Archie had a vacuous expression, as of an ox stricken by a pole-axe.
She looked pinker and plumper than ever, and her hair--arranged in Madonna bands--gave her the vacuous expression of a stout Dutch doll.
For all the preposterous hat and the vacuous face, there was something noble in the simple faith of our visitor which compelled our respect.
Again a startled look came over the somewhat vacuous face of Miss Mary Sutherland.
As the divine power extends itself in every thing, so it contracts the essences of all things in a mass within itself; and having absorbed the whole in the divine entity, makes all nature a vacuous nullity.
The Sruti says: the vacuity of the heart is the seat of intelligence, which is the pith of the massa or muscular body, and the vacuous air is the seat of the soul, whose body is the triple world).
Do not trouble yourself, like the erroneous man, with the vain care of preserving your vacuous soul; nor suffer like him the pain of your confinement in the hollow of the pit, pot and others.
The god replied:--There being an only vacuous Intellect in existence, which is beyond all limit; it is impossible for an intelligible object to exist anywhere which may continue to all eternity.
The body being destroyed, the breath passes into the vacuous air; where it sees everything according to the desires, which it has wafted along with it, from the cells of the heart and mind.
This being a vacuity, contains all things in their vacuous state (which is neither the state of sensible existence, nor that of intellectual inexistence either).
It is thevacuous soul, unrestricted by time or place, immaculate by any figure or form, eternal and transcending our thought and knowledge.
When the aerial mind flies into the vacuous air, after the material frame is weakened and worn out; then the lifeless body remains as a block of wood or stone, and is called a dead mass by those that are living.
Such as vacuum and others, which are causes of sound and are caused by vacuous spirit of God (and not as the vacuists and materialists belief them, to be increate essences from eternity).
This intellect has a form more rare and transparent than the vacuous air, it is an ens which is the cause of all entities; and is not destroyed by destruction of the living body for want of vital breath.
All things that are seen to be stored in this vacant city, of the vacuous world, are all of them polluted by the lickerishness of the mind, licking at them from inside the house of its body.
When there was not this plenum of the world, or it existed in its spiritual or ideal forms; it is since then that this infinite entity has existed, in its vacuousform which is rarer than the ether.
I delight only in one vacuous entity, that has taken possession of my heart, and I take no pleasure in the royal gardens and sports, and thence I am thy fortunate princess as ever.
Boundless the deep, because I am who fill Infinitude; nor vacuous the space.
How beautiful she had thought the brown eyes that seemed only vacuous now.
The mouths belonging to the faces under the nodding feathers, old and young, handsome and ugly, vacuous and clever, silly and intellectual, were all prattling interrogations like the above.
Why had his brain and senses lain fallow all these months, a vacuous vegetation, an empty consciousness?
When posterity shall read of how the diseased mind of a single lunatic has stabbed history's richest pages with a sword of murder, rapacity and lust, it will turn a lip of contempt toward every nation that stood upon a vacuous neutrality.
He would have been vacuous indeed to ask if this thing were a joke, for Jeb's whole attitude condemned him.
And for whatever activities he might devise as distractions from his thoughts, fears of the vacuous nature of existence would always be man's ineluctable truth, and without agenda vacuous truth was his in excess.
However, this solitary behavior was only pleasant for a few hours and then self-containment seemed particularly vacuous and the blessing a curse.
It seemed to Nawin that the two of them were merely crows cawing at the night to give texture to the air and all vacuous substance in order to make themselves and their world seem real.
Tyndall's experiments concerning the vacuousspots in the ice.
The men, otherwise stolid and undemonstrative, affected a vacuous grin or giggle, but utterly devoid of any spark of joy or gladness.
No connected replies could we get, nothing beyond vacuouslaughter and gibbering chatter.
Sound from a vacuum cannot be heard in the Physical World, but the harmony which proceeds from the vacuous cavity of a celestial archetype is “the voice of the silence,” and it becomes audible when all earthly sounds have ceased.
Where the form was, a transparent, vacuous space is observable.
Gossip must often have been likened to the winged insect bearing pollen to the flowers; it fertilizes many a vacuous reverie.
He was a tall lank man, with a painfully vacuous countenance, and "Fie, for Shame!
But chancing to look up towards Sir Francis Clavering, Arthur saw a peculiar expression of alarm in the baronet's ordinarily vacuous face, and discreetly held his tongue.
Langford's jaws sagged, and he sat looking at Sheila with wide, staring, vacuous eyes.
He opened his mouth as if to speak, but instead it widened into a vacuous smile.
Then I shall tell you more--if you can stand more after this--fourteen sprawling andvacuous pages.
Then off he went, mozying through the congested aisles, with that vacuous stare about him that is assumed, usually, by a Jehue in a vaudeville show.
The smallest quantity of gas introduced into the exhausted vessel will at once completely fill the vacuous space, and, on this account, the whole expansion of the gas does not in reality take place in vacuo at all.
A and B, completely isolated from one another in a vacuous space.
It is to be noted that any vacuous space which we can experimentally arrange does not even approximately reproduce the conditions of true separation prevailing in interplanetary space.
In these respects, its expansion will correspond to that of a gas introduced into a vacuous space of unlimited extent.
The expansion of the gas has been assumed above to take place into a vacuous space, but a little consideration will show that this condition cannot be properly or even approximately fulfilled under ordinary experimental conditions.
The countenance of the young peer had changed from its usual vacuous and dissipated weakness into something which, bad as it was, had still a quality of strength.
Ballina said, with hisvacuous dissipated little simper.
But one cannot share the horror of the formless dark; the vacuous and tortured mind.