For the steer that is roped and busted in the hot weather dies suddenly at the water; the flies buzz about the ears of the new-marked calves and poison them, and the mother cows grow gaunt and thin from overheating.
But the energy release of even the most severe weather is diffuse; it occurs over wide areas, and the difference in temperature between the storm system and the surrounding atmosphere is relatively small.
Very hot weather tempts venturesome youth to bathe in the Stygian stream.
A fine week of autumn weatherwas devoted to this ceremony.
But it was a dry, sandy place, and weather had not badly injured it.
The wind had been queer, in gusts, all day; yet the weather had been soft and mild.
The ship which brings them is detained by bad weather on the coast of Sámar, where a Jesuit missionary shows them all most generous hospitality, refusing any compensation.
The rough weatherexperienced causes the superstitious Chinese crew to imagine that it is caused by the fathers; but after many hardships China is finally reached in twenty-four days.
Ours were the best served, for boats were not found; and although it was thought that the ship could soon proceed upon its voyage, the bad weather was so obstinate that it was unable to sail until March of the following year.
In that hot and stiflingweather their tortures grew almost unbearable.
The sails swung idly in the passing breezes, and as the weather was not boisterous the schooner fared very well.
After the storm, the wind and weather remained fair for many days, during which the Wanderer (as she was now called) glided into the tropics, and justified her fame on the score of speed.
Captain Gary was standing by the weather rail of the quarter deck, where with clenched hands and violent gestures, he was pouring forth a flood of profane vituperation such as Duff had seldom heard equaled.
When theweather moderated and the schooner, after being tidied up, was plunging along with a double reefed fore and single reefed mainsail, and every one was breathing freely, Duff again thought of Ralph.
But as the weather grew worse, Mr. Duff's attention was necessarily given entirely to the management of the vessel when on watch, and during his hours off, he usually slept away his fatigue.
He had food and drink brought to him, as he swung to the weather shrouds, where he at times lashed himself, to avoid being washed overboard.
As he remained aft, no more seas were shipped, though the wind was increasing, and by certain signs he felt that rougher weather might be imminent.
That was a close call, captain," remarked Duff as the two stood together five minutes later, clinging to the weather shrouds.
One of the boats was chafing against the weatherside of the ship.
The last species is the one most commonly used by the sea-side cottager as a weather indicator.
In dry and elevated positions or in warm weather the condition of the body is more positive; in damp, low-lying places and in raw weather the electro-magnetic forces have a negative tendency.
Weather and local conditions have no small influence upon our state of health.
During hot weather bacterial germs impregnating the air, frequently enter the milk, and many children succumb to the disease at the same time, until wind and rain improve the general conditions.
The weather was intensely cold, and when the stone flooring of the hall was removed and a deep trench cut, in order that the damage done by the tunneling might be repaired, the chill arising from the damp earth was terrible.
The weather was inclement and intensely cold, when this expedition was commenced.
The weather was intensely cold, and all of the men who were unprovided with the means of adequately sheltering themselves, suffered severely.
Although the weather was intensely warm, another, still, slung seven pairs of skates around his neck, and chuckled over his acquisition.
There was a Young Lady of Turkey, Who wept when the weather was murky; When the day turned out fine, She ceased to repine, That capricious Young Lady of Turkey.
There was an Old Person of Philae, Whose conduct was scroobious and wily; He rushed up a Palm, When the weather was calm, And observed all the ruins of Philae.
In warmweather Villa Elsa did not relax in the matter of six daily repasts.
And then the cold weather before long put an end to the little promenades of rime by the shore, and Gard had to try other lines of attack on this radiant and beflowered German fortress.
I have said above that a Piedmontese proverb predicts bad weather for the morrow from a red evening; but in Piedmont the belief is also widely diffused that the red of evening signifies blood, and that this bloody redness signifies war.
It was late April weather when they reached the station at the foot of that high hill where Augusta Perusia sits lording it on her throne over the wedded valleys of the Tiber and the Clitumnus.
Perhaps a little of both; for in dusty weather Perugia is the most endless town to get out of in Italy; and its capacity for the production of unpleasant odors is unequalled no doubt from the Alps to Calabria.
A portion of the mesa is scantily covered with loam, where grow cacti and other specimens of dry-weather plants.
A double set of rollers is kept on hand when possible, but it frequently happens that rollers collapse about as fast as they can be adjusted, and the paper is hung up till a new lot gets in, or till the weather cools off a bit.
I huddled up that pink silk in my arms, and in less than two minutes Cousin Dempster's carriage was so choke full of his wife and me, that he took a seat with the driver.
Why, didn't you ask me just now to run on with you?
In fine weather and smooth water, we used to bowse the fore- and main-yard arms together, and get our tacks down amidships; and we clawed many a mile to windward in consequence.
What I used to hate most--in hot weather especially--was that morning evolution of crossing yards at eight o’clock.
At sea one is constantly on the look-out for the weather (change of wind and so forth), taking advantage of every opportunity to get on by crowding a press of sail on the ship when opportunity offers.
Whatever the weather was, this muster process had to be got through as quickly as possible, for the old watch was not free to turn in before the muster was over.
It was monotonous work, and, the weatherbeing still cold and occasionally pretty rough, many of us suffered a good deal from sea-sickness and ennui.
At that moment I was looking over the hammock-netting on the weather bow, having just previously reported a rock awash two miles to leeward, which I had been warned to report if I could discover it.
The weather was very thick, and, as may be imagined, this was very trying to all on board.
Towards November the weather became cooler, and preparations were made to leave our cantonments and once again take the field under tents.
We crossed the line the day after Christmas; and, the weather being warm and calm, there was a rare ado, with the usual ceremonies attending the event.
I remember well my coxswain pulling off a piece of flannel I had round my neck (as I was suffering from a severe sore throat, and the weather was very cold) before I left my boat to step over the side of the Queen’s yacht.
Here follow a few jottings on weather and speed, which latter--with the exception of five days during which the vessel lay becalmed-- seems to have been very satisfactory.
Weather squally, so that we may expect heavy seas in the Bay of Biscay.
The weather is still beautiful, and the breeze steady.
The weather having been very mild in the fore-part of the day, my shoes and socks had been saturated with wet, but were now frozen hard by the cold of the approaching night.
Having experienced very bad weather on our way, and consequently some delay, we did not reach our new station until late in the evening of the fourth day.
Had there been the least ripple on the water, I could not have escaped; but the weather was perfectly calm, and the lake smooth as glass.
In calm weather the canoes went abreast, singing in chorus and keeping time with the paddles.
The weather was very fine in the evening, but soon after night-fall a tremendous storm burst upon us: our tent was blown about our ears in an instant.
The weather moderating soon after, all hands were ordered to embark, but all hands were not there; four of them had deserted during the night, and were not missed until the crews mustered for embarkation.
The weather being mild, I thought I could sleep comfortably without fire; but was mistaken.
The weather was very sultry; and such had been the drought of the season that all the small creeks were dried up, so that I could nowhere procure a drop of water to moisten my parched lips.
The weather being extremely hot, we found them in almost a complete state of nudity, with only a narrow shred of cloth around their loins.
The weather immediately became mild, and the ice broke towards the sea, which was to the S.
A vast multitude of determined men filled not only Clermont but the adjacent towns and villages, even sleeping in the fields, although the weather was bitterly cold, who demanded to know the policy of the Church.
He received in a dream a revelation of what the weather was to be for seven years to come.
John Rayner pronounced judgment of death by flogging, for theweather was bitter, the distance to be walked was eighty miles, and the lashes were given with a whip, whose three twisted, knotted thongs cut to the bone.
Scattered over the United States are about 125 Government Weather Stations, at each of which three times a day, at the same instant, accurate observations of the weather are made.
Map] On the weather map solid lines represent isobars and dotted lines represent isotherms.
When the air is near the saturation point, the weather is oppressive and is said to be very humid.
In summer water evaporates, heat is taken from the air, and consequently the warm weather is less intense.
The measurement of humidity is of far wider importance than the mere forecasting of local weather conditions.
In warm weather the liquid in the cell may dry up and cause stoppage of the current.
A careful study of these reports enables one to forecast to some extent the probable weather conditions of the day.
His reliance on the weatherreport was not misplaced, since the storm came with full force at noon.
The most severe winter cannot freeze a deep lake solid, and in the coldest weather a hole made in the ice will show water beneath the surface.
In winter the heat from the freezing water keeps the temperature of the surrounding higher than it would naturally be, and consequently the coldweather is less severe.
So many influences modify atmospheric conditions that unfailing predictions are impossible, but the Weather Bureau predictions prove true in about eight cases out of ten.
Trustworthy information also regarding the weather which may be expected in the north and east of India, is obtained at the islands, and this proves of the utmost value to the controllers of the great trades dependent upon the rainfall.
He then resumed his manoeuvring, which was now facilitated by improved weather and better roads.
The strait between the island and Cape La Hague, called the Race of Alderney (French Raz Blanchard), confined by numerous rocks and reefs off either coast, is rendered very dangerous in stormy weather by conflicting currents.
They weather to various shades of dark brown, reddish-brown, green, grey and yellow.
Hood, at a loss to divine Sherman's purpose, hastened on into Tennessee amidst weather which would have stopped most troops.
Along the coast the weather is very mild, the thermometer rarely falling to freezing-point even in winter.
Thus, in misty weather a balloon is well-nigh useless; and in strong winds, with a velocity of anything over 20 m.
Sudden change of food, of weatherand of temperature.
He accordingly set out the same year for Russia, but was carried by stress of weather to Memel, where he remained for some time, supporting himself by his pencil.
Bad weather and skilful defence completely checked the assailants for another three weeks, and the situation was now materially altered.