Till he reached his Castellaye, Still he rode withouten rest; To his dear Dame he complained, Begged of her her counsel best.
It was Damsel Adelude, She took him in her arm: “Accursed be the wicked Dame Who caused us all this harm.
Society, as the grande dame knows it, is being expelled by the tourists from the places which until a year or two ago were expensive and exclusive.
She was essentially a grande dame of the old regime, now fast disappearing from our ken, but at no time could she be considered a great hostess.
Now, if ye are not minded to have a step-dame ruling here, make haste to strip me of these fine clothes, and show me a way to depart softly while 't is yet dark.
I will listen to Dame Reason in the Romaunt,--and Wat, and the ploughman, and my father.
The tavern door was shut, but there was a noise of singing within, and Dame Emma came at the knock.
Dame Emma came to her tavern door and stood beneath the ale-stake, looking out across to her neighbor's cot, where a yellow-haired maid sat in the window.
Even the tavern was dark: Dame Emma had shut out her roisterers and made her house a house of mourning, for that the Black Prince was dead.
And Dame Emma flounced her skirts in a huff and turned her indoors.
Calote bethought her, sorrowful, that there would be no Dame Emma and kindly Hobbe to take up her quarrel in other taverns.
Dame Emma hath fell a-weeping and shut her tavern door.
I saw thee in Paul's churchyard, Calote," Dame Emma called cheerily; and she smiled a sly smile.
In the lane something grunted and thrust a wet snout against her bare foot; one of Dame Emma's pigs had strayed.
He is of the household of the Earl of March; even a kinsman by 's bearing," renewed Dame Emma.
Beneath Dame Emma's ale-stake they sat drinking, with women on their knees.
May it therefore please your worships to discharge the said James Fraser from any farther attendance on the said Dame Public, and to order him to return to the care and inspection of your petitioners and their families.
But the strongest fortress and sternest virtue have weak points, and require unremitting vigilance to guard them: let warrior and dame take warning from the fate of Zahara.
As the host drew nearer they descried a stately dame magnificently attired, whom they soon discovered to be the queen.
I am obliged to deny so foul an imputation upon the fair fame of dame Nature.
Dame {42} Nature, a prude though she be, seemed pleased that she had belaboured our courage with so little success.
The lover in La Dame aux Camélias was played by a young Italian named Lavaggi, as handsome as an Antinous, a type which I often encountered in Piedmont.
The sun had begun to shine again, the damp flags and streamers had dried themselves in its cheering rays, even as I had renewed myself at Dame Wynn's fire, and I crossed the race-course.
As the tinker was devoted to his poor wife, so was Anselo and his dame devoted to their child.
We rose to depart, the old dame offered back to L.
She's like a dark sister of Notre Dame de la Garde, who watches over Marseilles, isn't she?
Notre Dame de la Garde looked no longer like a building made by man, but like a great sacred swan crowned with gold, and nested on a mountain-top.
That great copper-coloured church high on the hill is Notre Dame d'Afrique," said the girl.
A background of wild mountain ranges, whose tortured peaks shone opaline through long rents in mist veils, lent an air of romance to the scene, and Notre Dame de la Garde loomed nobly on her bleached and arid height.
The ancient dame was up with the sun the next day, and made Gerna and Gelert get up too, that no time might be lost in looking for the Piskey-purse.
The next day and the next it blew, and the more it blew, and the faster it snowed, the more the ancient dame shivered and shook; and all day long she kept Betty busy piling up dry furze on the hearth, till there was none left to put.
The child dropped the pocket into the great sea-chest very quickly, for the ancient dame again called up the stairs to ask if she were in bed, and then came up to see if she were.
When Gerna was sound asleep, the ancient dame began to look into every corner of the little chamber, as if she, too, were searching for something.
The dreadful weather still continued, and when the faggot was all burnt, the dame again began to shiver and shake with cold, and said she should die this time, as there was no warmth left to keep life in her.
The ancient dame was even more vexed than Gerna thought she would be, and sent her at once to bed, and Gelert had to sit on the hedge alone to watch the Piskeys dancing; but they never appeared on the headland, for all his watching.
At the flow of the tide the children were again hurried off to the beach to search for the lost Piskey-purse, the old dame loudly lamenting that she was not able to go with them, owing to the hurt to her toe.
Perhaps old Dame Nature in her garnered wisdom could have explained the riddle.
Surely it must be some cunning wile of old Dame Nature's--whose chief concern is, after all, the continuation of the species.
The old dame who gave her the key--accepting a shilling in exchange with voluble gratitude--impressed upon her the urgent necessity for returning it on her way back.
And shall not the same wise old Dame know how to add a glamour to the sons of men when one of them goes forth to seek his mate?
The old dame who kept the keys of the castle rose from her supper as the honk, honk of a motor-horn broke on her startled ears.
Hof that 'aughty dame hover at Drury Lane, who won't kiss and make hup?
To London, Bessie, and once there I 'll take Dame Fortune by the throat and strangle the hussy till she gives me what I deserve.
The song sung by Dame Heron in 'Marmion,' one of Scott's longest and most famous poems.
Notre Dame de la Delivrande was nearer, and it suited just as well.
There La Dame de la Delivrande had been concealed with so much precaution that the good fathers said mass there clandestinely.
Well, take care of thyself, good fellow, and beware thou doest not provoke Dame Betty too far; she has a rare relish for calling people witches.
Well, the fowl was served for dinner, and the minister and his good wife ate heartily, likewise Dame Betty.
And then Dame Betty showed her, as she had many others, from behind the blinds, Jonathan as he was plaguing the poor fowls.
One day Dame Betty walked into the minister's study, and said, "Master, come and see for thyself.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dame" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.