I never can bely so good a father; But this I'll do: The message shall be faithfully delivered, And all the strumpet stand exposed to shame.
Misses there were, but modestly concealed; Whitehall the naked Venus first revealed, Who standing as at Cyprus in her shrine, The strumpet was adored with rites divine.
Forgets the children he begot and bred, And makes a strumpet heiress in their stead.
Forgets, at morn, with whom he supped at night; Forgets the children he begot and bred; 340 And makes a strumpet heiress in their stead.
I called my neighbours and pointed out that Ali was not earning sufficient money to support me and his two children, let alone a new wife, a strumpet who was stealing my husband, and the bread from my children's mouths.
Strumpet yourself; everyone knows you are no better than you ought to be.
Look you, Captain; neither you nor your noble strumpet at your side shall bribe me to commit further crime.
Mark his libidinous eye, as he follows that painted strumpet to her filthy den.
You are a strumpet's daughter, my dear; you must be a strumpet yourself, if you wish to be anything.
The strumpet and the journalist, and she was not the one of the two who sold herself most shamelessly!
France is a bawd to Fortune and King John- That strumpet Fortune, that usurping John!
And this is Edward's wife, that monstrous witch, Consorted with that harlot strumpet Shore, That by their witchcraft thus have marked me.
Zounds, we'll hire some strumpet or other to be sworn against him.
I must be made a strumpet 'gainst my will, A name I have abhorr'd; a shameful ill I have eschewed; and now cannot withstand it In myself.
I maintain A strumpet with a Brabo and her bawd, To beard me out of my authority?
This former and present strumpet who received visits from her fellow no less than three times while you were ill, and who in addition to everything else has your money wholly in her hands.
After the wicked deed, Holz reminded Beethoven that Johann van Beethoven had said that Karl knew every strumpet in Vienna and that investigation had disclosed that he was right.
Never shall noble knee bend to this ground, As long as that vile strumpet liveth crownd.
Will you dismisse this Strumpet to the stewes, Or our allegance in this act refuse?
Friends, draw your swords, first strike the strumpet dead.
For the third degree, they prouided Bridewell, where the vagabond and idlestrumpet is chastised, and compelled to labour, to the ouerthrow of the vicious life of idlenes.