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Example sentences for "alleyway"

Lexicographically close words:
alleviating; alleviation; alleviations; alley; alleys; alleyways; allez; allfired; allgemeinen; allgemeiner
  1. Here the hovers are along the back of the house and the work is done from an alleyway along the front.

  2. The window had been left wide open, to let in the fresh air, and as our hero stuck out his head and glanced down in the alleyway leading to the stables, he uttered an exclamation of surprise.

  3. Just emerging from the alleyway were three men on horseback, all equipped for camping out.

  4. Seeing an alleyway close at hand, he ran into this.

  5. I ran into the alleyway past Jackson's barn, and got over the fence, and he didn't come any further.

  6. He repeated these tactics over and over, sometimes covering only a few yards at a time, sometimes making as much as half a block, and sometimes even more when a friendly lane or alleyway offered him the opportunity.

  7. The sound of the pursuit came from well down the alleyway now, and the pursuers were lost to sight in the blackness.

  8. Across the intervening street the alleyway extended in the opposite direction, and if he could gain the other side, double on his tracks, he would, for the time being at least, be safe.

  9. Since we are on that subject, how would you go through that service entrance on the alleyway into the first floor of the municipal building?

  10. Now, did you check the several entrances on the alleyway which runs from Main to about halfway up the block and makes an L-turn and then runs to Pearl?

  11. That is the alleyway that runs from Pearl up to the back of the city hall building and then makes a right to Main Street?

  12. Did you drive it all the way up that alleyway up there?

  13. Barefoot, he ended up in the alleyway behind Kurt's again, with nowhere else to go.

  14. Carefully, slipping from doorway to doorway, slipping up the alleyway to the next, to the corner that led to the alley that led to Kurt's.

  15. As he reached the second landing of the escape he saw Merrick turn the corner of the alleyway and disappear on the street beyond.

  16. Then the youth got down on his hands and knees and looked over the edge of the tenement, on the alleyway side.

  17. On one side was something of an alleyway and beyond were other tenements, and the rear of a big building used for a factory and offices.

  18. A man came slinking out of an alleyway and followed me and my wife home.

  19. Afterwards, the foreman, decided, that was the reason he did it, that and the fact that the dark slinking figure of a man darted out of an alleyway and then darted back again.

  20. Suppose that man who darted into the alleyway had intended to kill us," he thought.

  21. In Thirty-second Street, at a corner near their apartment building, the figure of a man darted suddenly out of an alleyway and then darted back again.

  22. In Thirty-Second Street, at a corner near their apartment building, the figure of a man darted suddenly out of an alleyway and then darted back again.

  23. Afterward, the foreman decided that was the reason he did it, that and the fact that the dark slinking figure of a man darted out of an alleyway and then darted back again.

  24. An hour or more afterward I was aroused from reading a book in an alleyway aft by the third-class steward.

  25. In due time complete rotation in office was accomplished, but it was ever a late hour when the last gourmand emerged from the alleyway and carried his dripping utensils below.

  26. To have dumped the books in the first alleyway would have been easy, yet painful, for there runs a strain of Scotch in my veins.

  27. I descended to the alleyway between "dining-room" and barnyard, where I had seen the general washbasin, but found the landlady seated on the kitchen floor shelling into it peas for our almuerzo.

  28. Barely had I drowsed off, however, when there intruded the chattering of several men in the alleyway and yard directly outside my window.

  29. Brimmer's brief explanation to the surgeon was that he had run his face against something hard in a dark alleyway while in town.

  30. At last, as Dalzell reached the head of a short, narrow alleyway Tony caught up with him in the darkness that had now fallen.

  31. It being darker in the alleyway than it was outside, Tony did not recognize his captor.

  32. He also stood at the door of the alleyway to watch the man retained the quinine as far as the engine room entrance.

  33. When we lean over, the port shows first the roof of the alleyway dappled with bright reflections; then a circle of sky, which the horizon soon halves; and then the dazzling white and blue of the near waves; we reverse.

  34. I felt my way along a wet and dark iron alleyway which was giddily unstable, pressing hard against my feet, and then falling from under me.

  35. And in the saloon alleyway I used to think the store of potatoes, right behind, was generating gases.

  36. The remark came from Sam, after the boys who had been left in the alleyway had waited the best part of half an hour for the elder Rover's reappearance.

  37. Then all walked down the alleyway and toward the tenement, little dreaming of the surprise in store for them.

  38. Closing the door, Hal went along the alleyway till he came to a large cabin, above which was painted "Greasers.

  39. A notice above an alleyway caught his eye.

  40. They stood at the opening of the alleyway for a few moments then raced across the deck.

  41. He darted from the alleyway and raced across the slippery deck.

  42. The footsteps were coming down the alleyway toward the door.

  43. Then why in the world----" The little freshman fairly ran to the alleyway leading to her room.

  44. Just as I turned into Maria's alleyway to leave the three copies always provided for every contributor, she came dashing out of her room in such a headlong rush that I barely saved my equilibrium by a rapid jump to one side.

  45. Just as I emerged from the alleyway I caught sight of the small figure fluttering around the corner of a side staircase half way down the dimly lighted hall.

  46. Surely that was a cabin in the alleyway where I had heard the gasp, not far from my own cabin.

  47. The timbers of the ship creaked at intervals; the door of my cabin rattled; I could hear footsteps on deck and in the alleyway beside my door.

  48. I stood quite still in the alleyway for several minutes.

  49. There seemed to be no way out but the alleyway they had entered through.

  50. Despite the full moon, this narrow alleyway between a stone house and the city wall was almost as black as the bottom of a well.

  51. I shrank back into the alleyway as the door opened, and the Chinaman did not glance in my direction.

  52. But at the end of the alleyway was the saloon, the great common room of the cabin.

  53. I paused uncertainly upon the threshold; I didn't know which way to turn for concealment, and I had to get out of the alleyway quickly, for any moment a tradesman might come in behind me.

  54. Slyne blanched a little, in spite of himself, and at that moment a stifled shout came from behind some closed door at the end of the alleyway outside the airless saloon.

  55. She hurried below by the stairway behind the chart-house, and went straight along the alleyway to Reuben Yoxall's room.

  56. Slyne hesitated in his stride, stopped, and turned back into the alleyway which led to the saloon.

  57. Sallie, looking round, saw two limp figures huddled with hanging heads in the dark alleyway just beyond the door.

  58. When his mind went back to the hour alone in the alleyway he was puzzled, and stopping in the darkness, listened, hoping to hear again the voice, outside himself, that had so short a time before put new courage into his heart.

  59. On an impulse he turned out of the street and went into a little dark alleyway behind the sheds in which lived the cows and pigs.

  60. The sense of power that had come to him during the hour in the darkness of the alleyway remained with him and he talked boldly, swaggering along and swinging his arms about.

  61. Out of the alleyway and down the next street the lad ran, those behind being left farther in the rear at almost every stride.

  62. His roving eyes fell upon a little alleyway across the street, and into this he dashed at full speed, his pursuers hot on his trail.

  63. Had he made his way into this narrow alleyway unseen, it is likely he would have eluded his pursuers for good and all; but he didn't.

  64. When the boy reached the alleyway again he found that the fire department had gotten the fire under control, and that much of the crowd of people had gone on about their business.

  65. The alleyway had now become so choked up with vehicles, horses, and people that it was with great difficulty that he fought his way through the dense mass out to the next street.

  66. He noted how wide the alleyway was, how high surrounding fences, garages, and other obstructions were, and the lack of telephone poles or wires overhead.

  67. Swing across it and come down in that alleyway in its center.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alleyway" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alley; arterial; artery; avenue; bypass; byway; causeway; close; court; crescent; dike; drive; driveway; expressway; freeway; highroad; highway; lane; mews; parkway; pike; place; road; roadbed; roadway; row; street; terrace; thoroughfare; turnpike