Pointing to you and me, she says, 'these are my friends who came from far away to rescue me from the Trolls who live in the boulder caves.
We've come to this strange and distant land to rescueour Princess from a tribe of bread-and-rolls-loving Trolls who are so lazy they would not even bake the bread they need to feed themselves.
At this point Ignatjewa’s brother came on the scene, and ran towards the cottage torescue his sister.
It requires something more than a phantom life-boat to rescue the Gipsy and bring him to land.
In a few minutes I saw, greatly to my delight, men coming on foot, and cavalrymen, too, came galloping to our rescue as soon as they could mount their horses.
Those of the Indians who were guarding the horses, seeing what was going on at the camp, came rushing to the rescue of their friends.
We at once set up a chorus of pitiful yells, when a man, who fortunately heard us, came to our rescue with a canoe and towed us ashore.
And I try to understand why every separate silver star in the flag is mine to hold, mine to rescue and replace, mine to adore.
Do you believe, said she, that the hope of seeing me would contribute any thing to rescue him from the danger he is in?
Many had been out all night assisting in the rescue work or patrolling the beach, inspecting each heap of wreckage in search of dead bodies and valuables, for many among the missing were supposed to have perished in the storm.
When the wind had died away the snow in the air cleared, and hundreds of men threw themselves into the rescue work.
Do you expect that those who have heretofore counselled compromise, acquiescence, and submission, will change their course and come to the rescue of liberty?
The two men had simply laid Ralph aside in a crevice of rock above the trail, as soon as his rescue had been effected.
By this method he might rescue Peggy, but not Ralph.
In the reason here given for man's creation, or for his rescue from the Flood, we have an interesting parallel to the Sixth Tablet of the Semitic-Babylonian Creation Series.
If once combined, the further step of making the incantation the actual means by which Ziusudu achieved his own rescue and immortality would be a natural development.
The comparison is justified whether we regard the Sumerian speech as a direct preliminary to man's creation, or as a reassertion of his duty after his rescue from destruction by the Flood.
No doubt the selection of men and animals was suggested by their subsequent rescue from the Flood; and emphasis was purposely laid on the creation of the niggilma because of the part it played in securing mankind's survival.
For after his reference to the destruction of mankind, the deity proceeds to fix the chief duty of man, either as a preliminary to his creation, or as a reassertion of that duty after his rescue from destruction by the Flood.
But when it was plain that Cato intended to do nothing at all, Cæsar, overcome by shame and the ill opinion of the thing, privately persuaded one of the tribunes to rescue Cato.
As time went on, poor Richard fancied himself forgotten, and bitterly lamented because he had no friend nor relation who loved him enough to rescue him.
Her next step was to try to rescue her husband, for which purpose she hurried on to London.
Scientists and doctors were brutally slain during that period by fear-crazed mobs, because of their inability to rescue the world from the grip of the Plague.
I wondered what Hanley might be doing to rescue me.
Some miracle had saved him from a watery grave; it would require another to rescue him from a worse fate.
The axe prevailed, and Redman surrendered himself, rescue or no rescue.
Adelais, tale of her imprisonment, rescue by an adventurous knight, and subsequent marriage, II.
It is thus that Aristides hails him after his rescue from the perils of the sea.
The ghastly moral wreck of ordinary human nature, in which not a single germ of virtuous impulse seemed to have survived the ruin, left apparently no hope of rescue or escape.
Rescue me, and deliver me out of the hand of aliens, Whose mouth speaketh deceit, And whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood.
I reckon what you want principally is to rescue Dora Stanhope?
Here I will bring to a close the story of the Rover boys' doings on the ocean while trying to rescue Dora Stanhope from her abductors and while endeavoring to recover the fortune stolen from Rush & Wilder.
Land all of you in jail, rescue Dora Stanhope, and recover that money you stole.
At a safe distance Darrin watched, for he was humane enough to wish to rescue the German survivors, should there be any.
Darrin then gave the order to steam in close and to stand by to rescue any swimmers who might appear in the water.
Darrin, his voice now cool and steady as the realization of his rescueduties came to him.
That message told of the rescue of all but a score of the crew and passengers from the sunken "Griswold," and also of the now crowded condition of both destroyers.
Having cast off after finishing her job of towing, the "Adams" was now busy, too, in rescue work.
Many of the soldiers preferred to remain on deck to aid in the rescue of their comrades.
Tho' Mrs. Stafford had long tho' vainly implored him to stop in his wild career, and had represented to him all the evils which were now about to overtake him, she could not see their near approach without an attempt again to rescue him.
I was impatient too to rescue your name, Madam, from the unmerited aspersions which it bore.
Tybalt as a dear, reckless fellow whom it was the duty of some good woman to rescue from perdition?
In the breakfast-room, where luncheon was laid out, the Colonel greeted Mr. Woods with the enthusiasm a sailor shipwrecked on a desert island might conceivably display toward the boat-crew come to rescue him.