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Example sentences for "accordance"

Lexicographically close words:
accompte; accompted; accompts; accoont; accord; accordant; accorde; accorded; accordeon; accorder
  1. Even the commons were dissatisfied because Spurius Cassius proposed in accordance with federal rights and equity to bestow a portion of the land upon the Latini and Hernici, their confederates and allies.

  2. This necessarily involves a history of the agrarian laws, as land distributions were made and colonies established only in accordance with laws previously enacted.

  3. Decemvirs as well as triumvirs were at times appointed to make distributions of domain lands in accordance with the provisions of an agrarian law.

  4. Such deductions as to the intention of this poem are at least fully in accordance with those suggestions of theories which we have so far gathered from a consideration of other of Browning's works.

  5. And the recognition of failure here is in entire accordance with Browning's usual attitude towards life.

  6. In accordance with the capacity for growth inherent in man's nature, with his creed, as with all else, must be development, if life is to be preserved.

  7. Women and girls were elegantly accomplished, in place of being solidly informed or scientifically crammed, in accordance with the fashion of the nineteenth century.

  8. His son proclaimed it as the law in his statutes of 1234, and included in its provisions, in accordance with the Ordonnance of Louis VIII.

  9. Besides, Frederic's Ravenna decree, issued soon after, in prescribing lifelong imprisonment for converts, speaks of this being in accordance with the canons.

  10. The prelate was to summon to his presence those designated, who, unless they could purge themselves at his discretion, or in accordance with local custom, were to be punished as the bishop might see fit.

  11. In so resolving, he thought that he was simply acting in accordance with the acknowledged rules of parliamentary government.

  12. It never occurred to Lord Tulla that a member of Parliament might feel himself obliged to vote on such a subject in accordance with his judgment.

  13. But not the less was Mr. Mildmay beaten; and, in accordance with the promise made by his first lieutenant immediately after the vote was taken, the Prime Minister came forward on the next evening and made his statement.

  14. She cannot expect you to pluck yourself out of your own soil, and begin a new growth altogether in accordance with the laws of her own.

  15. After that, Phineas went up to Portman Square, in accordance with the instructions received from Lady Laura.

  16. Her husband was in his place, in accordance with his constant practice, and Lord Brentford had been seated, perhaps unfortunately, in the peers' gallery.

  17. Because the commercial constituencies really do elect their own members in accordance with their own judgments, whereas the counties and the small towns are coerced either by individuals or by a combination of aristocratic influences.

  18. He felt that, happen what might, it would be in accordance with the requirements of their two inmost natures.

  19. In accordance with this suggestion, originally made by Mrs. Helen Rice, national superintendent, and Mrs. Harriet A.

  20. When her only child was yet a lad the crusade tocsin found her ready to respond, in accordance with her own convictions and her mother's faithful teachings.

  21. We are bound to acknowledge that this will suit only gentlemen, because he who shall live in accordance with it must be worthy of that name.

  22. And then he goes on: "You perceive that, in accordance with the decree of the Senate, the province has to be occupied.

  23. But he has done very much to mislead the world, and to teach readers to believe that Cicero was in truth one who endeavored to live in accordance with the doctrine of any special school of philosophy.

  24. In accordance with that theory he had lived, and I claim for him that he had never departed from it.

  25. The soothsayer predicts in accordance with his knowledge of what has gone before.

  26. There were, no doubt, certain laws in accordance with which Balbus was or was not a citizen; but Cicero here says that because Balbus was a good man, therefore there should be no question as to his citizenship.

  27. Cicero, no doubt, was a pagan, and in accordance with the rules prevailing in such matters it would be necessary to describe him of that religion, if his religion be brought under discussion.

  28. It was imported chiefly from Sicily and Africa, and was plentiful or the reverse, not only in accordance with the seasons but as certain officers of state were diligent and honest, or fraudulent and rapacious.

  29. To have returned from Pindenissum and not to be allowed the glory of trumpets would be a disgrace, in accordance with the theory then prevailing in Rome on such matters; therefore Cicero demanded a triumph.

  30. In such a matter it was in accordance with custom that the General should send an immediate account of his victorious doings, demand a "supplication," and have the triumph to be decreed to him or not after his return home.

  31. And was it in accordance with the rules of Old English nomenclature to give to mortals the names of these heroes of the genealogies[87]?

  32. Heorogar left a son Heoroweard[28], but it is in accordance with Teutonic custom that Hrothgar should have succeeded to the throne if, as we may well suppose, Heoroweard was too young to be trusted with the kingship.

  33. On the contrary, it is "in accordance with the phenomena of Saxon history in general, in which seasons of brilliant promise are succeeded by long eras of national eclipse.

  34. She keeping silence, he answers in her stead, and the sequel is in accordance with his answer.

  35. If they are bought in quantity, they should first be thoroughly tested, for often a potato looks very well on the outside while its texture and flavor may not be at all in accordance with its appearance.

  36. Eleven prisoners of British nationality were walking in groups of two and three in the jail yard between five and six o’clock in the afternoon, in accordance with the daily custom.

  37. I have done nothing but act in accordance with the promptings of my conscience.

  38. Young girls are jealously guarded, because the practice is in accordance with the general habits and feelings of the country, and little reliance is placed in their own sense of propriety.

  39. The owners were left, as before, the power of emancipating their serfs; but by the terms of the ukase, they could only do so in accordance with certain rules, and with the express sanction of the emperor.

  40. In the latter case, he acts only in accordance with the imperative dictates of prudence, for if he declared the truth he would infallibly incur disgrace, and would even run the risk of being dismissed.

  41. As for the foreign colonies established in New Russia, the government adapted its regulations at first in strict accordance with their wants.

  42. The habits of private life among the Kalmucks are of course in accordance with their state of civilisation and religious belief, and are strongly marked by all their gross superstitions.

  43. The drilling was performed by machines, so fixed, that the pieces could be brought beneath or against the drills, in the required direction, and guided so as to insure perfect uniformity and accordance between them.

  44. Its appearance in the fresh, calm morning was little in accordance with my terror on the preceding day.

  45. This entertainment was perfect in its kind; but, in accordance with the national habits, it was destined to end in an orgy.

  46. In accordance with old customs the government continued to sell the taxes by auction, and they were generally farmed by the great landowners of the province.

  47. In fact, our semi-ecstatic condition was in remarkable accordance with the moral state of our brahmins.

  48. All matters of litigation are decided in accordance with the Russian code, but criminal cases are extremely rare, owing to the pacific character of the Kalmucks, and the interposition of their chiefs.

  49. It is believed that he has by him a number of canvases which will have to be burnt after his death in accordance with his will.

  50. Manet seems to have attained perfection in using the method which consists in directing the touches in accordance with each of the planes, and this is evidently the most natural method.

  51. In accordance with his suggestions, the deputies from the nobility and from twelve cities of that province assembled on the 15th July, at Dort.

  52. In accordance with the whole spirit and language of the French government, was the tone of Coligny in his correspondence with Orange.

  53. The plans of the house were designed in accordance with the wishes of the bride, who was no less a personage than Sarah Wentworth, the daughter of Governor John Wentworth, and one of the reigning belles of Portsmouth.

  54. In accordance with the custom of that period, the estate was confiscated in 1778, shortly after its desertion by its original owner.

  55. Much of the furniture shown there to-day was formerly imported by Captain Macphaedris, who felt the need of furnishing it for his bride in accordance with his station.

  56. In this way, and in accordance with this plan, after the first expedition a ship would sail from there every year, while another would depart hence every year.

  57. He who has the most gold and riches is the greatest chief and of the highest nobility, and is the most respected, in accordance with the vanity and vainglory of this world.

  58. Make all necessary adjustments in accordance with the pertinent section of the vehicle operator’s manual, special bulletins, or other current directives.

  59. When young women, she and her fellow-servant, in accordance with the practice of the country, determined to obtain a sight of the men whom they were to marry.

  60. In accordance with general custom in works of this kind I have discarded the use of accents, unfamiliar symbols, etc.

  61. He is half a troll, So A, which is in accordance with Angelfyr's ancestry as told in the Saga of Hervoer and Heithrek, ch.

  62. In the same manner, the government of a race will be in accordance with its instincts, and here I have the weighty authority of the author of Democracy in America, in my favor, and the author's whom I am illustrating.

  63. Their affections and antipathies do not arise from mere accidental circumstances, but, on the contrary, are in accordance with logical reasoning based upon well-defined and clearly conceived ideas.

  64. On the other hand, the first chapter of Genesis gives an account entirely in accordance with the teachings of science.

  65. This answer of 1847 is in strict accordance with the most approved maxims of education of the nurse's ancestors in the times of Vercingetorix.

  66. Lycurgus was no theorist; his laws were in strict accordance with the spirit and manners of his countrymen.

  67. These barbarous customs were in accordance with the manners of a race which, not being yet sufficiently admixed, still remained true to its irrepressible instincts.

  68. Human legislation ought, indeed, to be in strict accordance with the law of God, but to commend one system as Christian, and proscribe another as unchristian, is opening the door to an endless train of frightful evils.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "accordance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acclamation; accommodation; accompaniment; accord; accordance; acquiescence; acquittal; adaptation; adherence; adjustment; affinity; agape; agreement; alliance; amity; analogy; approach; approximation; assent; assimilation; association; award; bestowal; cahoots; calm; care; charity; chime; chiming; chorus; closeness; coherence; coincidence; collaboration; collusion; combination; communication; communion; community; comparison; compatibility; compliance; concert; concession; concord; concordance; concourse; concurrence; confluence; conformation; conformity; congeniality; congruence; congruity; conjunction; consensus; consent; consistency; consonance; consort; conspiracy; constancy; continuity; contribution; cooperation; correspondence; deliverance; delivery; diapason; discharge; donation; empathy; endowment; equanimity; equilibrium; equivalence; esprit; euphony; evenness; execution; fellowship; flexibility; fulfillment; grant; granting; harmonics; harmony; heed; heeding; homogeneity; identity; imitation; intersection; investiture; junction; keeping; kinship; liberality; likeness; line; love; metaphor; monody; mutuality; nearness; obedience; observance; observation; offer; oneness; orthodoxy; overlap; parallelism; parasitism; parity; peace; performance; persistence; practice; presentation; presentment; provision; rapport; rapprochement; reciprocity; reconciliation; resemblance; respect; sameness; satisfaction; semblance; sharing; simile; similitude; simulation; simultaneity; solidarity; stability; strictness; subscription; surrender; symbiosis; symmetry; sympathy; symphony; synchronism; tally; timing; traditionalism; tune; unanimity; understanding; uniformity; union; unison; equanimity; equilibrium; equivalence; esprit; euphony; evenness; execution; fellowship; flexibility; fulfillment; grant; granting; harmonics; harmony; heed; heeding; homogeneity; identity; imitation; intersection; investiture; junction; keeping; kinship; liberality; likeness; line; love; metaphor; monody; mutuality; nearness; obedience; observance; observation; offer; oneness; orthodoxy; overlap; parallelism; parasitism; parity; peace; performance; persistence; practice; presentation; presentment; provision; rapport; rapprochement; reciprocity; reconciliation; resemblance; respect; sameness; satisfaction; semblance; sharing; simile; similitude; simulation; simultaneity; solidarity; stability; strictness; subscription; surrender; symbiosis; symmetry; sympathy; symphony; synchronism; tally; timing; traditionalism; tune; unanimity; understanding; uniformity; union; unison; unity