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Example sentences for "qualm"

Lexicographically close words:
qualites; qualitie; qualities; quality; quall; qualms; qualquier; qualquiera; qualunque; quam
  1. There could have come very few traders in through that gate below without his levying a private tribute; and so, judging that most of his goods had been unlawfully come by, I had little qualm at making a selection.

  2. No man who has practised the game of arms could abandon the promise of such a gorgeous final battle without a qualm of longing.

  3. But how many would have waited in that same situation, without a qualm of fear, or without doubting the simple assurance that the master of the ranch would know best what to do to help?

  4. Had she but known that the only reason he gave her what she wanted, was the qualm of conscience he felt.

  5. Right you are," agreed Bob, promptly, and without a single qualm of conscience.

  6. They would have sunk us without one qualm of pity--would, in all probability, have shelled our boats had any succeeded in getting off.

  7. They had not a single qualm about their own perfect representing of the higher order of being.

  8. Walking statelily, without a qualm up the steep twist of the street.

  9. They will often do the most wicked things when their own interests and passions are concerned; and, at other times, will sacrifice their best friends, from a foolish qualm of conscience, or out of a mistaken feeling of benevolence.

  10. Now I would like to know," said Mathews, gloomily, "if you have ever felt a qualm of conscience in your life?

  11. Tis possible he might want it, he might not be well, some sudden Qualm perhaps.

  12. Qualm of Conscience should spoil my Design?

  13. Neither she nor Bel had ever known one qualm of financial uneasiness, neither by chance conceivable ever would.

  14. I descended to tell my master that the young lady's qualm of sickness was almost gone, but I judged it best for her to lie down a while.

  15. As she spoke she felt a sudden little qualm of apprehension.

  16. I've never for an instant questioned that," he returned with a qualm of shame; for what he said was not true.

  17. And for all her airiness on the subject, she was not entirely without a qualm lest John Ames should follow suit, and him she had more than begun to like very much indeed.

  18. As to his courage though, there was no question, and for all his insolence and swagger, no qualm of misgiving was in his mind as he faced the jeering, infuriated crowd with a savage contempt not less than their own.

  19. Now an abyss opened at her feet, and she felt a qualm of fear.

  20. The two men shook hands, though it was not without a secret qualm that Claude thus sealed the compact.

  21. Barbara felt a qualm of keen disappointment that Billy had fallen again into the old dialect that she had all but eradicated during those days upon distant "Manhattan Island.

  22. Recalling that I had rather markedly failed to acknowledge his salute on the morning before his departure, I felt a qualm of misgiving.

  23. Passing its closed gates daily, I was always sensible of a qualm of the spirit, a daunting prescience that the stilled mansion still harbored the ghost of an unlaid secret.

  24. She shrank from the rigor of this with a qualm of actual fear.

  25. Vincent had a qualm of a feeling he thought he had left behind him with his boyhood, real embarrassment, fear of appearing at a disadvantage.

  26. Tom suddenly felt a qualm of shame and disgust at his finery.

  27. He felt a distinct qualm of uneasiness that very morning as he and his host sat at breakfast together.

  28. Tom felt a most unwelcome qualm of shame and pain, such as he had only experienced before when thinking of his mother and sister.

  29. Once I heard a laugh that I seemed to remember, and I felt a qualm of fear, I scarce knew why.

  30. I can disguise myself, and pass through them if needs be without a qualm of fear.

  31. As for such weakness as a qualm of conscience, Pignaver was as far above such childishness as the Bravi themselves.

  32. The preparations were now completed, and the two cut-throats awaited the Eve of Saint John without the least qualm or the smallest fear for their own safety.

  33. Confess freely, you mistrust me: But if you find the least qualm about your gold, pray keep it for a cordial.

  34. For my part, I feel a certain qualm upon my heart, which makes me believe I am breeding love to one of them.

  35. He wondered, passively, why it beat so, and why he should feel so strange a qualm of nervousness.

  36. Once more he wondered dimly whether he felt that sudden qualm of depression because he had slept so ill the night before.

  37. Renaud had spoken to madame, and within an hour she was ready, and, being driven to Lac Calvaire, entered upon her labours without qualm or protest.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "qualm" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.