Palliative treatment will meet with success in a considerable proportion of cases, especially when there is no great hypertrophy of the sphincter muscles.
The one effectual palliative in my case, is--opium.
The hope, if I could only live long enough, of increasing it to a certain sum, has impelled me to resist the disease by such palliative means as I could devise.
However, Miss Arkroyd was under obligation to invent something of a palliative nature, and in the effort Cordelia's voice lapsed.
Suppose that young monkey were to say he posted the letter, and say nothing about the palliative typewriting!
The palliative treatment of hernia is by reduction and retention.
They gave her palliative treatment, and told her that to interfere with the morbid growth would only shorten her life, and that by leaving it alone she might live several years.
By what we term palliative treatment alone more cures are effected than by the old process of treatment with nitric acid.
A drop of camphor in a single teaspoonful of water, given every twenty minutes, for an hour or so, is also a good palliative of nausea.
As to the reduction of such a dislocation, the most that can be done is to diminish the deformity and functional disability by traction and palliative measures with apparatus.
This will always retain its place in operative surgery as a palliative and life-saving operation for carcinomatous stenosis of the lower part of the colon, and in cases of carcinoma of the rectum in which operation is not feasible.
Palliative philanthropy is, as the author says, "like standing upon the brink of the pit of hell and throwing snow balls in to lower the temperature.
The fundamental principle of trade unionism is of a revolutionary character and, as such, it never was and never can be a mere palliative for the adjustment of Labor to Capital.
When, in spite of palliative treatment, the affection persists or relapses, it is best to excise the bursa.
It is characterised by the usual symptoms, and is treated by palliative measures, or by ligation of the artery above and below the point of communication.
Nothing remains, then, but to acknowledge the inability to discover it, to advocate poulticing, or some other expectant palliative measure, and to bring the case up for further examination at no distant date.
As a palliative for lameness when confined to the foot, one would imagine that the plantar operation would be all sufficient.
Perhaps a third case for palliative treatment is, those lies which attend the first sense of badness.
It is often an effective school of moral description, a palliative for profanity, and expresses the natural craving for superlatives.
The palliative treatment, as well as the radical operative, is fully described, enabling the general practitioner to treat many of his own patients without referring them to a specialist.
Preliminary palliative treatment as now used greatly lessened the number of failures.
Olshausen,[177] a great authority in gynecology, used thepalliative treatment, and he commonly waited for nine months after the infection and until the temperature was normal.
Goth[178] reported excellent results in seven hundred cases of pelvic disease treated by the palliative method.
By delay andpalliative treatment the virulence of the bacteria subsides, except where the woman is reinfected by her husband.
Some poor palliative is probably all we shall obtain.
Any palliative would take from us all those arguments and friends, that would be satisfied with accommodation.
When they become so, it will remain to look about for the best palliativethis monopoly can bear.
The treatment of cardiac neuralgia is (1) prophylactic, and (2) palliative of the attacks.
A remedy for inveterate neuralgia which of late years I had almost discarded--the actual cautery--has quite recently yielded me very good palliative results in two cases.
Perfectly valueless for the really severe neuralgias, it is of the greatest possible use as a palliative in migraine and clavus, where the great object, for the moment, is to get the patient to sleep.
If we value books as the great palliative of solitude and help to mental independence, let us not undervalue those intelligent periodicals that keep our minds modern and prevent us from living altogether in some other century than our own.
There is also the great palliative of occasional direct correspondence with those who understand our pursuits; and here we have the advantage of using our own tongues, not physically, but at least in an imaginative way.
The palliative treatment of both varieties of external piles is the same.
Could this be effected by applications to the minister, it would only be a palliative which would retard the ultimate cure, so much to be wished for and aimed at by every friend to this country, as well as to America.
But unless the normal elastic and contractile powers of the stomach are restored, the treatment with the stomach-tube, indispensable as it is for the relief of symptoms, is only palliative and not curative.
In the palliative treatment of this very common malady no great amount of relief can be afforded.
Tapping is a palliative expedient which must sometimes be considered.
In any case the benefit derived from treatment must be merely palliative and temporary.
But there are many reasons why we should try other palliative remedies.
All are agreed that hygienic treatment constitutes an essential, if not the most valuable, part of the curative and palliative management of chronic rheumarthritis.
Too often the treatment with the stomach-tube proves only palliative and not curative.
There are two ways in which we may treat them; we may adopt either curative or palliative remedies.
Palliative and indirect remedies, aimed rather at the consequences than at the source of the disorder, are often adopted with benefit.
Is there then, let us ask ourselves, if the suffrage with its programme of feminism is barred as leading to social disaster, any palliative or corrective that can be applied to the present discontents of woman?
The patient may obtain palliative relief from its use, but suffers when he attempts to leave it off; consequently, without fully realizing the danger which he incurs, he continues the remedy until he is enslaved.
From such a vantage-point the technologist might possibly go forward to discover a palliative against the decay of documents and printed paper.
She knew perfectly well who he was, and she knew perfectly well that no palliative view could possibly be taken by any well-bred person of her bearing toward him.
Palford's summing up of him was that he was of a type with which nothing palliative could be done.
As she grew older she found out that she was not really so bad as she had thought, though she was obliged to concede that nothing palliative could be said about the temper.
He did not find consolation in the use of the palliative adjective as applied to himself.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "palliative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.