Such was the power of His continence [self-control] that the food was not corrupted in Him, because He himself was without corruption.
The same law of continence is for the ministers of the altar as for the bishops and priests who, when they were laymen, could lawfully marry and procreate children.
Bangala, the, of the Upper Congo, continence observed by fishers and hunters among, iii.
See also Calmucks Kalotaszeg in Hungary, continence at sowing at, ii.
Indians of, practise continence for the sake of the crops, ii.
Yam vines, continence observed at the training of, ii.
See also Continence Interlunar day, celebration of Sacred Marriages on the, iv.
Wandorobbo, of East Africa, their continence at brewing poison, iii.
When he left his residence to visit other places within his jurisdiction, all married people had to observe strict continence the whole time he was out; for it was supposed that any act of incontinence would prove fatal to him.
The morals of Spain did not improve in this time, however, even if the king gave an example of continence which no other monarch for many years had shown.
Acton does not believe that continued continence has that effect, quoting Dr.
Such frequent reference has been made above to continence in antithesis to illicit intercourse and masturbation that little need be said in addition to that which has preceded.
By continencewe mean to adopt neither one of the first two alternatives mentioned, but to leave the care of the sexual apparatus wholly with Nature.
Evelyn remembered that when she had sent Owen away before, he had said, "Sexual continence at best is not the whole of morality; from your use of the word one would think that it was.
They lived in continence and abstinence, and had establishments similar to the monasteries of the early Christians.
If God does not send me some idea, then I shall become roast meat for the crows; but if he does send me an idea, then I promise to remain in continence like Pan Longin.
And as it will go on this way it would be better for you to enter into partnership with Podbipienta at once, then there would be a fool with continence plus his mightiness Skshetuski, total two fools and one continence.
They led a very ascetic life; continence was strictly imposed upon them, and they mortified the flesh by deeds of penance in imitation of Quetzalcoatl, who was their patron deity.
I have already spoken of the veneration in which this spiritual monarch was held, and of the manner in which he surmounted the difficulty of having children to inherit the pontifical chair, when continence was strictly imposed upon him.
After twenty, continence is a moral duty; it is an important duty, for it teaches us to control ourselves, to be masters of our own appetites.
Up to the age of twenty, the body is still growing and requires all its strength; till that age continence is the law of nature, and this law is rarely violated without injury to the constitution.
Donna Ignazia, who was delighted with my continence during the day, and apparently afraid of its not lasting, begged me to invite her cousin to supper.
Besides, I believe that if one will but refrain from taking the first step, continence is easy.
It is in the genial atmosphere of this noble communion of sentiment and affection that the virtue of continence comes forth in all its dazzling splendour.
Newly married couples were admonished to practise continence during the wedding day and the night following, out of reverence for the sacrament; and in some instances their abstinence lasted even for two or three days.
The Christians prescribed strict continence as a preparation for baptism[133] and the partaking of the Eucharist.
In Madagascar "continence is not supposed to exist in either sex before marriage, .
The Essenes, says Josephus, "reject pleasure as an evil, but esteem continence and the conquest over our passions to be virtue.
In one of the Pahlavi texts continence is recommended from the point of view of prudence:--"Commit no lustfulness, so that harm and regret may not reach thee from thine own actions.
If continence is a stringent duty for unmarried persons independently of {455} their sex, the observance of the sacred marriage vow must be so in a still higher degree.
A few days afterwards they were again subjected to the united powers of youth and beauty, but this time nature was too strong, and the too happy cenobites forgot, in the arms of voluptuousness, their vows of continence and chastity.
Chastity is at all times of little account among savages, always excepting the old Celts and Teutons, who held continence in high esteem, and whose women were objects of general respect.
History does not say whether the friends of enforced continence provided for these sufferers.
The rich continence of Flaubert, the stippled concision of Merimee or the dry-sherry wit of Voltaire are surer guides.
Would there were more like him in continence of speech, wholesomeness of judgment, nobility of ideals, and in the shrewd perception of character.
It has been suggested that sexual continence in high-strung men produces changes in the nervous system which can conceivably lead to the production of high tension and further to arteriosclerosis.