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Example sentences for "assigns"

Lexicographically close words:
assignes; assigning; assignment; assignments; assignor; assimilable; assimilate; assimilated; assimilates; assimilating
  1. He assigns the places where the meetings are to be held, basing his decision upon the location of former institutes in the various counties, upon the eagerness which the neighborhoods seem to manifest toward securing the institute, etc.

  2. The secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, who has charge of the system, assigns dates and speakers to each institute.

  3. The record of this controversy assigns to Owyn himself this honourable title "Oweyn Sire [Lord] de Glendore del age XXVII ans et pluis.

  4. He assigns a duration to these stationary or intermediate periods of from three to five million years each--"a duration infinitely small relative to those required for all the changes of the earth's surface.

  5. But read the text through to the end, and note the part which the law, in this case, assigns to the municipal council.

  6. Dr Schaff seems disposed to deny this, but he assigns no reasons.

  7. Tillemont, but on entirely different grounds, assigns the same date to the martyrdom of Stephen.

  8. Linus was the immediate successor of the apostles, whilst Tertullian, who was his contemporary, and who possessed equally good means of information, assigns that position to Clement.

  9. Modern criticism assigns it, however, to Alvise Vivarini, to whom an important place in the history of Venetian painting is now accorded as an artist developing on lines independent of the Bellinis, and as the Master of Lorenzo Lotto.

  10. Mantegna's own genius has inspired this masterpiece, which tradition assigns to the medallist Sperando Maglioli.

  11. Palmistry assigns fine, tapering fingers to "artistic temperament," and rightly, for fine fingers are necessary for fine work.

  12. Petrie assigns as the work of St. Fidhairle Ua Suanaigh, who died in 763.

  13. Boece assigns the earliest native Scottish coinage to an apocryphal king Donald, circa A.

  14. Professor Eschricht assigns to the crania from the barrows of the oldest Danish series an ample and well-developed form, with the forehead vaulted and tolerably spacious, and the nasal bones prominent.

  15. Petrie, however, assigns a date about thirty years later, and promises more precise information derived from the Irish annalists, from whence we may hope for other valuable additions to the Annales Scotorum.

  16. The inverse argument is at any rate indisputable, which assigns the wheel-made pottery to the period of partially developed art and tutored skill.

  17. The date of these churches, which tradition thus assigns to Norwegian builders, is not known.

  18. Of the Allophylian colonists of Scandinavia, Professor Nillson assigns to the most ancient the short or brachy-kephalic form of cranium, with prominent parietal tubers, and broad and flattened occiput.

  19. To devout women she assigns spiritual functions, dignities, and magistracies.

  20. She accordingly enlists him in her service, assigns to him some forlorn hope, in which intrepidity and impetuosity are more wanted than judgment and self-command, and sends him forth with her benedictions and her applause.

  21. Some writers have called them ‘pillar temples,’ but this name assigns to them a designation which it is by no means certain that they bore.

  22. As a Cassitic ruler, he assigns the first place to the chief Cassite deity, Shukamuna, a god of war whom the Babylonian scholars identified with their own Nergal.

  23. Accordingly, Nabubaliddin assigns several deities who act the part of assistants to Ea.

  24. Lugal-zaggisi, as the king of Uruk, assigns to the goddess a first place.

  25. Ashur worship, for he mentions the god elsewhere, and assigns to him the same rank as the other kings do, but so much we are justified in concluding, that next to Ashur and Ishtar he feels most strongly attached to Nabu.

  26. Almost all the attributes he assigns to him have reference to the god's powers in war.

  27. Shamash at Larsa, and Mili-shikhu, two centuries later, assigns to Shamash the second place in his pantheon, naming him before Marduk.

  28. And while to some, God gives it to show themselves through their work, to others he assigns it to show themselves without even the opportunity of work.

  29. Our plan is to follow down the class roll, beginning at the top, and the leader is handed a list of ten or twelve names from which he selects six or eight persons to whom he assigns topics, the roll itself being prepared for that purpose.

  30. On the other hand, Overbeck assigns its composition to the Post-Constantine Age, and the French scholar Doulcet, setting it down to the age of Hadrian, thinks he has discovered the author to be the Athenian philosopher Aristides.

  31. The Gentile-Christian origin of the author is shown by the position which he assigns to the church as coeval with the creation of the world and as at first embracing all mankind.

  32. It assigns the founding of the church of Edessa, which is proved to have been not earlier than A.

  33. Theodoret quotes passages from it and assigns them to Apollinaris, and its contents too are in harmony with this view.

  34. To philosophy he assigns a purely theoretical, to theology a pre-eminently practical character, and protests against the Thomist commingling of the two.

  35. If, like his fellow prophets, he sometimes runs these two together, and talks of the latter in the terms of the former, he keeps them on the whole distinct, and assigns them to different agents.

  36. But we see no reason to put it as early as Ewald does, who assigns it to a younger contemporary of Ezekiel.

  37. Mythology assigns to the rose the most illustrious origin.

  38. We think the author will search in vain through all antiquity to find a tradition or a hint which assigns the civilization of any people to its own indigenous and unassisted efforts.

  39. Siret assigns the date of the appearance in Spain of the highly conventionalized angular form of octopus to the time between the fifteenth and the twelfth centuries B.

  40. It is of considerable interest and importance to note that in the earliest dated example of Maya workmanship (from Tuxtla, in the Vera Cruz State of Mexico), for which Spinden assigns a tentative date of 235 B.

  41. That such a process may have played a part in the development of the symbol is further suggested by the form of a Transcaucasian swastika found by Rössler,[319] who assigns it to the Late Bronze or Early Iron Age.

  42. Epsilon] 1), and in the end it alone assigns this limit, in the service and contemplation of God (E.

  43. For the layer, which he now assigns to the Mycenaean period, is the sixth stratum from below.

  44. I am aware that this view is not in strict accord with that of Professor Huxley, who assigns the gorilla the highest place next to man in the order of Nature, and the chimpanzee next below him.

  45. Man assigns a more definite reason for his acts than a monkey can; but it is also true that one man may assign a more definite reason for his acts than another man can for his when prompted by the same motives to the same act.

  46. Herodotus assigns him a large fleet in the Red Sea, and other historians attribute to him fleets upon the Mediterranean.

  47. Many have been inclined to reject the whole of this narrative because the names which it assigns to several of the countries are nowhere else to be found.

  48. They sold, rented, or gave away the houses and lands, and their heirs and assigns have continued to do so to the present day.

  49. In the Kingdom of Heaven, the institution of marriage, which assigns the exclusive possession of one woman to one man, does not exist.

  50. He thus assigns tasks to his immediate subordinates, whom he holds directly responsible for their execution without, however, divesting himself of any part of his initial responsibility.

  51. He then, from the means available to him, assigns the necessary strength to each group, making adjustment between the theoretical requirements and the actual strength available.

  52. In this case the retained purpose assists the commander to select a new objective which he can confidently adopt as the basis for a new task which he assigns to himself.

  53. Paragraph 3 assigns individual tasks to all of the task forces listed in the task organization.

  54. Now many parts are assigned to one habit: thus Tully assigns many parts of fortitude, temperance, and other virtues.

  55. In like manner neither can they differ according to the other difference which Augustine assigns (Contra Faust.

  56. Hence Our Lord assigns to these beatitudes rewards in correspondence with the motives for which men recede from them.

  57. Now Simplicius assigns the cause of this diversity to the fact that substance in itself cannot be susceptible of more or less, because it is per se being.

  58. Others, however, differentiate these virtues in respect of their matters, and it is in this way that Aristotle assigns the reason for their connection (Ethic.

  59. Hence the Lord assigns the reason for this by saying (Ezech.

  60. It is thus that Augustine assigns them (De Serm.

  61. Monte i, 4) assigns the beatitudes recited by Matthew (v 3, seqq.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "assigns" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.