For many nurses, the practice of nursing as caring will require changes in the conceptualization of nursing and nursing practice structures.
Having faculty share a story illuminates their conceptualization of the discipline.
This was apparent by his conceptualization of the Mississippi River where motorized gondolas moved around high rise condominiums only to depart into a canal the way they did in Bangkok.
Many of the steps of conceptualization are automatic, in part, if not wholly.
On this view it must appear that the faculty of thought including the powers of imagination and conceptualization are not psychological invariants, but, on the other hand, are true variants.
It is undoubtedly more reasonable and correct to believe that the powers of conceptualization are matters of evolutionary concern.
Paterson, "Echo into Tomorrow: A Mental Health Psychiatric Philosophical Conceptualizationof Nursing" (D.
At the termination of the conceptualization they were both "clinical.
The didactically stated importance of investing precious time and energy into constructing a synthetic conceptualization of a term eluded me.
Prior to this conceptualization because my attending emotions were so disturbing and unacceptable to me in relation to one of these experiences, automatically I repressed part of them and found reasons to suppress the rest of them.
In these situations persons were expressing so many things at one time, how could theconceptualization of one term be relevant.
They were teased apart simply as an aid to conceptualization and understanding.
From these, my conceptualization of clinical, and the values on which my clinical practice rests, could be extrapolated.
Zderad and myself, propose that nursing practice when studied, like any other area studied, will only become available for human conceptualization if the study methods are appropriate to its nature.
When compiling materials for the conceptualization of this term, I found 12 assumptions about psychiatric nursing that I had written for the theory course in one of the first class sessions.
And yet, my unique knowledge was not given and so my defense, my clutching at security foiled my human need for conceptualization of and expression of my own nurse vision of reality.
For the conceptualization of the term "comfort," a representative clinical example was given to enhance the meaning of the behavior cited (see Appendix).
Beginning thisconceptualization I would have referred to both these experiences as "clinical.
The study of the nursing event itself and its conceptualization as proposed in humanistic nursing practice theory is an application of phenomenology.
No one else, it may be said, can appreciate my feeling as I do, myself: this appreciation is no conceptualizationof that feeling.
They are not plural, in themselves; it is conceptualization that accounts for the plurality imputed to them.
The destination of the mass under transmission was determined by the operator, holding in his mind the five-dimensional conceptualization of the target, guiding the action of the machine.
The return to harmony is possible only partially because many abilities associated with the main story-type model are lost, due to the general tendency of conceptualization of the image models.
For instance, let's analyze whether by increasing the level of conceptualization of the models, it will be possible to get closer to the ability to make and operate symbolic models.
The symbolic-models could occur from image-models by a huge increase in the level of conceptualization in very special conditions (e.
This is an example of increasing level of conceptualization with the last two items as symbolic elements.
The advanced conceptualizationshould be supported in a group of vulnerable animals.
For animals, it is more important "to invest" in "equipment" then to increase the level of conceptualization of the models.