannot live: it must have passion, it creates passion: and the passions will devour the soul .
They are alone together in a lawless universe, a very chaos of love, when the confused elements know not as yet what distinguishes one from the other, and strive greedily to devour each other.
It happened once in those old times that Wolf-Wind was in a great rage, and he went forth to kill and devour all who dared to come in his path.
No matter: the vermin devour the mild milk mushroom with the same zest with which they devour the horribly peppered one.
The caterpillar and the maggot are of another opinion: they greedily devour what we hold in dread.
In a short time the reptile will catch sight or scent of you, and perceiving that you are no vril-bearer, will come forth to devour you.
Our teeth, as you have doubtless observed,* are not those of the creatures who devour flesh.