It means that only God, the very life of God, sharing God's life, can really save one from his sins.
The very meaning of religion is sharingthe life of God.
Our final hope for that true salvation, which is the sharing of the life of God and the involved likeness of character with God, is in God's own long-suffering, redeeming activity.
But the riches of the personal life of Christ are necessarily hidden to one who does not come into the sharing of Christ's purpose.
Religion itself, as a sharing of the life of God, would be impossible without some relation to others; for God, at least, could not be separated from the life of all.
And our love becomes simply entering a little way into God's own love, a sharing more and more in his life.
We can hardly take in Christ's own revelation of God without some sharing in his sympathy for men.
The chief actor in it was the Earl of Cambridge, who was speedily tried, convicted, and beheaded, sharing the fate of his associates.
In July, the Memphis operators, from the difficult working of their instruments, surmised that some outsider must be sharing their telegraphic secrets.
She seemed to him to be sharing their love, his and hers, with all those other people who had no part in it.
And during their weeks in France and Belgium this relationship or intuition was fortified by the sharing of common interests and common adventures.
He conjured before him a bud by the side of that beauteous flower, sharing all her lustre and all her fragrance, his own Venetia!
What was to prevent him getting the diamonds on his own account, without sharing with anybody?
There was two--the biggest in the bunch by far--which they kept putting aside because they couldn't agree about the sharing of them.
The skilful tennis-player, the trained singer, the able business man were sharing their knowledge with others, showing them how to make the best use of their powers.
A public officer ceases not to be a citizen; he has doubly the character of a citizen, by sharing in and by executing the people's will.
And I never met a single mother who would have withheld her son from sharing in the battle; but I have met many who ordered and commanded their children to fight for their fatherland.
It is impossible to read such a book without sharing the author's delight in the queer and not over reputable but highly romantic company to which it introduces us; and yet it is a great storehouse of serious and recondite information.
I paid my respects to the little mother almost daily, but jealously guarded her secret, sharing it only with a kind-hearted woman, whom I took with me on one of my visits.
It is clear that birds, sharing the frailty of some who are better than many sparrows, are often wanting in patience.
The affectionate relatives were united as those who, meeting under great adversity, feel still the happiness of sharing it in common.
It seems the German ambassadors are sharing your apprehensions.
She became absolutely "one of the family," sharing in all its concerns.
Another thing that may be suggested against the small number of representatives is, that but few of you will have a chance of sharing even in this branch of the legislature; and that the choice will be confined to a very few.
Indian, sharingthe enthusiasm of Faringhea; "the world is ours.
The cardinal, sharing his uneasiness, exclaimed: "What do you learn by this note, my dear father?
All we ask is, that it should last forever," added Blanche, sharing in the hilarity of her sister.
Sharing your sorrow, they cannot reproach you with it.
The exclamation of Rose completely roused her from her lethargy, and she clung to her sister, again sharing the fright without knowing its cause.
And, in your position, you did well, Pierre; without sharing your admiration, I understood your gratitude.
I have always thought, 'I wish, above all things, that my husband should be worthy of sharing this great fortune.
By the end of May all the recruits in the army are sufficiently instructed to be capable of sharing in the general evolutions.
It is not strange then that the men of those early days inclined readily to the idea of sharing the rights of self-government with women who had with them left home and kindred and the comforts of the older States.
To prevent any disputes in purchasing or sharing these supplies, two persons were appointed to superintend all bargains, and the provisions thus obtained were divided every evening among the people.
The generous mind, however, never harbors revenge in the hour of returning prosperity; but feels noble satisfaction in sharing its happiness even with its enemies.
Thus did Danton, while sharing the same suspicion, nevertheless incline toward war, asking only that before the declaration of hostilities, the Assembly should scan closely the intentions of Louis XVI.
John Lebrenn, aftersharing for a moment the surprise of his family, cried out as he ran towards the door, "What do these men want?
That is the source of the wealth in which revel those of our number whose duty it is to mix with the mighty ones of the day, sharing in their dalliances and dissipations--foxes to deceive, wolves to devour our enemies.
As human creatures we have precisely the same duty and privilege, interest, and power in the state; sharing its protection, its advantages, and its services.
When we find a number of educated gentlemen seriously enquiring as to the conditions of existence in the next world, we feel that they are sharing Boswell's naïveté without his excuse.
What finally drove the unhappy man to hurry from the hated place was the torturing fear of sharing his lion's fate, and of being sent after the murdered Tarautas by the friends who had heard his appeal to fate.
Sharing not, Freia Thou wouldst have wooed for thy bride; Sharing the gold, It is but just That the most of it should be mine.
The practice as to the sharing of the spoils of confiscation varied in different countries.
The Christian West believes also in redemption which is just that sharing of God in the process which makes faith and repentance definite and saving elements in the struggle of the soul.
But it was seldom that he had achieved this end, and the thought of sharing in the gaieties of the morrow was enchanting alike to him and to his sister.
Nevertheless my father thought it not safe to leave him there longer; and now he is here, sharing our Christmas gaieties.