Abstinence from meat varies in the different bishoprics, according to the established custom or the bishop’s will.
By its influence, the days of abstinence from meat are reduced to Ash-Wednesday and the Fridays in Lent, the last three days of the holy week, and the eve of the great festivals.
To remove these the practice of mere abstinence may not be sufficient, and therefore one should habituate the mind to keep itself in positive good relations with our fellow-beings.
To practice abstinence as a religious exercise or duty; to abstain from food voluntarily for a time, for the mortification of the body or appetites, or as a token of grief, or humiliation and penitence.
Voluntary abstinence from food, for a space of time, as a spiritual discipline, or as a token of religious humiliation.
He who was under such a vow was bound by ceremonial observances of abstinence from certain acts (e.
But one case of fair conviction is enough; and that we have in the statement of the total abstinencefrom food for many years.
I endure hardships equally great, and, like you, I live in abstinence and solitude.
And you, my Thais, go and enjoy yourself, and be more happy still, if it be possible, in abstinence and austerity than you have been in riches and pleasure.
It would appear that various warm-blooded animals are capable of sustaining total abstinence much longer than human beings.
Abstinence from food, accompanied by signs of humiliation and repentance or grief, is to be found more or less in almost all religions.
Abstinence seems to have been in force; at any rate there was a clause forbidding wine and liquamen (probably cider or perry) out of the infirmary.
Like Johnson, he could practise abstinencemore easily than temperance.
Finding him still persevering in his abstinence from wine, I ventured to speak to him of it.
In the first place, while continence, or abstinence from sexual relations, is a valuable ideal in its place, it cannot be indefinitely extended with benefit either to the individual or to the race.
The first and most effective method of avoiding syphilis is abstinence from sexual relations and intimacies except in normal marriage with a healthy person.
On Christmas Eve the abstinence of the preceding days is partly broken, usually with fried fish, lettuce, and boiled spinach.
The wife, who enjoys a certain precedence in society, observes a customary abstinence in the absence of her husband.
The people are all expected to maintain a strict abstinence from eating grapes until the middle of August, the day set apart for the festival.
If she vow and bind herself by oath, to afflict her soul by fasting, or abstinence from other things, it shall depend on the will of her husband, whether she shall do it, or not do it.
By the Latin text it is not clear whether this abstinence was prescribed to the mother, or to the child; but the Hebrew (in which the verbs relating thereto are of the feminine gender) determineth it to the mother.
The first Christians practised abstinencefrom animal flesh, on a principle of self mortification.
When these proofs come fairly before the world, and are clearly seen by all who understand arithmetic, it is scarcely possible that abstinence from aliments demonstrably pernicious should not become universal.
I believe that abstinence from animal food and spirituous liquors would in a great measure capacitate us for the solution of this important question.
It is not unlawful for those that cannot totally fast, yet to use more abstinence and a more mortifying sort of diet than ordinary, for the exercises of repentance and mortification, in due time.
Grave writers say the cause of this abstinence is, that beans are difficult of digestion; that they stupify those who make use of them as food; and that hens who eat them cease to lay eggs.
These precautions on behalf of abstinence against the magiric genius were unceasingly met by a resistance, as energetic as it was truly Roman.
Juxon had been well treated by the parliament, in consequence of his prudent abstinence from politics, and residence in their quarters.
But mankind love sport as little as prayer by compulsion; and the immediate effect of the king's declaration was to produce a far more scrupulousabstinence from diversions on Sundays than had been practised before.
This fact, no doubt, is the reason why the Indians, by a curious aboriginal mode of reasoning, impose abstinence from sexual intercourse as a necessary part of the hikuli cult.
Fasting and abstinence form an integral part of the religion of these people.
Abstinence from drinking water for two days during droughts is sometimes observed.
These refer mainly to abstinence from mescal and women, and are conscientiously observed for five days before and five days after the occasion, by the family who arranges the dance.
For him to become really himself, perfectly clean from the stigmata of the inebriate mind, would have taken him at least six months of total abstinence from alcohol.
Sabbath observance" and total abstinence were his watchwords, and he also took a great interest in "Literature" and had pronounced views upon the subject.
Some of them make total abstinence into a religion and think that alcohol is the only Fiend to fight against.
That was an affair to be accomplished only by two or three years of abstinence and not always then.