Blaikie was an ardent philanthropist, and an active and intelligent temperance reformer, in days when this was far from easy.
For I am sure, Though you can guesse what Temperance should be, You know not what it is Cleo.
Be by good Madam when we do awake him, I doubt of his Temperance Cor.
It must needs be of subtle, tender, and delicate temperance Ant.
Of course he does not need the money, and he is doubtless very sure that the temperance legacy is alone sufficient for his purpose.
Some miscreant had libelled him and declared that he was a great drinker, and the club handed over the secretaryship to a temperance member.
George found it a comparatively easy matter to keep to temperance with so much at stake, but Busby, conscious of his own defects and the pernicious results of habit, hardly dared to open his mouth.
Punctuality, perseverance, and temperance are the three rules for success, as you've heard me say many times.
It is now only the temperance legacy that he holds.
Probably a week of temperance and an abnormal sense of safety were responsible for the yearning to taste liquor that seized Gray one evening as he returned home.
I must be careful to do the George Washington act, and stick hard to temperance principles.
Nothing but cant led you to join temperance societies.
The "dodge" is in advertising it as a temperance bitter.
The monthly meetings of the Brick Lane Branch of the United Grand Junction Ebenezer Temperance Association were held in a large room, pleasantly and airily situated at the top of a safe and commodious ladder.
For the courage and temperance of other men, if you will consider them, are really a contradiction.
In order to spread the principles of temperance Governor Winthrop drank little but water, and also in other respects he encouraged the habits of temperance and sobriety.
The same is true when He is quoted as a non-temperance man, in the mouth of those whose use of wine and other intoxicants consists mostly in the abuse.
Others, when they find it convenient, contend that Christ was no temperance man.
They are in Bayville at a temperance rally and will have to come here to-night to catch a car back to the city.
With their zest for canonizing their leaders I wonder what the temperance workers will do with a man as handsome as Richard Chalmers is said to be?
And the temperance party is about to go back on me because they think that Major Blake and I are going to form a separate faction and leave out the liquor question.
Sobriety hath by use obtained to signify temperance in drinking.
Designating, or pertaining to, a temperance society and movement started in Baltimore in 1840 on the principle of total abstinence.
Be the fair level of thy actions laid As temperance wills and prudence may persuade.
While this work was unquestionably due in a great measure to able management, the assisting element of "temperance in the ranks" had much to do with it.
Who will deny that there were men not a few among the heathen in whom Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance were highly exemplified?
He anticipated by many years the battlings of our temperance apostles.
In spite of the great temperance and immunity from things which corrode, whittle, and rasp away life in the cities, farmers in many places do not live so long as scientists and some other professional men.
Wisely was it said that lost wealth may be regained by industry and economy, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance and medicine, but lost time is gone forever.
They were miserably equipped, miserably fed, but they were temperance troops.
A book for home and school use, presenting the strongest arguments in favor of temperance from the standpoint of the highest scientific authority, with an introduction by Mrs. Mary A.
Then that's what makes him such a red-hot temperance man now, isn't it?
We take pleasure in offering the strictly moral and very amusing temperance drama entitled, "Out in the Streets," to all entertainment committees as one that will give entire satisfaction.
She was president of the Lockport Woman's Christian Temperance Union four years, and corresponding secretary of the Niagara County Woman's Christian Temperance Union for the same length of time.
No name is more familiar among temperance speakers than Mrs. Boole's, and no voice has been heard in this state more frequently or with greater acceptance than hers.
Mrs. Hibbard was elected president of the State Woman's Christian Temperance Union at Poughkeepsie in 1879, which office she filled for three years, serving most faithfully and laying down the work only because of the press of home duties.
Cold Water Templars, and later becoming a member of the Sons of Temperance and Good Templars.
Hunt, national superintendent of the Department of Scientific Temperance Instruction, for having the largest number of local superintendents of this department of any State in the Union.
She assisted in organizing the county Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and served as its secretary seven years.
She was present at Cleveland and assisted in organizing the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union.
This was the inception of the Scientific Temperance Instruction Department of the New York State Woman's Christian Temperance Union.
Temperance in a secondary sense, as observing in easier matters that moderation and self-restraint which the primary virtue keeps in the matter that is most difficult of all.
Thus the virtues of temperance and fortitude perish in excess and defect, and live in the mean.
First, then, happiness is not the practice of the moral virtues of temperance and fortitude.
The student must bear in mind that, to a philosopher, Temperance does not mean Total Abstinence, and Abstinence is quite independent of Fridays and flesh-meat.
Temperance then is made up of Abstinence, Sobriety, and Chastity.
It may regulate the passions, notably desire and fear: the outcome will be the moral virtues of temperance and fortitude.
Temperance is the virtue contrary to the two deadly sins of Gluttony and Lust.
Temperance makes a man strong against the temptations to irrationality and swinishness that come of the bodily appetites.
So penitential fasting intervenes between temperance in food and undue neglect of sustenance.
Temperance is a virtue which regulates by the judgment of reason those desires and delights which attend upon the operations whereby human nature is preserved in the individual and propagated in the species.
Thus medical skill ministers to the particular end of healing: while the moral habit of temperance serves the general end, which is final happiness and perfection.
The concupiscible appetite is broken in to reason bytemperance residing within it.
Fortitude thus is a two-sided virtue, moderating two opposite tendencies: while Temperance is one-sided, moderating Desire alone.
Prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance are mentioned by Plato as recognised heads of virtue.
Temperance and Fortitude in the Home Department; Justice for Foreign Affairs; with Prudence for Premier.
McCracken was president of theTemperance Meeting and Joseph W.
Cuyler had spoken at a largetemperance meeting in Tripler Hall, together with General Houston, Henry Ward Beecher, Horace Mann and other celebrities.
The president of the Temperance Society once or twice put in an excursion just ahead of that of the Sunday school, and there was dancing.
The church's work in these earlier days was simple enough, prayer-meeting Thursdays, then Wednesdays, andtemperance meeting under McClellan and Campbell on Friday.
On the Temperance question; against Catholicism;--have these topics never entered into our politics?
But, ignorant and excessive in all his movements, his very efforts at temperance were intemperate.
Whence I am to infer," I replied, "that the drinking population constitutes the majority in your country and that temperance is somewhat unpopular.
The most distinguished youth were educated under the monarch's eye, practised their exercises in the gate of his palace, and were severely trained up to the habits of temperance and obedience, in their long and laborious parties of hunting.
But knowledge is as food, and needs no less Her temperance over appetite, to know In measure what the mind may well contain; Oppresses else with surfeit, and soon turns Wisdom to folly, as nourishment to wind.