The struggle on the ground was short but terrific; curses and the most dreadful imprecations were uttered by the Skinners, who in vain called on more of their band, who were gazing on the combat in nerveless horror, to assist.
The sword that had been his companion in so many fields of blood dropped from his nerveless hand, and as he cried, "May God bless you for the deed!
Why was I sonerveless and stupid after such a sleep?
If ever a weak, nerveless body yielded to an imperious will, mine did.
The paper crackled and fluttered to the floor from the secretary's nerveless fingers.
You, who should have been the most zealous upholders of religion, have drifted down the stream of fashion, nerveless and indifferent.
A deep, hollow peal followed my nerveless little pull at the chain bell-rope, and almost immediately the door opened.
The musket descended with a thud; the pistol slipped from my nerveless fingers; I seemed to be plunging down, down beneath a sea of angry waters.
In our fatigued state the climb was fearfully distressing: men sank to the ground gasping, or fell while trying to grasp the overhanging rocks with nerveless fingers.
Many thousands of the best sword-arms in Castile lay stiff and nerveless on that fatal field.
It rolled upon the carpet from his nerveless grasp.
Could Theodora have read his thoughts at this moment the weapon would not have dropped from her nerveless grasp.
Hardly any notice had been taken in Great Britain of the Sand River Convention, and even less concern was exhibited over this new development of weak and nerveless Colonial administration.
At the instant when the wind wafted the fragment of paper closest to the door, her fingers lost their power of contraction, and became as nerveless and helpless as if she had fainted.
The hands that she had been beating together so violently but an instant before hung down nerveless at her side.
She will be nerveless if she knows the truth, and you are not in a condition to conceal it.
Sobbing she sank beside Victor, calling to him wildly, fondled his head, shook his warm but nerveless hands, kissed his damp forehead, her tears falling on his yellow hair.
He dropped the nozzle from his nerveless hands--and such hands, too!
Something at any rate lay under the nerveless hands, powerless now to defend their secret.
The countess listened, only half believing what she heard; she was growing nerveless again.
She affected to be as nerveless as the countess; her hands were as weak--they could not break a chicken bone.
He rose and bent over the Sheik with his fingers on his wrist, and as he laid the nerveless hand down again she leaned nearer and covered it with her own.
The Sheik caught his follower's nerveless fingers as they fell in his own strong grasp, and with a last effort the Arab drew his chief's hand to his forehead and fell back dead.
She did not faint, but her whole body seemed to grownerveless with the sudden realisation of the horror of her position.
Diana lifted it in her own, and the touch of the nerveless fingers sent a sob into her throat.
Then the nerveless figure sank again into place, with the same constraint in its lines, and the same dejection.
But I could recall the dinner and the sullen aspect, not unmixed with awe, with which this boy contemplated his sister when his own glass fell from his nerveless fingers.
The captain saw him reel,-- His nerveless hands released their task, He sank beside the wheel.
Naught avail’d the tears of Freya: Odur Fled disgusted from her nerveless arms.
Achenes fusiform or compressed; pappus of 5 or fewer thin nerveless paleae, alternating with rough bristly awns, or these wanting.
Perigynium large (2'' long or more), nervelesson the inner face.
Pod linear, flattened, usually opening elastically from the base; the valves nerveless and veinless, or nearly so; placentas and partition thick.
Lifting up the drooping head, he moistened the nerveless lips and bathed the cold temples and pallid cheeks.
Raise his head gently," she said, and slowly poured the mixture between the old man's nerveless lips.
The hands seemed like steel bands about his wrists, and his struggle sent the blood coursing once more through his nerveless arms.
Humphrey, starting back, as the sword fell from his nerveless hand, and a flash, as of a revelation, enlightened him as to the meaning of much that had before seemed strange.
With a crash my favourite pipe fell from my nerveless fingers and was smashed to atoms on the fender.
Passively the savages allowed Mr. McKay to remove their weapons, which had fallen from their nerveless grasp.
The would-be murderer's weapon fell from hisnerveless grasp and immediately his hands were raised high above his head.
I took the money, and it dropped from my nerveless fingers.
And these archangels, do you think their arms will be forever nerveless and their swords always asleep in their scabbards?