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Example sentences for "uncouth"

Lexicographically close words:
uncouple; uncoupled; uncoupling; uncourteous; uncourtly; uncouthly; uncouthness; uncovenanted; uncover; uncovered
  1. My ways are uncouth beside those of royal blood.

  2. Then, from this lovely and patrician face, the Italian's eyes wandered to Teddy's coarse and unformed features, and figure of uncouth strength.

  3. He made progress with his writings on the Olympian Religion, without regard to Acton's warnings and exhortations to read a score of volumes by learned explorers with uncouth names.

  4. Darker than these dark waves, there stand in their bosom hundreds of submerged trees, and dismasted roots still upright, spreading their vast, uncouth limbs like enormous spiders beneath the surface.

  5. That uncouth blunder soon got known throughout Paris, and gave me a sort of reputation which I lost little by little, but only when I understood the double meanings of words better.

  6. But the uncouth fellow, taking a very high tone, said loudly that he must know what I had done with the furniture.

  7. A great number are so rude and uncouth that, taken alone, we should have little reason to suspect that they had been chipped by man: some, on the other hand, show signs of skilful working.

  8. While it enriches the bank, its uncouth shape, unless the fence is too much in view, and all its other unpleasant appearances, are concealed.

  9. In the case of the goat, because of its strange and uncouth shape, it is more than ludicrous; it is weird.

  10. How majestic and yet uncouth they loomed before me!

  11. The sight of those round, sharp black horns made our flesh creep; indeed, the whole aspect of the uncouth animal was terrifying.

  12. It was a thick, uncouth utterance, as though the speaker's natural brogue were assisted by the presence of a ball of yarn.

  13. Yet our names are uncouth in the ears of the Franks, and bear, perhaps, a heathenish sound.

  14. She told him that the wine had run out, and he answered in the most uncouth manner, "Woman, what have I to do with thee?

  15. For mercy to mankind I am not deemed Worthy of mercy; but in this uncouth Appointment am fixed here, A spectacle dishonorable to Jove!

  16. Dederick Perpetual Hay Press, I consented to take a leading part, and although I could generally worry through a little light comedy, I had not then learned how rough and uncouth I appeared as the heavy lover.

  17. When they see and hear a Negro shout, weep and pray and then find that same person uncouth and dirty, they cannot reconcile the two conditions, and so doubt the spiritual element which they call Emotionalism.

  18. Rough uncouth actions and gestures cause ugly lines in the face.

  19. One would never imagine any rough, uncouth gesture from Christ, who is the "pattern of patterns.

  20. Two hours later a rough, uncouth looking man appears at the servants' entrance, and asks to see Mr. Lamotte.

  21. An uncouth or disagreable sound of words, owing to the concurrence of harsh letters or syllables.

  22. One sent forth the praises of Athelstane in a doleful panegyric; another, in a Saxon genealogical poem, rehearsed the uncouth and harsh names of his noble ancestry.

  23. That trickst thy tongue with uncouth strange disguize, Extolling highly that with speeches proud To mortall men that humane state denies, And rashly blaming what thou never knew Let men experienc’d speak, if they’ll speak true.

  24. Witnesse that uncouth bird of Arabie Which out of her own ruines doth revive With all th’ exploits of skillfull Chymistrie, Such as no vulgar wit can well believe.

  25. And what thou dost Pedantickly object Concerning my rude rugged uncouth style, As childish toy I manfully neglect, And at thy hidden snares do inly smile.

  26. And when men win thy meaning with much pain, Thy uncouth sense they coldly entertain.

  27. He gave a sort of uncouth grimace and stuck the black cigar once more into his mouth.

  28. I even promised that I would hide my uncouth sentiments in my own breast.

  29. In a little narrow street, crowded with our pack-mules and with a swarm of uncouth Arabs, we alighted, and through a kind of a hole in the wall entered the hotel.

  30. Towards the decline of the fifteenth century, the uncouth essays of Martin Schön, Michael Wolgemuth, and Albrecht Altorfer, were succeeded by the finer polish and the more dexterous method of Albert Durer.

  31. The hearth's decaying brands were red, And deep and dusky luster shed, Half showing, half concealing, all The uncouth trophies of the hall.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "uncouth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.