The New and Revised Edition of "Technics of Violin Playing," issued by THE STRAD, is the only authorised edition of my work.
DEAR SIR,--In sending me your book on "The Technics of Violoncello Playing" you have given me a real and true pleasure.
Preece, began to fear that before long he would be unable to fill the positions requiring an elementary knowledge of the technics of telegraphy.
Trenam, Controller London Central Telegraph Office, testifying that because of danger that in the immediate future there would be a lack of telegraph clerks who had a knowledge of the technics of telegraphy, Mr. W.
In the present work I have the opportunity which so few authors have enjoyed of jettisoning all technics into an Appendix.
I was told that "the technics of sericulture are sure to improve.
I do not enter into the technics of the retardation and stimulation of seed in order to delay or to hasten the hatch according to the movements of the market.
This could not readily occur, on account of the great accuracy with which my wife had already then mastered the whole Technics of the instrument.
The chief points of excellence in that school consist in a careful study and development of the Technics of the instrument, in which, however, the real cultivation of art is very frequently neglected.
Yet I found, and several other musicians were of the same opinion, that, though Hermstedt constantly made more progress in the technics of his instrument, he did not devellope his taste in the same degree.
After, that with Hermstedt's assistance I had made myself somewhat acquainted with the technics of the instrument, I went zealously to work, and completed it in a few weeks.
He produced for his guild first; for a brotherhood of men who knew each other, knew the technics of the craft, and, in naming the price of each product, could appreciate the skill displayed in its fabrication or the labour bestowed upon it.
Born in 1788, he first studiedtechnics with the famous Clementi and harmony with Albrechtsberger.
Of what use, pray, is your superabundant technics if you can't make music?
Converse, was twice performed in Boston early in 1906, and reveals significant command of the modern technics of orchestration.
Each group in a choir must strive for homogeneity of voice quality; each singer must sink the ego in the aggregation, yet employ it in its highest potency so far as the mastery of the technics of singing is concerned.
In musical performance these elements belong to the technics of the art.
The influence of his familiar little ship, the association of his kindred shipmates, the technics of a common and unforgettable trade, have proved stronger than the prestige of a naval uniform.
The spirit of the times provided a free and growing opportunity for the study of technics and advance of scientific craftsmanship.
The technics of this composition do not lie beneath the surface.
Chopin's transcendental scheme oftechnics is the image of a supernormal lift in composition.
Certainly the young Leonardo must have owed very little except suggestion and some minor directions in technics to anyone else.
He was a great student of the technics of his art and if he had not died at the early age of thirty-seven would surely have accomplished much besides painting.
There were many simpler forms of his art that he might practise, and not take on his shoulders all the technics of the bronze foundry, but Donatello undisturbedly went on his way and accomplished his purpose.
He was the first to realize how much technics were to mean in the modern advancement of science, and he made methodic chemistry, in distinction from practical chemistry, the object of very special study.
In the college course of operative technics tin foil can be used, almost to the exclusion of gold foil, to demonstrate the manipulation of both cohesive and non-cohesive gold.
As far as we are aware, the first tin foil made use of in operative technics was by Dr.
The New and Revised Edition of "Technics of Violin Playing" issued by THE STRAD is the only authorised edition of my work.
Wagner followed the sources of his story closely, the changes being such as I have pointed out, and chiefly of a kind demanded by the technics of dramatic construction.
The New and Revised Edition of "Technics of Violin Playing" issued by The Strad is the only authorised edition of my work.
In Beethoven's youth the technics of sonata composition had reached the point of complete beauty, and the young man soon set about making the sonata the vehicle of personal expression.
The technics of instrumental writing were not sufficiently advanced to admit of high emotional expression.
In fact the development of the instrument itself affected the development of the technics of playing, and these affected the evolution of piano music.
His preludes and fugues are amazing not only in the extent of their mastery of the technics of composition, but also in their almost prophetic insight into the possibilities of the piano as a means of expression.
This new polyphony was made practicable by the technics of Clementi, but it required an attention on the part of the pianist to the enunciation of the several voice parts not required by Clementi's music.
The working out of these riddle canons became a mania with Okeghem and his immediate successors; and the result was that they acquired an immense command over the technics of contrapuntal writing.
This, as the reader will see, includes the transfer of the technics of polyphonic writing from vocal to instrumental music.
It cannot fairly be said of Mozart that he contributed a great deal that was new to the mere technics of sonata writing.
Kammerer--The Technicsof Moving Loads, Formerly and at the Present Time.
Step by step the children will be initiated into the various practical activities, horticulture, agriculture, manufacture, the technicsof the process of production.
By electricity the technics of moving loads has also been revolutionized.
While most engineers still regarded the steam turbine as a task of the future, it had become a present-day problem that attracted the attention of the entire world of technics by its success.
The technics of navigation and transportation present new achievements almost daily along all lines.
The school at Würzburg is of a somewhat superior order, although secondary in its tendencies, machinery construction and electro-technics being given attention.
The dissections in Paris used to be performed by the barber-surgeons, as a rule rather ignorant men, who knew little of their work beyond the barest outline of the technics of dissection.