I have engaged my heart with so much zeal and true devotion to your divine beauty, that---- Alon.
To infected zealyou must no mercy shew; For, from religion all rebellions grow.
I'll haste to gratify her holy will;-- Heaven grant her zeal may but continue still!
Not to have owned myzeal at such a time, Were to sin higher than your tyrant's crime.
She was the equal of her husband in missionary zeal and enthusiasm, and he himself bears testimony to the unerring skill which she possessed in gauging the moral qualities of the Chinese.
And this list exhausts only a portion of his excursions on the effort to stimulate and develope the faith and the zeal of the churches at home.
I know of your zeal in working at home as well as abroad, and I am greatly grieved to find you think you are badly treated.
He therefore determined to sail back to Spain, make known his discovery to the king and queen, and fit out a larger expedition for trading.
I must order from London to meet me by the time I arrive at North Fleet.
Soon after this, the Archbishop of St. Andrews was murdered by the Laird of Hackston and Balfour, assisted by four poor weavers.
The King gave proof of his affection by the zeal with which he prepared for his cousin's reception in Paris; an honour apparently disputed with him by Rupert's brother Edward.
But, whether a private interest be not generally supported and pursued with more zealthan a public?
Whether any people upon earth shew a more earlyzeal for the service of their country, greater eagerness to bear a part in the legislature, or a more general parturiency with respect to politics and public counsels?
But regarding his theological attainments, the purity of his morals, the zeal of his clerical ministrations, his eulogists are silent.
Anticipating the night that approached to arrest their labours, they worked with a zeal which knew no repose, but which proved fatal to the stability of their fabric.
We anticipate a widely disseminated zeal for classic writers, an eager rivalry to outstrip them in branches of speculative knowledge, which they especially cultivated.
In truth I had not been thus courteous to him The whilst I lived, though eagerness of zeal For that pre-eminence my heart was bent on.
A rupture with France was the preliminary move in the game he had arranged with Louis, and his zeal in promoting it seemed the surest disguise of his ulterior designs.
All these considerations alarmed the whole party, though indeed Pelisson, who had more knowledge of human nature than the other two, trusted, with some degree of hope, that the cloak of religious zeal would cover all other sins.
But I cannot discover that any one has met with harshness, except such as are distinguished for a somewhat inordinate zeal in favour of the Catholic faith.
She sees, and he sees, that whatever be that plan it must comprise something which affords occupation to the bigoted zeal of the King.
Much injury is done to religion by the mistaken zeal of its advocates.
The glowing zeal of a young convert called for action.
The zeal of Cross Lanes, of Winchester, of Port Republic, burned to a white heat.
His success in securing enlistments was commensurate with his zeal and known military skill.
And not in vain: with strength renewed, And zeal refreshed, and hope less dim, For that brief meeting, each pursued The path allotted him.
The stranger treads his native soil, And pleads, with zeal unfelt before, The honest right of British toil, The claim of England's poor.
And out of this great unrest emerged Robert Owen, handsome, intelligent, honest, filled with a holy zeal to help himself by helping humanity.
He was a lover of humanity, filled with a holy zealto better the condition of the laborer.
Men who seldom or never before labored with their hands devoted themselves to agriculture and the mechanical arts with a zeal which was at least commendable, though not always well directed.
But the Editor has such a fantastical and ignorant zealfor his Patron, that he will not allow his correspondents [coadjutors] to conceal anything of his; though in obedience to his commands!
Cibot had begun to cherish a hope that her name might be mentioned in "her gentlemen's" wills; she had redoubled her zeal since that covetous thought tardily sprouted up in the midst of that so honest moustache.
Thus our Historian should have distinguish'd Archbishop Laud's natural Pride and Severity, from that Piety and Zealwhich are the Pretexts and Colours that are given them.
Brother, your zeal for the institution of Masonry, the progress you have made in the mystery, and your conformity to our regulations, have pointed you out as a proper object of our favor and esteem.
After giving which, the Master of the Veil, assured of his full confidence in us as worthy brethren, commended us for our zeal and gave us the token and words to enable us to pass the second Veil.
The red is emblematical of that zeal which should characterize you as an I.
The King answered that the twenty-five masters were justly entitled to the honors conferred on them, for their zeal and fidelity.
That purity of heart and that zeal which should characterize every Grand Master Architect.
He said we were truly three worthy Most Excellent Masters, commended us for our zeal and disinterestedness, and asked what part of the work we were willing to undertake.
They commended us highly for our zeal and fidelity, assured us that it was a fortunate discovery, that it would probably lead to still more important ones, and that our disinterested perseverance should not go unrewarded.
I was then asked, "My dear brother, have you zeal to apply yourself with attention to that which the Most Puissant shall request of you?
This man's zeal was of such an extravagant character, that it may almost shelter itself under the name of insanity.
Isabella lost no opportunity of manifesting, that she had entered into the war, less from motives of ambition, than of zeal for the exaltation of the true faith.
The grandees, says Lebrija, mortified at being surpassed in zeal for the holy war by a woman, eagerly collected their forces, which had been partly disbanded, and returned across the borders to renew hostilities.
But no sooner had their Arian masters embraced the orthodox faith, than they began to testify their zeal by pouring on the Jews the most pitiless storm of persecution.
Sixtus the Fourth appears for a moment to have been touched with something like compunction; for he rebuked the intemperatezeal of the inquisitors, and even menaced them with deprivation.
In Mr. Gourlay the energy and shrewd business habits of the accomplished merchant were added to an enlightened zeal for general science, and no inconsiderable knowledge in both the geologic and botanic provinces.
She accepted the trust with zeal and pleasure; but she overruled their simple notion of an American volunteer at rest, with his hands folded on the muzzle of his gun, as intolerably hackneyed and commonplace.
In their zeal for the God of Israel, they are apt to forget that only Himself can compass impossibilities, and altogether lose sight of the fact that where, who, or what Jehovah is, no man knoweth.
It must indeed be admitted by the really enlightened of every name, that their conduct in this particular amply justifies pious Matthew Henry's confessions, that 'of all the christian graces, zeal is most apt to turn sour.
I have possibly not yet reached years of discretion, but in the perspective of time I can see with confusion that what I regarded as worthy zeal might well have been characterised by others as confounded impudence.
Stuart, an able and distinguished Whig, who had relieved his poverty years before by the timely loan of books with which to study law, and who had from the first promoted his political fortunes with zeal as disinterested as it was effective.
It was clear that no particular person was "spoiling" for a collision with him; and an exception to the rule might have been made in his favor, but for the offensive zeal and confidence of his employer.
Taking with him a couple of other men and a woman, the detective went about his business with the zeal which necessarily marks his peculiar profession.