In the meanwhile, I perceived that she ran a very considerable risque of being carried off by some mustachoed Pole, with a name like a sneeze, who might pretend to enjoy the entree into the fashionable circles of the continent.
It is my firm conviction then, that you will incur the certainty of failure and run the risque of injuring your literary fame by publishing the MS.
Let us not then risque the chance of another failure, but try to avoid the rock upon which we then split.
You would almost have said they were trying to extort from his eyes the confession of some risque secret he was doubtless keeping well covered up and hidden; a secret everybody knew.
At such times Pedro, the Andalusian with the risque stories and the spicy songs, felt the numbing, evil humor of his engineer, and grew still.
I feel much hurt that, after all the loss of health, and risque of fortune, another should be thanked for that which I did, and against his orders.
The humblest individual felt himself a hero; and had a great right so to feel, since every individual was eagerly prepared to risque his life for the safety and glory of his king and country.
It now remains to point out means by which Torpedoes may be used to advantage with the least possible risque to the assailants.
Auburn Risque straightened himself and glared upon all the besiegers, till his pock-marked face grew white as leprosy, and every spot in his secretive eye faded out in the glitter of his defiance.
The horse is always sure of a proprietor, and with horses Mr. Risquewas more at home than with men.
It was in this hour of ruin that the genius of Mr. Auburn Risque was manifest.
The others have systems also, from Auburn Risque to Simp, the only son of the richest widow in Louisiana, who disbursed of old in Paris ten thousand dollars annually.
Mr. Risque's five francs, and Mr. Risque walks away like a somnambulist.
Alice, "nor run the risque of your life to draw their portraits!
I know a well-meaning Man that is very well pleased to risque his good Fortune upon the Number 1711, because it is the Year of our Lord.
The risque of your being discovered is too great, and I will not expose myself to so dangerous a temptation.
She now endeavoured to make her Daughter aware of the risque which She had ran: But She was obliged to treat the subject with caution, lest in removing the bandage of ignorance, the veil of innocence should be rent away.
Here you run no risque of a discovery, and I would advise your remaining quiet for the next two or three hours.
I, impatiently interrupting him; 'I have no other resource: I run still greater risque of perishing with cold by passing the night in the Forest.
It was here that He ran the greatestrisque of a discovery.
She had listened attentively to Matilda: She heard Lorenzo's name mentioned, and resolved to risque every thing to throw herself under his protection.
The absence of my Husband's Sons gave me an opportunity which I had long wished to find, and I resolved to risque every thing to preserve the Stranger.
Annum though attended by no additional expence to Government but entirely at their own risque and which they have determined immediately to execute should your Lordships arrangement take place.
If, when the veteran has served you at the risque of life, you withold his hire; it will be in vain to threaten usury and extortion with imprisonment and fines.
You are crouded into the carriage, to the number of eight persons, so as to sit very uneasy, and sometimes run the risque of being stifled among very indifferent company.
He must even change his buckles, and the form of his ruffles; and, though at the risque of his life, suit his cloaths to the mode of the season.
They make their appearance in vine-leaves, and are always half raw, in which condition the French choose to eat them, rather than run the risque of losing the juice by over-roasting.
Indeed there is no other way of going from hence to Genoa, unless you take a mule, and clamber along the mountains at the rate of two miles an hour, and at the risque of breaking your neck every minute.
For, ought an innocent man to run an equal risque with a guilty one?
It is this love of his country which stimulates man to the noblest deeds; and, leaving all other considerations, only obedient to its call, separates him from his most tender connections, and makes him risque his life in its defence.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "risque" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.