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Example sentences for "philosophical"

Lexicographically close words:
philosophi; philosophia; philosophiae; philosophiam; philosophic; philosophicall; philosophically; philosophick; philosophies; philosophique
  1. These explanations are not mere abstractions, gentlemen, or mere philosophical speculations.

  2. The participants in this interesting discussion are writers who enjoy a world-wide reputation for keenness of intellect and soundness of doctrine in philosophical and theological learning.

  3. It may be justly said,” observes Halley, “that so many and so valuable philosophical truths as are herein discovered and put past dispute were never yet owing to the capacity and industry of any one man.

  4. In the Paper detailing the experiments, printed in the 45th volume of the Philosophical Transactions, occurs the first mention of Dr.

  5. Knight’s method of making artificial magnets was communicated to the world by Mr. Wilson, in a paper published in the 69th volume of the Philosophical Transactions.

  6. In a subsequent paper Plato speaks of Dialectic as a still higher element of a philosophical education, fitted to lead men to the knowledge of real existences and of the supreme good.

  7. Almost every early electrical discovery of importance was made by Fellows of the Royal Society, and is to be found recorded in the Philosophical Transactions.

  8. These instruments were soon manufactured in great numbers; but were purchased merely as philosophical toys, and were carried by travellers into every corner of Europe.

  9. Woods of Parsonstown, and communicated to the Philosophical Magazine for July 1854.

  10. From the experiment described in Wheatstone’s paper (Philosophical Transactions for 1834), it would appear that the human eye is capable of perceiving phenomena of light whose duration is limited to the millionth part of a second.

  11. I am warned by the length of this paper that I must close without being able to give one tenth part of the many strange and surprising revelations, or statements, philosophical and other, which we have gained from this strange source.

  12. One evening it was promised that "Brain workers of philosophical bent" would answer our questions.

  13. I pass by, completely, the philosophical discussion as to what constitutes "a nation.

  14. If I publish my criticism on Comte, I should have to re-write it as a summary of philosophical ideas from the earliest times.

  15. Preserve it, my dear child, as evidence of the paternal genius, when those light and fugitive productions which are buried in the philosophical transactions and elsewhere are forgotten.

  16. There are histories of zoology and of philosophical anatomy, but they all of them seem to me to miss the point (which you have picked out of the pemmican).

  17. And in a short dozen pages he sketches out that "common body of established truths" to which it is his confident belief that "all future philosophical and theological speculations will have to accommodate themselves.

  18. If I may make another criticism it is that, to my mind, atheism is, on purely philosophical grounds, untenable.

  19. And what, after all, was the latest dream of philosophical socialism but a world of communities like these?

  20. But, at the same time, he cannot set down the socialistic theory as a mere philosophical speculation, or the socialistic movement as merely an artificial product of agitation.

  21. The philosophical thinker and the political agitator are parts rarely combined in one person, but to these Lassalle added yet a third, which seems to agree with neither.

  22. It is not, as in the West, the result of long falsely directed philosophical studies and ways of thinking, nor is it the fruit of an imperfect social organization.

  23. Davy, Wordsworth, Southey, and other men of literary endowments, who occasionally made long sojournments at his hospitable residence, and in whose erudite and philosophical pursuits he felt a kindred delight.

  24. The major part of the collection I presented to the Bristol Philosophical Institution.

  25. I had rather hoped than believed that I was possessed of so much philosophical capability.

  26. Darwin possesses, perhaps, a greater range of knowledge than any other man in Europe, and is the most inventive of philosophical men.

  27. Philosophical reflections, the like not to be found in any light French romance.

  28. He deals out to it no measure of philosophical justice.

  29. After Maclaurin's death his account of Newton's philosophical discoveries was published by Patrick Murdoch, and also his algebra in 1748.

  30. Early scientific knowledge was usually, however, a mixture of facts, very imperfectly ascertained, with philosophical imaginings.

  31. But, notwithstanding, such opportunities have not been much improved by philosophical minds, so that the history of Albinos is still involved in considerable mystery.

  32. Sibson, was published in the "Transactions of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society" at the time, from which I gather the following important particulars.

  33. Even the cool, philosophical Carlyle was struck with admiration of the poet's devotion.

  34. Colton, the philosophical but erratic author of "Lacon," wrote that entire volume upon covers of letters and such small scraps of paper as happened to be at hand when a happy thought inspired him.

  35. Among these is that of Edmund Burke, on the whole the greatest of English philosophical statesmen.

  36. Franklin's philosophical pursuits were but fairly begun at fifty.

  37. Return, and take a walk in that pleasant ground, half park, half garden, which we saw from the tower, and see how enviable a site has fallen to the Yorkshire Philosophical Society for their museum.

  38. In the other direction, you look up the wooded valley, and down upon the Museum, a Doric rotunda, built by the members of the Scarborough Philosophical Society, for the preservation of geological specimens.

  39. The sight of Barden Tower reminds us once more of the Shepherd Lord, for there he oft did sojourn, enjoying rural scenes and philosophical studies, even after his restoration to rank and estate in his thirty-second year.

  40. It boasts a People's College and a Philosophical Society.

  41. It has an ancient guildhall, a corn and hop exchange, and a Philosophical Museum.

  42. He graduated at Cambridge, and was of a very philosophical turn of mind.

  43. It's better," said the philosophical Oakhurst, "to take a fresh deal all round.

  44. Thouvenel describes the symptoms which affected Bleton when he was in the sphere of metallic action, and the rod becomes the secondary part of a philosophical instrument composed of an impressionable human being and a piece of stick.

  45. Granting this to be true, I concluded that I had not only a philosophical but a mathematical problem to solve.

  46. Had Boswell continued the quotation from Priestley's Illustrations of Philosophical Necessity he would have shown that though Priestley could not hate the rioters, he could very easily prosecute them.

  47. That he was a member of the Philosophical Society is something; but surely he could be but a corresponding member.

  48. If you awaked him from his reverie and made him attend to the subject of conversation, he immediately began a harangue, and never stopped till he told you all he knew about it, with the utmost philosophical ingenuity.

  49. Comparison of Philosophical and Christian Morality, by sentences collected from the moralists and fathers.

  50. Van Berg watched her coming with a heart that beat a little quickly for so cool and philosophical an investigator, and was glad that her quiet old horse resumed a slow walk at the first suggestion of the hill on which he had posted himself.

  51. As, in the quiet June evening, Harold Van Berg glided through the shadows of the Highlands, there came a slight change over his spirit of philosophical and artistic experiment.

  52. He was not conscious of any appropriate pangs of jealousy, and indeed did not miss their absence, but he looked eagerly around for the problem his philosophical mind was so bent on solving.

  53. Now I demand the satisfaction of a gentleman," and with that the tall uncle proceeded to toss and tousle the small nephew in a way that damaged his philosophical dignity as much as it delighted his boyish soul.

  54. He scorns all carefully-limited, compromising, philosophical statements of the case.

  55. The philosophical spirit in which it is written is deserving of unstinted praise, and justifies the belief that, in whatever Dr.

  56. For the position of this temple and that of Diana on the Aventine, a suburb which cannot be proved to have been then within any city wall, see Carter in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society for 1909, p.

  57. There were circumstances in Virgil's time which made it natural that a poet of a serious and philosophical turn of mind should be interested in the development of character and make it part of his great subject.

  58. Some years ago the great German philosophical lawyer, von Jhering, in an interesting work called the Evolution of the Aryan, made some most ingenious attempts to explain the origin of Roman divination.

  59. Clearly, then, Cicero in his philosophical writings of these years was affected by the current of mysticism that was then running.

  60. Norden believes, I may note, that the philosophical and religious elements in it are mainly derived from Posidonius.

  61. Cumont believes the deity to have been really Oriental, introduced by Greek philosophical theologians in the last century B.

  62. So, too, he was wanted by the philosophical speculators of the last century B.

  63. Whilst she will never tolerate radical agitation and demagoguical propagandism, she is ready for philosophical argument and discussion, and for historical and statistical comparison.

  64. Sure we are, that a fire that would consume all the theological and other philosophical speculations of the last two centuries, would be a happy God-send.

  65. Rules such as these, rules which would have appeared insupportable to the free and joyous spirit of Luther, and contemptible to the serene and philosophical intellect of Zwingle, threw over all life a more than monastic gloom.

  66. The Long Parliament had abolished the Star Chamber, but had, in spite of the philosophical and eloquent expostulation of Milton, established and maintained a censorship.

  67. It is not, however, likely that allegories of deep scientific or philosophical import were invented by savages.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "philosophical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    philosophical necessity; philosophical work; philosophical works