Awed perhaps by her firmness, and unshrinking devotion, the spokesman of the mob looked at her steadily for a moment, then turning to the crowd muttered something, and they followed him away, leaving her unmolested.
He witnessed also their modes of hardening their children to that prodigious power of unshrinking endurance, of which such astonishing effects have just been recorded.
She acts simply upon an impulse within, which she perceives to be a part of her constitution, and which carries her forward with unshrinking firmness in a particular course of laborious and anxious service.
Go he must; and, having enough philosophy in his nature to meet inevitable evils with an unshrinking mind, he prepared to encounter all the horrors of the chase, as if they were his principal delight.
Tho' half the wretches whom at night he led To thrones and victory lie disgraced and dead, Yet morning hears him with unshrinking crest.
The most dauntless and most unshaken of combatants, he faced his new antagonists with the same determination, the same unshrinkingsense of duty with which he had fought his old ones.
Look thro' the depths Of my unshrinking eye, deep, deep within.
He had before his eyes day by day, fearless, unshrinking determination, in a hateful and most unpromising task.
He was certainly a man of severe and unshrinking sense of duty, and like many great Englishmen of the time, so resolute in carrying it out to the end, that it reached, when he thought it necessary, to the point of ferocity.
Most men live to acknowledge in heart the superiority of young dreams over old possessions; and the world feels that in the unshrinking aspirations of the youth lies the hope of the world.
Talent wins the same subsistence; earnest, unfailing, unshrinking endeavor wins it anywhere; but what does Talent and Trial do but imitate the action of the result of Genius!
He possessed all the characteristics of the successful soldier: bold in conception, vigorous in execution, and unshrinking under grave responsibilities.
This, even this, I was determined to endure; to put my shoulder to the burthen, and support it with unshrinking firmness.
Remonstrance in such a case he regarded as the offspring of cowardice, which was to be extirpated with a steady and unshrinking hand, and not soothed with misjudging kindness and indulgence.
Do with me as you please; you teach me to hear you with an unshrinking and desperate firmness.
My time was divided between the terrors of an animal that skulks from its pursuers, the obstinacy of unshrinking firmness, and that elastic revulsion that from time to time seems to shrivel the very hearts of the miserable.
I desire the reader to note the loyal frankness, the unshrinking honesty of these avowals, so characteristic of the South Carolina morale.
When Ben grows up to maturity, bearing such terrible tests in his unshrinking hands, who of us will be safe?
The gaunt, iron-visaged woman knelt down upon her knees, gazing with unshrinking eyes upon the face of her victim, as if curiously marking the effect of a successful experiment of the aqua tofana.
But there was something that might have spoken, too, of death upon the battle-field, or in the deadly breach, or in some enterprise where daring courage needed to be supported by unshrinkingpertinacity and resolution.
The result was that four of the leaders were imprisoned for life and ten were burned, who met their fate with unshrinking calmness.
We have seen how, in 1310, the Beguine, Marguerite Porete of Hainault, was burned in Paris, and bore her martyrdom with unshrinking firmness.
No labor was too arduous for their unflagging zeal, no danger too great for their unshrinking courage.
Stuart the valiant, the obstinate, the unshrinkingwas driven!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unshrinking" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.