Love has returned, confidence is born anew, and I shall leave the again united pair with unshaken hope.
In the level field, with free scope allowed for action, they bore down all opposition, and received unshaken the most desperate charges of the steel- clad cavalry on their terrible array of pikes.
Why was it that to know that her prided fortitude and hitherto unshaken power were being overwhelmed and broken with a brutal, ruthless strength was an exultation and a glory?
A man of a cultivated mind, without an unshaken love of virtue, is but a dwarf of a man.
Correus, who remained unshaken under this catastrophe, obstinately refused to surrender, and fell pierced with wounds.
That unshakenand majestic firmness, which ranked first among his many eminent qualities, was never more imperiously required and never more effectively manifested.
He appeared now in his glory--frantic and destructive; but amidst all this drivelling impetuosity, it was not difficult to detect some desperate and unshaken purpose in his heavy but violent and bloodshot eyes.
And what powers, of mere earthly constitution, could bear up unshakenagainst one uninterrupted tide of oppression and persecution?
The storm now raged furiously, and it was only by the greatest efforts, aided by long experience, and unshaken intrepidity, that the navigators of the boat could shoot clear of the ship.
Then Vinitamati at last prevailed on them to return, and with unshaken resolution went on his way, with his wives, to the forest, without a carriage.
What can Fate do against a firm unshaken man, any more than the wind against a mountain?
So take my advice and appoint one firm man as your head, if you desire unshaken prosperity, which can only be ensured by a capable governor.
Physically speaking indeed, we allow God can do Evil itself; but the moral Perfections of his Nature, are to us an infallible and unshaken Security, that he never will do it.
The fall of Liberius and Osius reflected a brighter lustre on the firmness of those bishops who still adhered, with unshaken fidelity, to the cause of Athanasius and religious truth.
In his distress he always derived support, or at least consolation, from the faithful attachment of his parochial clergy; and the hundred bishops of Egypt adhered, with unshaken zeal, to the cause of Athanasius.
Mordecai said, were the creators and feeders of the world--moulding and feeding the more passive life which without them would dwindle and shrivel into the narrow tenacity of insects, unshaken by thoughts beyond the reach of their antennae.
No one up to that time had blessed death; no one had died with unshaken certainty that only after the funeral pyre or the grave would real life begin,--life as mighty and endless as only a being all-powerful and eternal can give.
Selim repeated with unshaken certainty, "this one or none.
Other rites, undertaken avowedly for the behoof of the soul, prove and illustrate a simple but unshaken faith in its continued existence after the decay of the body.
In such circumstances it proved highly important that my officers were armed with carbines; and, as they were all good soldiers, they repelled the enemy's charges with unshaken firmness.
The members of the council distrusted each other; the people felt no interest in this war; and Zwingle, notwithstanding his unshaken faith in the justice of his cause, had no hope for the struggle that was about to take place.
Germany so much hatred, as the unshaken firmness with which we maintain the doctrines of the Roman Church.
I put down this fine idea in writing before I went to bed; and in the morning, finding myself unshaken in my resolve, after I had communicated I gave my plan to the abbot, who was taking chocolate in his room.
I was impressed with the idea that to their unshaken friendship I owed all my good luck, and I made the father, mother, the daughter, and the two sons, receive the presents I had got for them.
Yearning for full satisfactions while balked of these perpetually, we still prosecute our search for them, our faith in their attainment remaining unshaken under every disappointment.