Elsewhere, with the same object of reassuring himself and others, he says: The Evangel with its clear light of truth causes the holiness of God to be better perceived and thus leaves more room for the sense of fear.
Though there may be differences in minor points, yet all are agreed concerning the lawfulness, goodness, dignity and holiness of marriage” (p.
The provincial appeals to the judge delegated by his Holiness and he, as he has entire jurisdiction of the case, commands the ordinary with the warning of censure to leave the cause alone and deliver up the acts.
The reason for that is, that they cannot believe that that prelate will neglect to inform his Holiness of the motives why he did not proceed with the execution [of the brief].
For had his Holiness well understood all the circumstances, how could he have issued an order from which would follow the inference of injuries terrible and irremediable to the holy orders?
The holiness that shone out of her eyes inspired the calm, tender smile, and was in her whole manner.
Thus, by bearing in mind that a necessary holinessis a contradiction, an absurd and impossible conceit, the goodness of God is vindicated in regard to the lost, and his sincerity is evinced in the offer of salvation to all.
Who can say that there would have been more holiness and happiness, with less sin and misery, in the universe, if the punishment of those whom nothing could reclaim had not been eternal?
God might easily have prevented sin, says he, if he had chosen to do so; but he has not chosen to do so, and therefore his love of virtue is not infinite, his holiness is not unlimited.
This solution, as we have seen, labours under the same defect with those of its predecessors, in that it rejects the truth that a necessary holiness is a contradiction in terms.
Indeed, if we would escape such inconsistencies and self-contradictions, we must return to the position that a necessary holiness is a contradiction in terms,—that no power can cause it.
He explains it, by saying that it arises from the necessary imperfection of the creature which limits its receptivity; but does he mean that God cannot communicate holiness to the creature?
The Existence Of Moral Evil, Or Sin, Reconciled With The Holiness Of God.
For, admitting that God might easily prevent sin, and cause holiness to reign universally, what had he left to oppose to the attacks of the sceptic but the shield of faith?
If, as we have endeavoured to show, a necessary holiness is a contradiction in terms, then the existence of natural evil may be easily reconciled with the divine goodness, in so far as it may be necessary to punish and prevent moral evil.
With the exception of the Essais de Théodicée of Leibnitz, it is perhaps the greatest effort the human mind has ever made to get rid of the seeming antagonism between the scheme of necessity and the holiness of God.
We say that a universal holiness is not produced by the omnipresent energy of his power, not because this would be to work a miracle, but because it would be to work a contradiction.
In the first place, then, to begin with our fundamental position, the Creator could not necessitate the holiness of the creature.
Charity to one's neighbour is the only thing that is permanent in this cycle of change; it producesholiness and fame that bear witness for hundreds of yugas.
And he openly struck up a friendship with Siva, asserting that it was due to the might of Siva's holiness that his life had been saved.
We need your royal support and the holiness of our lives will surround you as a halo with heavenly protection.
His holiness is egotistic, and his religion is hypocrisy.
Though prudence in itself is neither virtue nor holiness, yet without prudence neither virtue nor holiness can exist.
And, wonderful to say, without any mysticism there is often among them a perfect holiness of life, adapting itself to all circumstances, climates, and associations.
In the idea of the natives, their very names had ever been synonymous with holiness and all Christian virtues, and so they continued to enjoy the most unbounded popularity.
Their sanguinary and hideous idolatry showed its hatred of truth and holiness in always manifesting a peculiar atrocity when coming in contact with the Church of Christ and her ministers.
We will therefore continue our pleadings on receiving leave from your Holiness to do so.
But she shall be saved through childbearing, if they abide in faith, and love, and holiness with sobriety.
This happy, glorious state of holiness continued nearly two hundred years, and then commenced the decline of the nation; rapid indeed was its descent, and great was its fall.
Again, how concisely the plan of salvation is explained in the following passages: O how great the holiness of our God!
If one of these days I shall hear that a country has been discovered where wheat grows without the work of the farmer, I may then, perhaps, hope to find one of our race who will bring forth holiness without the grace of God.
You are feeling the terrors of the law, the bitterness of sin, the holiness of God, the weakness of the flesh, and the shadow of the wrath to come.
The unleavened bread of holiness and of a life bound to and ruled by the earnest and godly life of Christ, seems flat and insipid, and we crave something more stimulating to the appetite.
It is the task of the Church to exhibit in human life and character this holiness of God's.
Are our holy days holidays, or do we endure holiness of thought and feeling mainly on the consideration that holiness is but for a season?
Holiness is the unmistakable characteristic of the true Church.
All the power that dwells in God to draw men out of sin to holinessand to Himself was actually in the Cross.
But equally worthy of remark is St. Paul's inference from the fact that holiness shall eventually be supreme.
It exists not for common purposes, but to witness for God and for Christ, to maintain before the eyes and in all the common ways and works of men the ideal life realized in Christ and the presence and holiness of God.
In that future kingdom of God in which all things are to have their proper place, and are to be ranked according to their real worth, holiness must come to the supremacy.
Does not our shrinking from it often mean that we shrink from being more distinctly confronted with the love and holiness of Christ and with His purpose in dying for us?
Holiness and immortality are two aspects, two manifestations, of the Divine life we receive from Christ.
So that everything by which God instructed men and taught them to believe in His mercy and holiness was connected with Christ.
Mílán, while we were on the road His Holiness suddenly urged his horse into so swift a gallop that all the horsemen composing the escort were filled with amazement, seeing that his steed was the leanest of all.
The guards would have forbidden her, but His Holiness prevented them, and called the child to him.
The Lord Duke then arranged for me an interview with His Holiness Clement VIII, which took place on the 28th of August, I having first dined at the table of the poor.
His Holiness heard me very attentively, saw all the papers I showed him, and approved of my zeal and veracity.
His Holiness was pleased with his proposals, insomuch that he has conceded many spiritual gifts for those parts (if I order the voyage to be undertaken), for the reasonings of the said Captain satisfied him.
The Captain asked them all to confess on Saturday, that on Sunday, the day of Pentecost, they might earn the Holy Jubilee which His Holiness had conceded to this expedition, and five other days in each year.
To him I gave an account of the lands that had been discovered, and of my desire to return to them; and submitted that it would be right for His Holiness to favour the enterprise.
He was at one time hopeful that His Holiness might have thought the time ripe for the restoration of the national hierarchy, but it was decreed otherwise.
The way that leads to holiness is long and sometimes bloody; but it always develops strength and courage.
They were not always so; and their beauty and holiness are but the outshining of spiritual victory.
Bent on evil, he must banish from his soul that warning, protesting image of the Supreme Holiness in which he was created.
To the mind of the Israelite, God's holiness was one with the aloneness in which he held Himself sublimely aloof from all material forms, one with the pure spirituality of His being.
The Divine love and righteousness, the entire range of those moral excellences which in their sovereign perfection belong to the holiness of God, were there displayed with a vividness and splendour hitherto inconceivable.
Holiness and sin meet in the shock of Calvary, and flash into light, each illuminated by contrast with the other.
By the grace of God" he is enabled to "have his conversation in the world in holiness and sincerity coming of God.
Let his holiness be sullied, let the thought of the Divine ethical transcendence suffer eclipse, and He sinks back again into the manifold of nature.
Truth and plain dealing, apostolicholiness and godly sincerity, are outmatched in dealing with them by the craft of worldly wisdom.
Out of the gloom in which Calvary was shrouded there now shone forth the clearest light of holiness and love.