To cause to pass from to another; to cause to be instilled or imbibed; as, to transfuse a spirit of patriotism into a man; to transfuse a love of letters.
So strong is the childish instinct, or, as I might say, the law of its being to project and transfuse itself into objects, that it is apt to speak of itself in the third person.
Undoubtedly they do, as a rule, by means of their implicit judgment, distinguish animals as of a different type from other objects, but they transfuse into everything their own personality and their intrinsic consciousness.
Michael had seen that subtle glow transfuse him when they talked of Sophie.
He had seen a glow of pleasure transfuse people as they listened to her pure and ringing notes.
Was the original intention of this rite to transfuse into the god a fresh supply of reproductive energy?
His Genius seems noble, and his Mind generous, willing to transfuse it self into the Audience, and inspire them with a Spirit of Bravery.
But to judge only from the situation of affairs, I should not expect, that the affections would rest there, and never transfuse themselves into any other impression.
I may feel the present impression, but carry my sympathy no farther, and never transfuse the force of the first conception into my ideas of the related objects.
Since that day neologisms have fertilised the barrenness of our Saxon, and the finest geniuses in Europe have abandoned the language of Cicero, to transfuse its grace into an idiom whose penury was deemed too rude for the pen of the scholar.
You are like balm enclosed well In amber, or some crystal shell, Yet lost ere you transfuse your smell.
The peculiar quality of the teacher [a], whatever it be, is sure to transfuse itself into the performance of the pupil.
It were as wise," he said, "to cast a violet into a crucible that you might discover the formal principle of its colour and odour, as seek to transfuse from one language into another the creations of a poet.
It were as wise (he said) to cast a violet into a crucible that you might discover the formal principle of its colour and odour, as seek to transfusefrom one language into another the creations of a poet.