Ile of Wight, which he conquered, and deliuered it vnto Adelwold king of Sussex, as a gift at that time, when he receiued him at the fontstone after he had conuerted him to the faith.
Britains, the which by this meanes were deliuered from danger of vtter destruction, as they thought.
Thus Agricola being countermanded home to Rome, deliuered his prouince vnto his successor Cneus Trebellius, appointed thereto by the emperour Domitianus, in good quiet and safegard.
He himselfe escaped, and committing his person vnto the assurance & trust of Cartemandua queene of the Brigants, was by hir deliuered into the hands of the Romans.
How could Salimbene haue so charitably deliuered Montanine, the hatred beyng so long tyme rooted between the two houses, if some greate occasion whych hath no name in Loue, had not altred his Nature, and extinguished hys affection?
The Letter written, closed and sealed, he deliuered to his neighbour, who promysed hym agayne to bryng him answere at Night.
So the Plateens (contrarywise) are praised for their solempne obseruation of the Grekes benefits, which deliuered them oute of the Persians bondage.
Mistresse Lucia, and mistresse Isotta, at the expyred tyme were deliueredof two goodly sonnes, in whom the Fathers tooke great Ioy, and delight.
I know well that it is for you, and for the seruice that I beare you, that I haue broken the effect of that hatred, whych by inheritaunce I haue receiued against your House, and for that deuotion haue deliuered your Brother.
I doo not read that he deliuered it out of his hands.
Againe, other he taketh out of the waie, that the people may be deliuered from oppression, and also that the naughtie ruler for his misdemeanour may spéedilie receiue due punishment.
This citie being at that season the chiefe of all Mercia, he deliuered into the kéeping of duke Eldred, which had maried his daughter [Sidenote: Wil.
This day one of our men called William King, who had bene long sicke, died in his sleepe, his apparel was distributed to those that lackt it, and his money was kept for his friends to be deliuered them at his comming home.
The 14 day we sent in our boats to take water, and rommaged our shippes, and deliueredsuch wares to the Christopher and Tyger, as they had need of.
At last two other Carauels came off the shoare, and two other pinnesses full of men, and deliuered them aboord the great shippe, and so went backe againe with two men in a piece of them.
Tomson, and Iohn Curtise: these were deliuered them, and we receiued 3 Negros into our Admirals skiffe.
Thus deliuered he his father from present death, and all other from so pestilent an opinion.
After the Gentlemen of the Iurie of Life and Death had spent the most part of the day, in consideration of the euidence against her, they returned into the Court and deliuered vp their Verdict of Life and Death.
Who tooke great paines to examine her of euery particular point: In the end they came into the Court, and there deliuered this Examination as followeth.
And as he openly deliuered it vpon the Bench, in the hearing of this great Audience: That if a Priest or Iesuit had a hand in one end of it, there would appeare to bee knauerie, and practise in the other end of it.
The castell was also deliueredvnto them by the constable thereof.
They did their endeuour with such diligence, that the townesmen, compounding to be saued harmlesse in bodie and goods, deliuered the towne and castell vnto the queene, & to hir sonne the prince.
The king was deliuered to the earle of Leicester, who conueied him by Monmouth and Leadburie, to Killingworth castle, where he remained the whole winter.
But and if thou shalt plainlie admonishe the wicked man, and yet he shall not turne from his way, such a one shall die in his iniquitie, but thou hast deliuered thy soule.
And yet neuer the lesse, all men so triumphed, as if God had deliuered them frome all calamitie.
O that which I would hide from heauens eye, Our Empresse shame, and stately Romes disgrace, She is deliuered Lords, she is deliuered Aron.
Cornelia, the midwife, and my selfe, And none else but the deliuered Empresse Aron.
On the other part, Lewes who all this season remained at London, being sore dismaied for the losse of his people, began to feare euerie daie more and more, least by some practise he should be betraied and deliuered into his enimies hands.
In the eight and thirtith yeare of king Henries reigne, the queene was deliuered of a daughter which was called Katherin, bicause the same was borne on saint Katherins daie.
The castel of Brecknoc was also deliuered into his hands, which he beetooke to the keeping of the lord Roger de Mortimer, with all the territorie thereto belonging.
About the same time, the countesse of Cornewall at Berkehamsteed was deliuered of a sonne named Edmund.
She kneeled downe on her knees, and sayd it was such as Zacliarie the Jew had deliuered her with his owne hands, and therefore if it misliked his holines she craued pardon.
Thus and thus (quoth she) said doctor Zacharie vnto me, this poyson he deliuered me.
The duke, notwithstanding all that they could saie, would agree to no peace, except the castell of Berwike might be deliuered to the K.
The monie he kept, but the keies and the maces he deliuered backe to the maior; and then the maior tooke the mace and did beare it through the citie bare-headed before the king, vntill he came to his lodging.
I haue a Gammon of Bacon, and two razes of Ginger, to be deliuered as farre as Charing-crosse 1.
These are begot in the ventricle of memorie, nourisht in the wombe of primater, and deliuered vpon the mellowing of occasion: but the gift is good in those in whom it is acute, and I am thankfull for it Hol.
This, and much more, much more then twice all this, Condemnes you to the death: see them deliueredouer To execution, and the hand of death Bushie.
I will not sleepe my Lord, till I haue deliuered your Letter.
Stay my Lord Legate, you shall first receiue The summe of money which I promised Should be deliuered to his Holinesse, For cloathing me in these graue Ornaments Legat.
O that I seru'd that Lady, And might not be deliuered to the world Till I had made mine owne occasion mellow What my estate is Cap.
Item, That the Dutchy of Aniou, and the County of Main, shall be released and deliuered to the King her father King.
Open your purse, that the money, and the matter may be both at oncedeliuered Pro.
I haue alreadie deliuered him letters, and there appeares much ioy in him, euen so much, that ioy could not shew it selfe modest enough, without a badg of bitternesse Leo.
But they riding a swift pace, sent a messenger before vnto the sayd duke to signifie the message, which we had deliuered vnto them.
And being entred, we spake vnto him kneeling vpon our knees, and deliuered him our letters, and requested him to haue interpreters to translate them.
The same season, quéene Margaret the wife of king Henrie the sonne was deliuered of a man child which liued not past thrée daies.
About this time William Taiuan earle of Sagium (by the consent of his sons and nephues) deliuered into the hands of king Henrie the castels of Alerium, and Roch Laberie, with all the appurtenances to the castels belonging.
And whereas in his life time he had vowed to make a iourneie into the holie land against Gods enimies, and taken vpon him the crosse for that intent, he deliuered it vnto his familiar freend William Marshall to go thither with it in his stead.
Sidenote: The duchesse of Saxonie deliuered of a sonne.
In this yere queene Elianor being then in the citie of London, on the last of Februarie was deliuered of hir second sonne named Henrie.
Diuerse other places which belonged to the same earle were also immediatlie deliuered into the enimies hands, which increased the suspicion.
Wherefore king Henrie, to set order in this matter, commanded that the corps of his sonne the king should be deliuered vnto them of Rouen to be buried in their citie, as he himselfe had willed before his death.
Philon deliuered hir: and upon the sute of hir subiects, she is contented to mary him, and thereby he is made Kynge of Corinth.
In this time Adelasia wasdeliuered of a goodly child, whom they named William.
Then the woman deliuered him his coafer, which he had saued, and badde him to seeke his aduenture.
And when the kinges seruaunte was come vnto her, and deliuered his presente, he said as he was commaunded.
For which offence he was brought before the kinge, whom he deliuered to be iudged according to the lawe.
Then the kinge deliuered the yongman, from that presente faulte, threatninge him with most cruell death, if after that time, he were apprehended with like offence.
Wherefore with a Dagger which the Queene deliuered him, he killed Candaules, when he was a sleepe; and so gotte from him both his wife and kingdome.
The greatnesse of the sodain glory wherein maister Thorello sawe himselfe, did remoue oute of his mind, his affayres of Lombardie, and specially, bicause hee hoped that his letters should trustely be deliuered to the hands of his vncle.
In Agrippina was deliuered vnto me a letter from thee, whych so soone as I opened, I knew to be written wyth thine owne hand, and endited with thy wysedom.
The woman receyuinge the fishe, franckly deliuered him the Cup, and went about to prepare dinner.
Philon seeing his loue despised neuer maried vntill he maried hir, whom afterwards he deliuered from the false surmised treason of hir cancred and malicious husband.
Then Philenio thinking that he had at pleasure vsed their persons, deliuered them their apparel, and so sone as they were ready, he let them out at a litle dore, very secretlye vnknowen of anye, and so they went home to their houses.
So (as God would) king Richard brake his holie oth, and the lord was deliuered to the keepers of the kings tents, to be kept as prisoner.
So the messenger rode into Lancashire where Braie was with the countesse, and lord Thomas Stanlie hir husband, and deliuered the letter: which when he had read, he tooke it as a signe or presage of some good fortune to come.
After which time the prince neuer tied his points, nor ought rought of himselfe; but with that yoong babe his brother, lingered with thought and heauinesse, vntill this traitorous death deliuered them of that wretchednesse.
Sidenote: The castell of Hammes deliueredvnto the earle of Richmond.
He after my departure deliuered the bokes to the reuerende father in god Jhon Skippe, late bishop of Hereforde, then to D.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deliuered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.