Their lives were spent in labors of a useful kind, alternated and relieved by devotional duties.
About half the time of the monks, in a well-regulated monastery, was given to singing and devotional exercises and religious improvement, and the other half to labors in the fields, or in painting or musical composition.
He was profoundly devotionalas well as logical, and original as he was learned.
These, with our own daily morning and evening prayers, were our devotionalhabits and pious practices.
But from some cause or other my mind became much affected at this time by religious considerations, and a strong devotional element began to predominate among my emotions and cogitations.
I think I might like to go to a cathedral for afternoon service, much as I like to spend my Sunday leisure in reading Milton, though I should not be satisfied to make my whole devotional exercises consist in reading "Paradise Lost.
Here I remained over the Sabbath, and greatly enjoyed both its rest and the devotional exercises in some of the churches of the city.
The arguments {205} in which he states his objections to devotional poetry in the life of Waller show that he regarded poetry as an artful intellectual embroidery, not as the only fit utterance of an exalted mood.
In the devotional service he had witnessed more life than he had ever seen in a Unitarian service before, and he was thankful for it.
The Prayer-book was carefully revised, an improved ritual was drawn up by blending the beautiful portions of the Portuguese and German Liturgies, a choir was formed for the purpose of inspiring devotional feeling by means of solemn song.
In this exquisitely-printed volume the editors have collected specimens of the devotional poetry of the Christian Church, including translations from the Roman Breviary, as well as from German hymns, with a few from English sources.
The prisoners were variously engaged; some chatting, others playing cards, while a few of a more devotional turn were singing "Come thou fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy praise.
After standing awhile to learn what was expected of us, the old gentleman, in any other than a devotional tone, commanded us to kneel down.
A long prayer at night made up for the short prayer in the morning; and few men could seem more devotional than he, when he had nothing else to do.
He compiled the first book of hymns used in Unitarian schools, and also the first book of devotional exercises.
Urbino or shortly after his arrival in Florence; it is the sweetest and most purelydevotional of all his Madonnas.
But the devotional programme of the Clegg Sunday was an exacting business.
A sunrise prayer-meeting of an hour was held each day of the session, was well attended, and characterized by much fervor and importunity in prayer, and the last evening was spent in devotional exercises.
Their custom on Saturday and Sabbath evenings was to read the devotional parts, and hold a prayer meeting.
He subjected the servants there to the devotional exercises before mentioned, in which (and so much the better) he brought his father to join.
In fact, the old lady declined altogether to hear his hour's lecture of an evening; and when she came to Queen's Crawley alone, he was obliged to pretermit his usual devotional exercises.
The emotional element essential to the formation of a church was wanting, and where philosophical systems adopted devotional forms these were not the creation of philosophy but were borrowed from current cults.
The temple-music doubtless tended to heighten devotional feeling among the worshipers, and possibly a similar popular effect was produced by the festivals that were common in the ancient world.
They foster religion by holding public services and by the production of devotional works; they advance learning by supplying men of leisure; socially they are in general a conservative force, with the good and bad effects of conservatism.
First stands Hannah's outburst of devotional feeling on the occasion of presenting her son Samuel before the Lord.
Religion as an intelligent and devotional acknowledgment of a Supreme Being, involves a very clear and definite conception concerning the origin of the universe and its continuance.
It has been laid on me to say a few words on the devotional study of the Holy Scriptures, taking some one Book of Scripture, and in some sort exemplifying such study from it.
But if now and then a simple lecture on the history of the Prayer Book can be given, and if possible well illustrated, it will be very useful; and so will be a series of week-night devotional addresses on the teaching of the Prayer Book.
It struck me that here was a strange and sad inversion of the right order of proportion; devotional books daily, and the New Testament (in any sense of earnest meditative study) about twice a week!
A devotional and practical edition of the Prayer Book version of the Psalms.
For devotionalpurposes we think this book most valuable.
It is a mine of devotional thought and inspiration; beautiful and simple in style, and bringing to bear on the elucidation of the sacred text the choicest learning, both ancient and modern.
Let it be read for information about the Church and the improvement of devotional spirit in her members.
And certainly Pauline Dunord's gentle devotional example, and her perfect rest and peace in the practice of her religion, were strong influences with Anne.
That he should suddenly yield to a devotional impulse, fall upon his knees before a crucifix and cry meâ culpâ over his whole past life, was altogether out of the question.
The Enchiridion, on the other hand, is a purely devotional book, though written for a man of the world.
The Whole Duty of Man, which was the most approved devotional manual of the time, was pronounced by the same preacher, on account of the stress it laid upon good works, to have "sent thousands to hell.
In the seventeenth century there was in Germany little poetry worthy of the name save that inspired by the devotional character of Luther's genius.
Every object appeared in unison with my feelings, my heart swelled with devotional affections, it aspired to the Author of nature.
These qualities were mingled with a devotional spirit, a little bordering on fanatacism.
The twelfth century, so fertile in Latin and French works, only counts, as far as English works are concerned, devotional books in prose and verse.
Besides their Latin writings and their devotional poems, the converted Anglo-Saxons produced many prose works in their national tongue.