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Example sentences for "sweatshop"

Lexicographically close words:
sweated; sweater; sweaters; sweating; sweats; sweaty; sweep; sweepe; sweeper; sweepers
  1. Any of these sweatshop jobbers will give it to them.

  2. The sweatshop is smoky and gloomy and mean-- I strive--oh, how vainly I strive to be clean!

  3. I felt a strangling in my throat as I neared the sweatshop prison; all my nerves screwed together into iron hardness to endure the day's torture.

  4. And then he'd put them to work in his sweatshop and sweat them into their grave.

  5. To the stifling submission of the sweatshop or the desperation of the streets!

  6. How many of you can swear no sweatshop ever saw your clothes?

  7. She helped with big festivals, toiled day and night at sweaters, and finally bought herself a knitting-machine and spun out half a dozen pairs of socks a day, by keeping a sweatshop pace for sweatshop hours.

  8. The over-strain of the sweatshop caused the only too frequent breakdown in health.

  9. Looks like someone was openin' a sweatshop in the buildin', don't it!

  10. Strikes me this Lindy of yours is perfectly good sweatshop material.

  11. The visits we made in the neighborhood constantly discovered women sewing upon sweatshop work, and often they were assisted by incredibly small children.

  12. One of these little sweatshop owners receiving such a letter when Samuel Gordon, who was getting six dollars a week, takes heart and demands a raise in his wages.

  13. The former sweatshop boss having accumulated some capital, or with the aid of credit, now became a small "manufacturer," owning a small plant and employing from ten to fifty workmen.

  14. This was the notorious "sweatshop system.

  15. The contractor or sweatshop boss was a mere labor broker deriving his income from the margin between the piece rate he received from the merchant-capitalist and the rate he paid in wages.

  16. Looking out for herself, Pretty Agnes worked in a sweatshop in Division Street.

  17. Round, ripe, willowy, Pretty Agnes graduated from the Division Street sweatshop to a store in Twenty-third Street.

  18. The effect of this has been that it is now possible to say that no uniform worn by an American soldier is the product of sweatshop toil, and that so far as the Government is concerned in its purchases of garments it is a model employer.

  19. More than any other industry in the United States it has been menaced by the sweatshop system.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sweatshop" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.