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Example sentences for "magnum"

Lexicographically close words:
magno; magnolia; magnolias; magnopere; magnos; magon; magot; magpie; magpies; magst
  1. Animi, 15, 16), is reported to have said: Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit.

  2. Christianity considered as Philosophy and the only Philosophy, Coleridge's projected magnum opus, ii, 142.

  3. The remains of three cross banks still exist, two of which must have enclosed the magnum ballium which is spoken of in the Pipe Rolls of Henry II.

  4. In magnum scandalum ignominium et contemptum dicti Capitalis Justiciarii et authoritatis suæ in malum et pernitiosum exemplum omnium aliorum in tali casu delinquentium ac contra pacem dicti domini regis nunc coronam et dignitatem suas &c.

  5. There was a magnum of champagne standing between their glasses.

  6. And a magnum of '1900' to start off with!

  7. Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiæ fuit=--No great genius is ever without some tincture of madness.

  8. Nimia illæc licentia / Profecto evadet in aliquod magnum malum=--This extreme licentiousness will assuredly develop into some dire disaster.

  9. Magnum est argumentum in utroque fuisse moderatum=--It speaks volumes for man that, when placed in quite different situations, he displays in each the same spirit of moderation.

  10. Magnum hoc ego duco / Quod placui tibi qui turpi secernis honestum=--I account it a great honour that I have pleased a man like you, who know so well to discriminate between the base and the honourable.

  11. Non intelligunt homines quam magnum vectigal sit parsimonia=--Men do not understand what a great revenue economy is.

  12. Non id quod magnum est pulchrum est, sed id quod pulchrum magnum=--Not that which is great is noble (lit.

  13. Hic transitus efficit magnum vitæ compendium=--This 15 change effects a great saving of time (lit.

  14. Parvula scintilla sæpe magnum suscitavit incendium=--A very small spark has often kindled a great conflagration.

  15. Nullum magnum malum quod extremum est=--No evil is great which is the last.

  16. Meanwhile, despite the fact that his health was fast declining and he was approaching the verge of insanity, Nietzsche made plans for a great four volume work that was to sum up his philosophy and stand forever as his magnum opus.

  17. Turin, show the eighteen volumes they have already printed of the new edition of the Magnum Bullarium.

  18. Meanwhile, during his twelve years' imprisonment in the Tower, he had written his magnum opus, the History of the World.

  19. He projected a great work on Christian philosophy, which was to have been his magnum opus, but he never wrote it.

  20. From the anterior margin of the foramen magnum to the posterior border of the alveolus of one of the upper incisors.

  21. Size larger; color darker; interparietal region wider; foramen magnum elongate dorsoventrally as opposed to nearly round; pterygoid fossae ovoid as opposed to nearly round.

  22. Of Theodebert, grandson of Clovis, the same historian says, Magnum se et in omni bonitate praecipuum reddidit.

  23. This commune concilium the committee distinguish from a magnum concilium, though it seems doubtful whether there were any very definite line between the two.

  24. The consequence was that Mead saw magnate after magnate disappear under the table, just as he had before seen magnum after magnum disappear above it; and still he retained his self-possession.

  25. Now bridegroom and bride let us toast In a magnum of merry champagne-- Let us make of this moment the most, We may not be so lucky again.

  26. So drink to our sovereign host And his highly intelligent reign-- His health and his bride's let us toast In a magnum of merry champagne!

  27. Mc II with trapezium, trapezoid, and magnum; Mc III with magnum and unciform; Mc IV and V with unciform.

  28. At the same time the functional middle metacarpals push aside the rudiments and, forming a broad surface for that purpose, articulate with the magnum and unciform bones to the exclusion of the rudiments.

  29. The magnum and trapezoid, however, are fused.

  30. The trapezoid and the os magnum of the carpus are united, while in Choloepus they are perfectly distinct bones.

  31. A fresh magnum was called for, and over its inspiring contents all the details of the funeral were planned; and as the clock struck four the party separated for the night, well satisfied with the result of their labors.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "magnum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.