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Example sentences for "broaching"

Lexicographically close words:
brittleness; britty; broach; broached; broaches; broad; broadaxe; broadcast; broadcasted; broadcaster
  1. And this brings me to a rather more serious matter, and one--one I am not broaching without reason.

  2. Several times in the week that had passed since her return, he had thought of broaching the subject of money, but had refrained.

  3. In some parts of the line, this tooling takes a definite form; when this is the case, the marking called the diamond broaching is most common.

  4. Is this broaching peculiar to a particular legion, or to a certain period?

  5. It behooves one to heed those conditions in broaching the countermining counter-irritant words if one would avoid blowing oneself analytically broadcast.

  6. You mightn't guess it but I am diffident about broaching this much that may sound like a plea, so I'll say no more of it.

  7. Up to the moment of broaching the eggs the morning has an ancient sameness with other mornings.

  8. He felt it was a discreditable fluctuation; he knew it would be a considerable expense; and so he took two weeks before he could screw himself up to broaching the matter.

  9. But before broaching this subject a preliminary question must be answered.

  10. The owner of the patent lacked capital, and a judicious investment might secure a share in the business; Joseph thought of broaching the subject with him next day.

  11. There ensued a break in the conversation; then Kirkwood said, with the abruptness of one who is broaching a difficult subject: 'I should like to tell you what it is that's going wrong with me.

  12. However, as long as we can keep her from broaching to, we shall do well enough.

  13. Holes were also drilled in front of this broaching line, and, when the excavation had been taken out to within about 6 ft.

  14. Occasionally, the broaching holes which were not loaded were filled with sand, which gave rather better results than leaving them open.

  15. Under the terms of the specifications, the contractor was required to complete the excavation on the sides by drilling broaching holes.

  16. The steering was a most difficult and anxious matter; there was considerable danger of broaching to, and our lives depended upon the watchful skill of the helmsman.

  17. That forecastle bulkhead is lined with sheet-iron on the other side to keep the crews from broaching cargo, and, even if we should cut through it, we would come against cargo in the hold, and would be no better off.

  18. Think a man that would kill Trego, or get him killed, would stop at broaching cargo to git his paws on this?

  19. She hated the idea of it, everyone saw that; and she would probably have liked to quarrel about it with her parents, but pride and modesty prevented her from broaching the subject.

  20. The Rangars, he resolved, must be made to take the blame for the broaching of the treasure.

  21. He proposed to go about the broaching even before hostilities between himself and his brother had commenced, and he expected to be able to trick the Rangars into seeming to be looting.

  22. A heavy sea struck us on our quarter, and hove her on her beam ends; immediately letting go the fore sheet relieved her, and again she righted, broaching to as she done so.

  23. The captain being near caught the wheel and prevented the ship from broaching to, which it must have done and perhaps to our entire loss, had not timely assistance been offered.

  24. Again the surf prevailed, broaching the craft, spilling the cargo.

  25. In short order a succession of plunging waves hit the stalled craft before they could completely unload, filling their sterns with water and sand, broaching them broadside.

  26. I hadn't thought of broaching this matter,' he said, with slow utterance, but still in a tone of perfect friendliness.

  27. Martin kept silence, and in a few minutes succeeded in broaching a wholly different subject.

  28. Broaching consists in forcing cutters through keyways or apertures, to dress their sides to shape.

  29. Therefore what this Gentleman says of trying Drink by first Pegging it before it is Tapp'd, in my Opinion is more just and right than relying on a limited time for Broaching such Beer.

  30. So Maudie disappeared in the direction of Ingleside, and Mrs. Whittaker seized the opportunity of broaching the important subject that was uppermost in her mind to Julia.

  31. But when it came to broaching them, it proved to be much more difficult than she had supposed.

  32. Insulting the girl by foul-mouthed remarks had not improved I feared my chance of broaching her, and for a while I desisted.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "broaching" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aperture; aspiration; bloodletting; cavity; chasm; check; clearing; cleft; crack; cupping; drafting; drainage; draining; drawing; emptying; fenestra; gap; gape; gat; gulf; hiatus; hole; hollow; inlet; interval; lacuna; leak; milking; orifice; outlet; passageway; phlebotomy; pore; slot; space; split; suction; tapping; yawn