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Example sentences for "disquiet"

Lexicographically close words:
disqualifications; disqualified; disqualifies; disqualify; disqualifying; disquieted; disquieting; disquietness; disquiets; disquietude
  1. But it is all the same to me; I have nothing more to lose, and the few days that remain to me do not disquiet me so much that I should take a lively interest in them.

  2. If you have any sympathy with my situation, believe me I conceal much trouble with which I do not grieve or disquiet others.

  3. They are pursued, and are defeated in Calamba The news of the death of Captain Martin de Aduna caused disquiet and sadness in the city, for he was well liked there.

  4. Jeannie's restlessness and disquiet seemed to have transferred themselves to her.

  5. That engrossment of interest and disquiet held until the woman with the baby in her arms came down the two steps, in curiosity, and crossed the yard.

  6. The misfortunes of war or internal disquiet have frequently driven away the best labor-forces of an old industrial state, and thus powerfully promoted a young protective system in the neighborhood.

  7. The low price of tobacco, that perpetual source of dissatisfaction, still continued to disquiet the country.

  8. The other doubt which doth disquiet thee Less venom has, for its malevolence Could never lead thee otherwhere from me.

  9. Then the disquiet in her spread to the place.

  10. Instantly back to her had come the whole disquiet and unrest.

  11. Occurrences in Spain Breed much disquiet with these other things.

  12. A terror comes to him of this man, of this imperious and cold influence, so completely felt already; an entire soft and refined side of his nature is awakened, made disquiet and in revolt.

  13. Ramuntcho, knowing that these two women are enemies, is astonished and disquiet to-day to see them walk side by side.

  14. I was concerned to think, that our family differences have been one source of disquiet to her.

  15. So, when Hadding went back, he suffered all things after this one fashion, and his coming brought disquiet upon all peaceful places.

  16. Erik: "Lo, thy guilty disquiet lies heavy on thee; that man's freedom is safest whose mind remains untainted.

  17. This strong excitement favours not bodily rest, and inward disquiet suffers not outward repose.

  18. But the disquiet induced by the not unnatural surveillance of premises identified with a recent crime was soon forgotten in the superior powers of the New York press to excite both disquiet and indignation.

  19. Bosinney's absence did not disquiet her; she had felt instinctively that he would not defend himself.

  20. If Timothy could see the disquiet England of his great-nephews and great-nieces, he would certainly give tongue.

  21. Belovedest wife, our souls are in happiest unison; but we must not disquiet ourselves if every tone be not re-echoed from one to the other--if every slightest shade be not reflected in the alternate mirror.

  22. But Paul was enough Southerner by birth to shrink from all inquiry or disquiet in women.

  23. The symptoms are deceptive appetite and great mental disquiet and care and anxiety; and it behoves that it be evacuated, else it will generate melancholy and leprosy and cancer and disease of the spleen and ulceration of the bowels.

  24. At this the prince rejoiced greatly and made the horse fare softly with them, so as not to disquiet the princess; nor did they stay their flight till they came in sight of a green meadow, in which was a spring of running water.

  25. My lord, be not offended, but ease my mind of its disquiet and receive my grateful thanks.

  26. None shall find out thy refuge to disquiet thee with supplications to return to that empty and foolish life which God hath moved thee to abandon.

  27. This disturbance lasted until the breaking-out of the uprising, and must have been a prognostication of it, and a sign of what the devil was devising to disquiet the Christians of this village.

  28. I watched James pacing back and forth, with disquiet steps, through the frozen walks of the garden; presently he lit a cigar, and went out on the lawn, and from thence into the streets.

  29. That may explain his disquiet to you--so be it.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disquiet" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    afflict; agitate; agitation; ailment; alarm; anguish; anxiety; apprehension; beat; bluster; boil; boiling; bore; boredom; bother; burden; bustle; care; churn; commotion; concern; confuse; convulse; creeps; disarrange; discomfiture; discomfort; discompose; discomposure; disconcert; discontent; dislike; dismay; disorder; displeasure; disquiet; dissatisfaction; distress; disturb; disturbance; doubt; dread; dullness; ebullition; electrify; embroilment; emptiness; ennui; excite; excitement; fear; ferment; fermentation; fever; fidgets; flap; flurry; fluster; flutter; foment; foreboding; fret; frighten; fume; funk; fuss; hubbub; hurry; inquietude; intimidate; jar; jolt; maelstrom; malaise; misgiving; moil; move; nausea; nervousness; paddle; pain; palpitation; panting; perturb; perturbation; phobia; pucker; quaking; quaver; quavering; quiver; quivering; rattle; restlessness; rile; ripple; rock; roughen; rout; row; ruffle; rumple; scare; seething; shake; shakes; shaking; shiver; shock; shudder; solicitude; spleen; spook; stagger; startle; stew; stir; strain; suspense; sweat; swirl; tedium; tension; throb; throbbing; tremble; trembling; tremor; trepidation; trouble; tumult; turbidity; turbulence; turmoil; twitter; uncertainty; uneasiness; unhappiness; unhinge; unman; unnerve; unrest; unsettle; upset; vexation; whip; whisk; worry; zeal