And who can estimate the social sweetness that followed on land purchase--the sense of peace and security that it gave to the tenant and his family, the falling from him of the numbing shadows of unrest and discontent?
The old confidence seems to be gone; a feeling of uncertainty and of unrest has taken its place.
Never was there more interest, more inquiry, and, perhaps, more unrest and disquietude among thoughtful people.
Peru is not yet freed from the revolutionary habit, the game of politics which brings unrest and at times destruction.
From the disorders of man here on the great Pacific coast, let us turn to the unrest of Nature.
She cannot think she is alone, As over her senses warmly steal Floods of unrest she fears to own And almost dreads to feel.
Eventually, it could cause unrest among young adult males who are unable to find partners.
He could not visit his aunt without seeing Grace, whose tones were now so gentle when she spoke to him, and so full of her heart's deep gratitude, that a renewal of his old fierce fever of unrest was the result.
Perhaps some day this fever of unrest will pass away, When it does, rest assured you shall see me again.
The same unrest and excitement which were evident in Seoul, were felt in the country and a serious movement began in two southern provinces where it was reported that a formidable insurrection was brewing.
This unrest is in itself at the same time something restful or secure.
The external mode of obtaining satisfaction relates to continence from enjoyment, but continence from sensuous motives, such as dislike to the unrest of acquisition, and fear of the evil consequences of enjoyment.
Protagoras finally expresses thought as real existence, but it is in this its movement, which is the all-resolving consciousness, the unrest of the Notion.
My sleep was fitful and full of terrible dreams, and my days were days of unrest and anguish unspeakable.
My unrest and nervous dread of some swift approaching doom too awful to be conceived became so intense and real that I fled from place to place.
Most of all she has to be careful not to claim territory, which would mean everlasting unrest and a new irredentism.
Morgan, assistant director of the Munitions Department, said today that this problem was causing some unrest among the workers, but that the transfers would take time, for the Government was anxious not to disturb industry more than necessary.
The three thousand workmen have been stirred into a great unrest in the last week by some unseen influence.
It is not to be believed, all the same, that this atmosphere of unrest and misgiving, of faith coloured by an element of terror, in itself operated so strongly as unaided to give a final form to Titian's sacred works.
A wave of fear and unrest spread among Negroes and while we were looking at both these provisions askance, suddenly we received the draft registration blank.
There is greater unrest among negroes than those in high places are aware.
While efforts were being made to check the exodus from Florida, the good citizens of Texas were first beginning to note a stir of unrest in their sections.
This is due in part to a pretty universal state of unrest among negroes throughout the South.
And possibly these agents have been the greatest incentives to help create and crystallize this unrest and migration.
Dingy soldiers everywhere, dirt, decay and deprivation everywhere, listlessness and laissez-faire on the surface, with unrest and upheaval below.
The Saxon towns had been in a state of economic unrest that increased as the impotence of the Weimar Assembly became more obvious.
In the light of the excitement caused up to 1914 by the comparatively moderate increase in this country, we can better understand the Russian economicunrest when a far steeper ascent of prices got under way.
What is the statesmanlike attitude to the growing unrestof those who do the work of the world--an unrest which is steadily and rapidly organizing?
But the chief cause of unrestcontinued to be the intrigues of Russian agents.
But I may point out that the catastrophe resulted from the two causes of unrest described in this volume, namely, the Alsace-Lorraine Question and the Eastern Question.
There would be a still greater unrest if posterity could be heard from, for it can only save itself by new inventions and new exploitations or by frugality of administration of which no nation gives an example to-day.
All these would represent only the unavoidable collision, unrest and ambition of human nature, were it not that every element involved in it was armed to the teeth.
That there could be any element of unrest anywhere within that charmed region seemed a thing impossible.
If there yet remained unrestin the State, it was below the surface.
A spirit of unrest was therefore abroad, and there were not wanting those who were ready to snatch the opportunity and pose as patriots against the aggression of the Proprietor.
His own unrest under the conditions which were forced upon him was not to be mentioned.
Unrest grappled with him blindly, urging him nowhere, seeming merely to wrestle with him aimlessly and maliciously.