To each was assigned, by the public, a guard, and a council of a hundred persons, and the first of the princes appears to have enjoyed a preeminence of rank and honor which sometimes tempted the Romans to compliment him with the regal title.
The same causes which at first had destroyed the equality of the presbyters introduced among the bishops a preeminence of rank, and from thence a superiority of jurisdiction.
Some preeminence of rank seems to have been allowed to the elder brother; but they both administered the empire with equal and independent power.
Now much might be said as to the application of these threadbare principles in the Church and in society, but I do not enlarge on that; only let me say in a word--that here is the one law on which preeminence in the Church is to be allocated.
There cannot well be three vertical dominant parts, because the central one makes a claim to preeminencewhich cannot be satisfied without superiority in size.
This is the justification of the overshadowing preeminence of the facade in Renaissance palaces, which indeed was oftentimes the only visible part of the outside of the building.
There was a tradition that a new dynasty should introduce a new god or give a sort of preeminence to the god of its own district.
The Latins translated the name of this "Hypsistos" by Jupiter summus exsuperantissimus[73] to indicate his preeminence over all divine beings.
It was then the great harbor of the country, New York not having attained the preeminence she now enjoys.
The capital sins have a preeminence in evil, as the cardinal virtues have a superiority in good.
But, among all the vices that lead mankind astray from Wisdom, the preeminence is held by lust, for its attraction is greater and its hold on the soul more complete.
This virtue regulates human actions and renders to others their due, and so it has preeminence over fortitude and temperance, which govern the passions and make man virtuous as regards his own acts only and not as regards his neighbor.
Thus, wealthy men are worthy of special respect on account of goodness when they employ their riches in useful ways, or on account of preeminence in the community in rank, ability, influence, etc.
If Scott's opinion, as a military man, is worth anything to the sceptic, here was his written indorsement of the preeminence of Grant.
Indeed, the very grandeur of the man consists in the harmonious development of all his faculties, rather than in the striking preeminence of a few, towering in lofty sublimity at the expense of all the others.
And then, there was his pride in his own riding, and his anxiety to have his preeminence in that accomplishment acknowledged and recognized by his friends, and, dearer triumph still, by his enemies.
Sneed with threatening eyes and gestures, while he vociferated amongst them, as lordly as if he were in his oft-time preeminence as the foreman of a jury.
Her preeminence since Cromwell's time has been chiefly due to her unrivalled power of planting self-supporting colonies, and that power has had its roots in English self-government.
While he is personally the most popular man in Orange County and while such preeminence can only be attained by the use of popular arts, yet in his case they are entirely legitimate and unstudied.
In less than a century, Constantinople disputed with Rome itself the preeminence of riches and numbers.
Their persons were esteemed holy, their decisions were admitted with deference, and they too often abused, by their spiritual pride and licentious manners, the preeminence which their zeal and intrepidity had acquired.
His third sister, Constantia, was distinguished by her preeminence of greatness and of misery.
A dissolution followed and the House of Lords, as a political power, faded into a shadow; yet, notwithstanding this, itspreeminence as a court has remained intact.
This process of correlation is the highest triumph of the jurist, and it was by their easy supremacy in this field of thought, that Roman lawyers chiefly showed their preeminence as compared with modern lawyers.
In fact, for its regular and musical accents it occupies among the Indian tongues of the continent the same preeminence that the Spanish does among the Caucasian languages.
This dynamism has nothing which attacks the dignity and preeminence of the soul.
If "potentior principalitas" signified only greater antiquity, how could the church of Rome claim preeminence above the churches of Antioch and Ephesus?
But she did not attain to this position of preeminence without a long and bitter struggle.
This scandalized the pharisaical men of the time, who looked askance at all learned women and resented particularly the preeminence given to Paula and her accomplished daughter.
But however great their preeminence in these respects, they were not without rivals.
This preeminence shows distinct signs of soon becoming a thing of the past in the endeavors to meet the demands created by thoughtless visitors.
What held the preeminence of castle in the collection of structures was a small brick house with one upper bedroom.
I believe that we shall sometime become celebrated forpreeminence in some virtue.
Civilizations--are they anything but different arrangements of the elements of man's nature with reference to the preeminence of some elements and the subsidence of others?
A conquered people intellectually superior to its conquerors may, any political dependence notwithstanding, enforce its intellectual preeminence by assimilating to itself the nation which has succeeded to its dominion.
The preeminence of Montreal as a point of distribution for both the Provinces was well established, and the wholesale trade of Little York was comparatively insignificant.
His preeminence at the Bar was undisputed, and his influence over juries suffered no diminution.
In the industrial history of Montreal he played an important part for forty years, and to him more than to any one else she owes whatever of mercantile preeminence she possesses.
He was strong in the dialectic requisite for eloquence, but his preeminence lies in his pure dialectic respecting the quite universal categories of Being and non-being, which indeed is not like that of the Sophists.
It has thus happened that because vigorous natures turned to the practical, insipidity and dulness appropriated to themselves the preeminence in Philosophy and flourished there.
The literature and art of Dumas and his compeers were making such sturdy progress as to give Paris thatpreeminence in these finer elements of life, which, before or since, has not been equalled elsewhere.
Every visitor to Paris has recognized the preeminence of the "Opera" as a social institution.
In the attempt to dethrone Dansk from its preeminence as the language of the drama, Ole Bull signally failed, and his Norwegian theatre, established at Bergen, proved only an insatiable tax on money-resources earned in other directions.
Jealousy and antagonism had long existed between Rome and Carthage, but it was the preeminence of the African city which held Roman ambition in check and for generations deferred the final struggle.