They rejoiced in the uncovenanted beatitude of sweetness alighting in their hearts.
No merely opposite words could have so much denial, or so much pain of loss, or so much outer darkness, or so much barred beatitude in sight.
That the Greeks believed in the metempsychosis, in a state of beatitude for the just, and pains of a thousand years duration for the wicked.
The last beatitude breaks forth into a song of joy.
That Jacob was not yet quite a saint, he was ready to allow; but so prodigiously brilliant an intellect could not be expected to fold its wings and settle itself at once in the temperate beatitude of saintship.
If therefore a man would embrace some one of these opinions without previous consideration, he would bar himself from the highest beatitude and incur grievous loss.
And that we should seek this beatitude as the highest, and not the other, the Gospel of Mark teaches us if we will look well.
Verily of these uses one is more full of beatitudethan the other, as it is the speculative, which without any admixture is the use of our noblest part.
I need not tell you that large, yea, enormous quantities of beatitude are smuggled out of your dominions.
This propaganda was actively supported by the Bulgarian Church under its enlightened high-priest, His Beatitude Joseph, Exarch of Bulgaria.
If we admit this state of ecstasy to be a mental aberration, it is surely of an enviable nature, since it elevates the soul to a beatitude which is rarely the lot of man.
Such enthusiasts, excepting when enjoying the beatitude of ecstatic exaltation, are more to be pitied than feared.
O Most Holy and Most Happy Lady, raised in Paradise to the highest degree of beatitude and happiness!
They lay down upon the grass; they kissed behind the poplars; and they would fain, like two Robinsons, have lived for ever in this little place, which seemed to them in their beatitude the most magnificent on earth.
How comes it that while the first beatitude promises the kingdom of heaven to the poor of heart the second beatitude promises also to the meek that they shall possess the land?
Then, the beatitude of the divinities will also have to become greater from day to day; it would no longer be perfect, and could never become so.
While tasting this beatitude she could not err in the assertion that she tastes it.
A smile as of celestial beatitudecame over his countenance, though I knew not wherefore he was thus rejoiced.
At such moments, the beatitude of Heaven seemed to descend on me, and I began once more to wish anxiously for our marriage, in despite of every obstacle.
But more sincerely Porphyrius, although in the rest an impious adversary, a Calumniator of Christianisme; that for the perfect beatitude of soules, they must shunne and fly all bodies.
But since that which has the Beatitude of the Civil government cannot have the other, because their intellect is one and perpetual, there must be others beyond this ministry, who live only in contemplation.
This and the other form our Beatitude and Supreme Happiness, which is the sweetness of the before-mentioned seed, as now clearly appears.
Benedetta remained very grave, her lips curved by ardent determination, whilst her whole face was expressive of dolorous yet infinite beatitude in a setting of infinite whiteness.
For an instant, however, his mouth half opened and his drawn visage relaxed as an expression of celestial beatitude came over it.
This in effect is a poetical way of saying that the bliss and glory in Saturn are greater than any beatitude in the lower spheres.
This is the Heaven of the Moon, the planet farthest removed from the Empyrean and therefore the sphere where not only motion but also beatitude are least in the heavenly bodies.
It is interesting to see how Dante's Master, St. Thomas Aquinas, demonstrates the proposition that the beatitude of man consists in the vision of the Divine Essence.
Upon the stern stood the Celestial Pilot; Beatitude seemed written in his face, And more than a hundred spirits sat within.
In Paradiso she is seen by the poet in all her unspeakable loveliness and beatitude and as Queen of Angels and of Saints her intercession is favorably invoked that Dante might enjoy the Vision of God himself.
It teaches that accidental glory is any perfection of supernatural beatitude coming to the blessed from any object outside of the Beatific Vision, that is, from creatures.
Let us, then, see what theology teaches on the resurrection of the body, as increasing the happiness of the blessed, and on the accidentalbeatitude which comes to man from creatures.
It follows from this, that our life in heaven will be one of continued, undisturbed enjoyment of God himself, of the society of the saints, and of all other creatures that He has prepared to perfect and complete the beatitude of man.
Hence, theirs may be called a crown of liberality; for they enjoy their beatitudeas a free gift of God's unspeakable liberality.
It follows, then, that even the essential beatitude of the saints is both increased and perfected by the resurrection of the body.