Without the struggle to keep that love which must ask so much of its object, she could give Sam more of that altruism which asks nothing.
A surrender to principle and violation of the broad laws of true altruism can be even more terrible.
Hard by is a shrine to valor, the Alamo, a reminder of the duty of altruism which an individual owes to his fellows.
This advanced stage makes for altruism and comprehensive cooperation.
Will any one say that the supreme duty of altruism is binding upon men as individuals, and not binding upon the same men acting conjointly as a nation?
It would cover a new field, appealing to reason and altruism and justice.
When the great mass of the race has Altruism for its governing motive, then it may be possible to use that trait of character as the basis of industrial society.
The motto of the Knights of Labor is a true one, apart from the altruism involved in it.
Discord in the mind is translated into physical disease in the body, while the harmonies of hope, faith, cheerfulness, happiness, love and altruism create in the organism the corresponding health vibrations.
When knowledge, self-control andaltruism become the sole motives of action, evil and the crises it necessitates will naturally disappear.
These arguments of egoism versus altruism are always circular.
In this self-seeking world it is not practical to assume the existence of an invertedaltruism of this kind.
Altruism is perhaps the most expensive of the virtues.
She had tried to be a good woman, and her altruism had won her such a bad name that if Dr.
Comte made egoism and altruism the two master forces of the mind.
And hence it comes about that both the cynic and the idealist can make out plausible cases, when they seek to show that either egoism or altruism predominates in human life.
No people so ruled by altruism as to lose its capacities for aggression and cunning could hold their own, in the present state of the world, against races hardened by the discipline of competition as well as by the discipline of war.
And according to the degree of altruism within yourself, these good folk will be able, without any apparent effort, to make you happy.
The old distinction between egoism and altruism is thus an artificial one.
Altruism is just as natural as egoism in its origins, though the impulses of self-preservation and personal physical satisfaction are natively stronger and more numerous.
Since man is born with the original tendencies to herd with and have common sympathies with his fellows, and to pity those of them that are weak and distressed, there is nothing more unnatural about altruismthan about egoism.
Further, I am entirely in agreement with you when you say that altruism necessarily must be innate in man considered as a herd-animal.
But in the state of being completely in love, altruism and libidinous occupation with an object clash.
For the simplest and rudest productions of Nature mere egoism might suffice, but to the achievement of any higher aim some adumbration of altruismwas indispensable.
Let us look, then, for some of the beginnings of altruismin the course of the evolution of life.
Of all kinds of altruism the mother's was no doubt the earliest; it was the derivative source from which all other kinds were by slow degrees developed.
The highest evolution of our race has been, and ever must be, through that Christian altruism which will not rest until the noblest truth and the fullest life are brought to all the benighted souls of our race.
This they consider to be true altruism added to breadth of religious sentiment!
They claim that this restraint is demanded by true Christian altruism and by the spirit of Christ.
It is enough to remind this objector that the doctrine of evolution admits that the highest altruism is a part of the evolution process.
But into their ideal of life altruism hardly enters at all.
Carey’s efforts in England were unremitting, and the contagion of his burning altruism spread everywhere notwithstanding much opposition and contempt met from a certain class.
A lofty altruism must permeate his every act and give colouring to his whole life.
Altruism is not the only nor the primary upward force.
To a large extent, the spread of profit sharing depends upon the development of altruism among employers.
The spread of altruism in the modern world is heartening, but no sensible person will shut his eyes to the fact that, for the immediate future at least, self-interest promises to be much more widespread than altruism.
The spread of altruism and the widening of the concept of social service have caused the extension of governmental activity in such new fields as social insurance, recreation, and public health.
Altruism has a place in any social system of economics, and so have the sense of justice and the positive compulsion of the law.
Altruism does its largest work in causing men to give away wealth after they have acquired it, but conscience and the law powerfully affect their actions in acquiring it.
Charles had defeated Barbarossa and expelled him from Tunis; he had now displayed his magnanimity and altruism by the terms which he imposed on the miserable Muley Hassan.
It was a wonderful display of patriotic altruism in the case of some, at any rate, of the daimyo.
The illustrations of altruism which they furnished by abdicating in one another's favour may well have been inspired by perusing the writings of Confucius.