In seigniorial towns, especially in those acknowledging an ecclesiastical lord, great progress was made toward an approximation of the rights enjoyed by the royal towns and cities.
Sidenote: Gradual approximation of the nobility to present-day society.
All in all, except for regions where frontal activity is occurring, the weather maps give a workable approximation to the average meteorological conditions on a given night.
Until the true situation with respect to the vertical distribution of flight is better understood, it seems hardly worthwhile to sacrifice the convenience of this approximation to a rigorous interpretation of scanty data.
I look upon this as a not impossible result of muscular exertion in women, the development of muscle, muscular attachments, and bony frame leading to approximation to the male.
Nevertheless, he had learned to square the circle with a close approximation to the truth, and, in general, his measurement sufficed for all his practical needs.
Archimedes solved also the problem of the relation of the diameter of the circle to its circumference; his answer being a close approximation to the familiar 3.
In this state of the general problem, the ancient methods of indefinite approximation having prepared the way, Kepler came to his solution of questions which regarded the capacity of vessels.
The two former were desirous to efface the reproaches of an approximation to Calvinism, and of a disobedience to the Catholic church, under which their Jansenist party was labouring.
The obscurity and subtlety of this proposition are not relieved by the demonstration; but in some of these passages we may observe a singular approximation to the theory of Malebranche.
The science which has this approximation for its aim, is polity.
But since these two lie infinitely apart, the approximation of the natural to the pure impulse is an infinite progression.
The transition of the faith of the Church to the pure faith of reason is the approximation to the kingdom of God, to which, however, we can only approach nearer and nearer in an infinite progress.
To attain such perfection, is given to few; but a greater or less approximation may be made to it.
Personal Beauty, the great point of approximation between the world of sense and the world of Ideas.
The Kosmos is perpetually in movement; but its movement is only rotatory or circular in the same place: which is the nearest approximation to uniformity of movement.
We thus see (says Sokrates in conclusion), in reference to the debate with Philebus, that Pleasure stands neither first nor second in the scale of approximation to Good.
Excluding these violent pleasures, but retaining the others in company with Reason and Truth--we shall secure that perfect and harmonious mixture which makes the nearest approximation to Good.
This represents an approximationbetween income and outgo which it would be hard to improve.
Thus an approximation would be made to a steadiness and uniformity of price, which if attainable would conduce to the decided advantage of mercantile and mechanical operations.
Essay (as it is in the Origin) yet the present section seems to me a distinct approximation to it.
This is an approximation to the author's views on trans-tropical migration (Origin, Ed.
For here, as before pointed out in the Alleghenies, all the great thicknesses are sometimes found in close approximation and in a region only a few miles in diameter.
Already during the dictatorship of Pompeius a remarkable approximationhad taken place between them.
The project of the democracy, which pointed beyond the senate at Pompeius, suggested an approximation between that general and the senate.
If we can determine what we want with so close an approximation to the true position that no telescope could possibly disclose the difference, then every practical end will have been attained.
If we observe all the eclipses in a period of eighteen years, or nineteen years, then we can predict, with at least an approximation to the truth, all the future eclipses for many years.
What we can say is that the region containing the visible stars has some approximation to a boundary.
This theory has the advantage of enabling us to calculate, with some approximation to exactness, at what rate the sun must be contracting in order to keep up the supply of heat which it radiates.
It is free from superficial trappings and fuss; permits of no slackapproximation and evasion of the point, all of which comes from that shrinking from effort and hardship that is so incompatible with the spirit of positive action.
Without exaggeration, it may be stated to be the closest approximation of representative government which China has ever known.
She read and re-read the letter in which he offered her marriage; she tried to see in his formal phrases some approximation to a consuming love, but in vain.
By the time they reached the shop, Mavis had quite emerged from the sobriety of her demeanour to become an approximation to her old light-hearted self.
And it is especially remarkable that, in the development of the posterior lobes, there is no approximation to the Lemurine, short hemisphered brain, in those monkeys which are commonly supposed to approach this family in other respects, viz.
They proceed by tracing the consequences of certain assumptions; leaving for separate consideration whether the assumptions are true or not, and if not exactly true, whether they are a sufficiently near approximation to the truth.
The translation that passes for good is an approximation which has original value as a work of art and can stand by itself.
We should have to add to these Mind and the Hibbert Journal to get even an approximation to the scope of the Italian review.
Consequently it was usual to employ only those keys whose notes were tuned with someapproximation to accuracy.
The Clavier works also can be dated with some approximation to closeness.
This does all that is needful for the first approximation to a planet's motion.
It is still used for the first rough approximation to the prediction of eclipses, and to calculate Easter.
Even when it is solved it will be only a close approximation to the case of earth, moon, and sun, for these bodies are not spherical, and are not rigid.
There is a third possible alternative: may they not alternately approach and recede from him, so as on the whole to maintain a fair approximation to their present distances, without great and violent extremes of temperature either way?