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Example sentences for "extricate"

Lexicographically close words:
extremitie; extremities; extremity; extremo; extremum; extricated; extricates; extricating; extrication; extrinsic
  1. What we must do is to extricate our friends and close it.

  2. But I never told Pat what was what, except that some day we should extricate ourselves.

  3. If we can bring the Prophecy to pass just so far, and no farther, we shall be able to extricate ourselves nicely.

  4. DEAR SIR,--I have finally determined to make every sacrifice in order to extricate myself, with honor, from my present embarrassments.

  5. Not, however, that Gammon really felt any commiseration for his victim: his anxiety was only as to how he should extricate himself from liability in respect of it.

  6. What human ingenuity or intrepidity could avail to extricate him from the consequences of his insane avowal to Miss Aubrey--and his counter-statements to the Duke of Tantallan and Miss Macspleuchan--to say nothing of the Earl of Dreddlington?

  7. I have resisted, I have subdued, the rebellious feelings which arose to aid his plea; yet how to extricate myself from this unhappy labyrinth in which fate and folly have entangled us both!

  8. The Macnamara, still thinking how he could extricate himself from his uneasy seat.

  9. You are getting her into a desperate coil, from which it will be difficult to extricate her!

  10. With an Austro-German army threatening Moscow and St. Petersburg, the Russian government recalled the greater part of their Eastern forces, leaving the Mongolian expedition to extricate itself as best it could.

  11. I do not attempt to deny that I forwarded, anonymously, to Sir Rupert Harborough a sum of money to extricate him from a fearful embarrassment.

  12. By extraordinary vigour and good fortune, Soult, though there were traitors in his camp, contrived to extricate his army, but Portugal was free.

  13. Upon this the magistrates seem to have lost their presence of mind, to have believed that the yeomanry were in danger, and to have ordered the 15th Hussars to extricate them.

  14. No," answered Butler, with embarrassment; "but it was the nearest way to extricate myself from the mob.

  15. It took several minutes to extricate the screaming children, set them on their feet, and ascertain that no bones were broken.

  16. Poor Serge arrived at the same point shortly afterwards, head first, and dove out of sight in the drift; but fortunately Phil was in a position to extricate him before he smothered.

  17. You say, "that you know not how to extricate ourselves out of the wretchedness into which we have been plunged.

  18. She would not trust her newly acquired fiance to extricate himself.

  19. He thought of certain friends of his who had become tangled up--of one in particular whose bank account had been powerless to extricate him.

  20. The critic may extricate such an order from the disorder: but observe, that the ascent or climax can be attained only by neglecting certain strong indications that go another way.

  21. He had not taken a dozen steps, his gaze all the while fixed on that heap, which had now reached a little ledge, where it came to a stop, when he saw Sam and Nat slowly extricate themselves.

  22. With hearts very much lighter, the two lads leaped into the saddle, and calling to the horses, let the reins lie lightly on their necks, trusting to the superior intelligence of the beasts to extricate them from their plight.

  23. But my horse had become temporarily stuck, and ere he could extricate himself I had to dismount.

  24. He had sunk to the tops of his boots, and every effort to extricate himself only made him settle deeper.

  25. What if the moose did find a way to crowd his head between two of the trees, by slanting it sideways; what if in his stupidity he was unable to extricate it again, and could only tug frantically backwards becoming excited and helpless?

  26. Of course he did not dream that such a thing as help could come; on the contrary his only expectation was that he might find some way by means of which he could extricate himself from his dilemma.

  27. If some time passed, and the moose did not seem able to extricate himself from his sad dilemma, then Phil believed he could take his hurried departure; though he meant to snap off a picture of the animal first.

  28. She has great influence with her brother, and may extricate us from the dreadful dilemma in which we are placed.

  29. At first, I was not so much alarmed, because I fancied I could extricate myself from the difficulty.

  30. Let us, after remaining firm in virtue, be ingenious and energetic, and we shall almost always be able to extricate ourselves from our difficulties.

  31. When the postilion opened the door which happened to be uppermost, Cecilia knew not what to do to extricate herself from her position.

  32. It is in doing evil, even with the idea of its resulting in good, or with the firm determination of repairing it, that men often plunge into difficulties and errors, from which they are afterwards unable to extricate themselves.

  33. Thus saying, she assisted with her foot to extricate her from the bramble, while supporting her with her knees.

  34. How far the prisoner himself may have prompted Jameson is not known, for it was clear enough to André that Arnold only could now extricate him from the gathering toils.

  35. And besides, how was it possible to extricate the machinery?

  36. Donna Elena had been obliged to leave Rome for pecuniary reasons, to work some 'operation' which should extricate her from the serious embarrassments into which her outrageous extravagance had plunged her.

  37. The carriages were rolled over, and the passengers in them turned topsy-turvy; nor, as they were securely locked in, could they even extricate themselves when at last the wreck of the train reached firm bearings.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "extricate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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